Questionnaire Text

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Section E: Employment and economic activities - ask of all persons 15 years and older listed on the flap
[Questions P-30 to P-39 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

P-30 Employment status

P-31 Temporary absence from work
Even though (the person) did not do any of these activities in the last seven days, does he/she have a job, business, or other economic or farming activity that he/she will definitely return to?

[Question P-31 was asked of persons who were not working in the last seven days, per questions P-30a to P-30g.]
For agricultural activities, the off season in agriculture is not a temporary absence.
If 1 "Yes" Go to P-36.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Do not know

P-32 Reasons for not working
Why did (the person) not work during the past seven days?

[Question P-32 was asked of persons who were not working in the last seven days, per questions P-30a to P-30g.]
[] 01 Has found a job, but is only starting at a definite date in the future
[] 02 Scholar/student and prefers not to work
[] 03 Housewife/homemaker and prefers not to work
[] 04 Retired and prefers not to seek formal work
[] 05 Invalid, ill, disabled or unable to work (handicapped)
[] 06 Too young or too old to work
[] 07 Seasonal worker, e.g. fruit picker, wool-shearer
[] 08 Lack of skills or qualifications for available jobs
[] 09 Cannot find work
[] 10 Cannot find suitable work (salary, location of work or conditions not satisfactory)
[] 11 Contract worker, e.g. mine worker resting according to contract
[] 12 Retrenched
[] 13 Other reason
Write code in the box.
_ _

P-33 Availability for work
If a suitable job is offered, how soon can (the person) start work?

[Question P-33 was asked of persons who were not working in the last seven days, per questions P-30a to P-30g.]
[] 1 Within a week
[] 2 Within two weeks
[] 3 Within four weeks
[] 4 More than four weeks from now
[] 5 Not interested
[] 6 Not able (health or disability)
[] 7 Do not know
Write code in the box.

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5.6. Section E: Employment and Economic Activities

This section is to be asked for every person fifteen (15) years and older listed on the flap.

(P-30a) In the last 7 days, did (the person) run or do any kind of business, big or small, for himself / herself or with one or more partners even for only one hour?
Stress the reference period of the last 7 days. Note that it includes any activity up to the day before the interview.

Also note the phrase, "even for only one hour". It must be clear that the time frame is per category and not in conjunction with other activities. Thus, for each category, a person should be engaged for at least one hour in the last seven days to answer "Yes" to that category. You must go through each part of the question slowly and thoroughly, reading out examples and ensuring the respondent understands each part before answering "Yes"," No" or "Do not know".


Note: An answer is required and must be recorded for each question "Yes", "No" or "Do not know" should be recorded for each activity.

(P-30b): In the last 7 days, did (the person) do any work for a wage, salary, commission or payment in kind (excluding domestic work) even for only one hour?
This includes all types of paid employment, even for one hour, in the last seven days, paid either in cash or in kind, for example, with food, clothing or accommodation. Probe particularly for: casual work, piece jobs and part-time work.

Note: Exclude domestic work - this should be recorded only under P-30c.

(P-30c): In the last 7 days, did (the person) do any work as a domestic worker for a wage, salary or payment in kind even for only an hour?
It is important to note that this question refers to domestic work that a person does as an employee of a particular household and is receiving some sort of remuneration for doing it. Household gardeners also come under this category. They are different from gardeners employed by institutions or organisations.

It excludes the normal housework that is done by members of the household for no pay at all.

(P-30d): In the last 7 days, did (the person) help unpaid in a household business of any kind even for only one hour?
This is a common activity, especially for young people in some areas, and must be probed for. It is often missed in surveys. Make it very clear that a household business does not mean helping out with the housework at home.

(P-30e): In the last 7 days, did (the person) do any work on his/her own on the household's plot, farm, food garden, cattle post or kraal, or help in growing farm produce or in looking after animals for the household even for only one hour?
In areas where agriculture or grazing is possible, this activity is common in certain seasons and must be probed for.

These activities are also commonly missed in surveys. It is expected that many young persons in the old homeland areas will do these activities, particularly during the school holidays.

(P-30f): In the last 7 days, did (the person) do any construction or major repair work on his/her own home, plot, cattle post or business even for only one hour?
This question differs from P-30e in that it only refers to construction and major repair work while P-30e refers to farming activities.

(P-30g): In the last 7 days, did (the person) catch any fish, prawns, shellfish, wild animals, either as food for sale or for household use, even for only one hour?
Mark a "Yes", "No" or "Don't know" for each person.

If "yes" for a person to any of the questions from p-30a to p-30g, go to p-36 for that person.


Even if the person did only one of the mentioned activities even for at least one hour during the past 7days the skip to Question P-36 is still valid.

If "no" to all questions from p-30a to p-30g, continue with p-31 to p-35 for that person.

(P-31): Temporary absence from work: Even though (the person) did not do any of these activities in the last seven days, does he/she have a job, business, or other economic or farming activity that he/she will definitely return to?
This question is only to be asked of those persons who have not been engaged in any activities in the last 7 days, i.e. No to all of P-30a to P-30g.

The most common group is people on leave, e.g. annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave or any other leave. They did not work in the last 7 days, but they have a job to go back to and should be recorded as active in their usual job.

Note that if a person is not working because of the off-season in agriculture or other seasonal industries, he/she is not to be regarded as temporarily absent. He/she is regarded as unemployed or not economically active until the next season begins.

If the answer is "No", continue with P-32.

If the answer is "Yes", Go to P-36.

(P-32) Reasons for not working: Why did (the person) not work during the past seven days?
This question must only be answered for the person who answered "No" to all the questions P-30a to P-30g and P-31.

Do not read out the categories; let the person give the reason without being influenced by the categories. Mark only one reason.

If the person has found a job and has a definite starting date (Code 01), do not ask P-33 to P-39 - Go to P-40.

(P-33) Availability for work: If a suitable job is offered, how soon can (the person) start work?
This question should only be asked of persons who answered "No" in P-31.

(P-34) During the past four weeks, has (the person) taken any action to look for any kind of work?
The person, who went to visit factories or other employment places, placed or answered advertisements, looked for work should answer "Yes".

(P-35) During the past four weeks, has (the person) taken any action to start any kind of business?
The person who went looking for land or a building or equipment to start their own business or farm should answer, "Yes".