Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

P-01 Person number
_ _

F-01 First name and surname

Write down the name and surname of each member in the appropriate column.
Start with the usual members (starting with the head) who were present last night, followed by those members who were absent last night, and lastly by those who stayed in the household last night as visitors.
Always start with the head or acting head of household i.e. person no. 01. The head or acting head is the person who is the main decision-maker in the household. If two or more people are equal decision-makers, take the oldest person first. Write sideways.

F-02 Age

Do not ask the question. Write the age in block provided based on answer from P-03
_ _ _

F-03 Sex

Do not ask the question. Mark the appropriate box with an X based on answer from P-04
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

F-04 Respondent

For each person in the household, indicate the number of the person who provided or responded to most questions applicable to that person. Enter person no. in the box.
_ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

(P-01) Person number
Assign a person number to each person starting from 01.

For households with up to ten people, you use one questionnaire. Fill in "0" before the pre-printed number so the first person gets the number 01, the second 02, etc. If you use the last column, fill in "1" before the zero to make number "10". Make sure you always write inside the box, not next to it or outside of it.

If there are more than 10 people in the household, you use a second questionnaire for the same household. Fill in "1" before the pre-printed number. Thus the first person on this questionnaire (or 11th person in the household) gets the serial number 11, the second 12, etc. If you use the last column, fill in "2" to make "20". If a third questionnaire is required (in rare cases where there are more than 20 people in a household), the serial numbers will be 21, 22, 23, etc., up to 30.