Questionnaire Text

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Ask for all persons aged 10 years and older (born before 10 October 1991)

Did not have any work

P-18a. Reason why not working (If no to P-18)

_ What is the main reason why (the person) did not have work in the seven days before 10 October? If more than one reason, write the code of the main (most important) reason.
1 = Scholar or student
2 = Home-maker or housewife
3 = Pensioner or retired person/ too old to work
4 = Unable to work due to illness or disability
5 = Seasonal worker not working presently
6 = Does not choose to work
7 = Could not find work

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Question P-18 -- Any work in the 7 days before 10 0ctober
Ask for all persons aged 10 years and over, that is, born before 10 October 1991

Question 18 has four parts i.e. P-18, P-18a, P-18b and P-18c. Only those who are working continue with the rest of Question 18. Those who are not working go to Question 19.

Question P-18a -- Reason why not working
Ask of all persons ages 10 years and older who said they did not have work.

"What is the main reason why (the person) did not have work in the seven days before 10 October."

If there is more than one reason, write the MAIN (most important) reason. The person must decide this for him/herself. Give him or her time to come up with a reason.

If the person (or proxy) does not know, try to find one applicable category. For children aged 10-15 the most likely answer will be 1 = scholar or student. For other young persons it might be "6 = does not choose to work" or "7 = could not find work". Normally, people find a suitable category after some discussion.