Questionnaire Text

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Ask for all persons aged 10 years and older (born before 10 October 1991)

Had work

Place of work (If yes to P-18)

(P-19e) Does (the person) work in the same sub-place in which s/he usually lives? Dot

the appropriate box.
[] Y = Yes
[] N = No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question P-19e and P-19f -- Place of work

P-19e "Does (the person) work in the same sub-place in which s/he usually lives?"

Dot Y for "Yes" or N for "No".

We are interested in people who commute between different places from home to work.

If the person lives and works in the same suburb, ward, farm or informal settlement, etc. s/he answers "Yes".

Farmers and persons who have their businesses at home or in a home-based office, e.g. lawyers, dressmakers, dentists, or people with a spaza shop or shebeen in their home, do not have to travel to the place of work. For them dot Y = "Yes".

Sales representatives and truck drivers and other persons with a mobile place of work indicate the place where they normally start their travelling or where they get their orders.

If "Yes", skip P-19f and go to Question P-20 on children ever born.

If "No" continue with Question P-19f regarding place of work.