Questionnaire Text

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Section E: Employment and economic activities - ask of all persons 15 years and older listed on the flap
[Questions P-30 to P-39 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

P-34 Active steps seeking work
During the past four weeks, has (the person) taken any action to look for any kind of work?

[Question P-34 was asked of persons who were not working in the last seven days, per questions P-30a to P-30g.]
Mark appropriate box with an X.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Do not know

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5.6. Section E: Employment and Economic Activities

This section is to be asked for every person fifteen (15) years and older listed on the flap.

If "yes" for a person to any of the questions from p-30a to p-30g, go to p-36 for that person.


Even if the person did only one of the mentioned activities even for at least one hour during the past 7days the skip to Question P-36 is still valid.

If "no" to all questions from p-30a to p-30g, continue with p-31 to p-35 for that person.

(P-34) During the past four weeks, has (the person) taken any action to look for any kind of work?
The person, who went to visit factories or other employment places, placed or answered advertisements, looked for work should answer "Yes".