Questionnaire Text

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P-18 Province of previous residence
In which province did (the person) live before moving to this dwelling?
[Question P-18 was asked of persons who were born before October 2001and not living in the current dwelling in October 2001, per question P-16].
Write code in the box. If the person moved from outside South Africa, write code 10.
[] 01 Western Cape
[] 02 Eastern Cape
[] 03 Northern Cape
[] 04 Free State
[] 05 KwaZulu-Natal
[] 06 North West
[] 07 Gauteng
[] 08 Mpumalanga
[] 09 Limpopo
[] 10 Outside RSA
[] 11 Do not know
_ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

(P-18) Province of previous residence: In which province did (the person) live before moving to this dwelling?
If the person was not living in the province, indicate which province they moved from. If the person moved within the same province, fill in the code of the same province.

If the move was within South Africa, then province code should be filled in, but if the move was from another country, then the "Outside RSA" (code 10) should be filled in. Only one answer is allowed.