Questionnaire Text

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Ask of everyone

P-22. Income category

_ _ What is the income category that best describes the gross income of (this person) before tax? Choose from the table below the code that corresponds to the income level. A monthly income of R1 500 is code 04 and an annual income of R25 000 is code 05.
01 = No income
02 = R 1 -- R 400
03 = R 401 -- R 800
04 = R 801 -- R 1 600
05 = R 1 601 -- R 3 200
06 = R 3 201 -- R 6 400
07 = R 6 401 -- R 12 800
08 = R 12 801 -- R 25 600
09 = R 25 601 -- R 51 200
10 = R 51 201 -- R 102 400
11 = R 102 401 -- R 204 800
12 = R 204 801 or more
01 = No income
02 = R 1 -- R 4 800
03 = R 4 801 -- R 9 600
04 = R 9 601 -- R 19 200
05 = R 19 201 -- R 38 400
06 = R 38 401 -- R 76 800
07 = R 76 801 -- R 153 600
08 = R 153 601 -- R 307 200
09 = R 307 201 -- R 614 400
10 = R 614 401 -- R 1 228 800
11 = R 1 228 801 -- R 2 457 600
12 = R 2 457 601 or more

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A household is a group of people who live together, and provide themselves jointly with food or other essentials for living, or a single person who lives alone. For a de facto census only people in the household on census night are counted as part of the household.

Notice that a household is not necessarily the same as a family.

Question P-22 -- Income category

"What is the income category that best describes the gross income of (the person) before tax?"

Read the categories out to the first respondent.

Identify the income from one of the two tables, and enter the code. Both tables are provided so that people can answer in terms of monthly or annual income. The resulting code will be the same, e.g:

an annual income level of R20 000 is category 05.
a monthly income of R3000 is also category 05.

The reference period for annual income is 1 October 2000 until 31 September 2001, and for monthly income September 2001.

Gross income means income before tax or deductions.

Income from investments, private business, etc. should be included. Income from the sale of home-grown produce or home-brewed beer or cattle should also be included. If any of these activities have brought in income for the household as a whole rather than for a particular person, simply add the amount to the income of someone in the household.

If the household has received remittances or payments e.g. from a person working or living elsewhere, add this income to the total of someone, e.g. the head of the household.

[P. 56]

Even a small child can have an income in the form of a child maintenance grant.

It is not necessary to be very exact because the income categories are relatively broad. If the income varies during the year, take the average.

You can show the prompt card on the back of the 09 book to help the respondent to identify the total income. The prompt card is useful when people do not want to say their income aloud in front of other household members.