P-32 Reasons for not working
Why did (the person) not work during the past seven days?
[] 01 Has found a job, but is only starting at a definite date in the future
[] 02 Scholar/student and prefers not to work
[] 03 Housewife/homemaker and prefers not to work
[] 04 Retired and prefers not to seek formal work
[] 05 Invalid, ill, disabled or unable to work (handicapped)
[] 06 Too young or too old to work
[] 07 Seasonal worker, e.g. fruit picker, wool-shearer
[] 08 Lack of skills or qualifications for available jobs
[] 09 Cannot find work
[] 10 Cannot find suitable work (salary, location of work or conditions not satisfactory)
[] 11 Contract worker, e.g. mine worker resting according to contract
[] 12 Retrenched
[] 13 Other reason
Write code in the box.
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If "yes" for a person to any of the questions from p-30a to p-30g, go to p-36 for that person.
Even if the person did only one of the mentioned activities even for at least one hour during the past 7days the skip to Question P-36 is still valid.
If "no" to all questions from p-30a to p-30g, continue with p-31 to p-35 for that person.
(P-32) Reasons for not working: Why did (the person) not work during the past seven days?
This question must only be answered for the person who answered "No" to all the questions P-30a to P-30g and P-31.
Do not read out the categories; let the person give the reason without being influenced by the categories. Mark only one reason.
If the person has found a job and has a definite starting date (Code 01), do not ask P-33 to P-39 - Go to P-40.