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Ask of everyone

P-21. Travel to school or place of work

_ How does (the person) usually travel to school or to his/her place of work? Indicate the main mode of travel even if s/he was temporarily absent that week. If more than one mode of travel, write the code of the mode that covers the longest distance.
0 = Not applicable
1 = On foot
2 = By bicycle
3 = By motorcycle
4 = By car as a driver
5 = By car as a passenger
6 = By minibus/ taxi
7 = By bus
8 = By train
9 = Other

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Question P-21 -- Travel to school or place of work

"How does (the person) usually travel to school or to his/her place of work?"

If more than one mode of travel, indicate the mode that covers the longest distance.

If the person uses different modes during the week, e.g. some days gets a lift and some days goes by minibus (also called "taxi"), s/he indicates the one that is most frequent or is related to the longest distance in the week.

If the mode of travel is not listed, code 9 for "Other" should be used, e.g. horses, donkey carts. If a truck driver takes the truck home, this counts as "Other".

The category 0 = "not applicable" is for people who do not work and are not at any educational institution. People who work at home, and live-in domestic workers, should therefore choose 1 = "on foot", because this category is for those people who work or go to school but do not use any form of transport.