Questionnaire Text

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Section E: Employment and economic activities - ask of all persons 15 years and older listed on the flap
[Questions P-30 to P-39 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

P-30 Employment status

P-30b In the last 7 days, did (the person) do any work for a wage, salary, commission or payment in kind (excluding domestic worker) even for only one hour?

Examples: a regular job, contract, casual or piece work for pay, work in exchange for food or housing.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Do not know

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5.6. Section E: Employment and Economic Activities

This section is to be asked for every person fifteen (15) years and older listed on the flap.

(P-30b): In the last 7 days, did (the person) do any work for a wage, salary, commission or payment in kind (excluding domestic work) even for only one hour?
This includes all types of paid employment, even for one hour, in the last seven days, paid either in cash or in kind, for example, with food, clothing or accommodation. Probe particularly for: casual work, piece jobs and part-time work.

Note: Exclude domestic work - this should be recorded only under P-30c.