Questionnaire Text

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Section B:

Please answer questions related to this household

1.3. Are there any persons who are usually members of this household, but who are away for a month or more because they are migrant workers? (A migrant worker is someone who is absent from home for more than a month each year to work or to seek work.)

[] 1 = Yes
[] 2 = No
(If "Yes") indicate the person's particulars

_ _ Age in years

[] 1 = Male
[] 2 = Female

Relationship to the head of household

[] 1 = Head of Household
[] 2 = Husband/wife/partner
[] 3 = Son/daughter
[] 4 = Brother/sister
[] 5 = Father/mother
[] 6 = Grandparent
[] 7 = Grandchild
[] 8 = Other relative
[] 9 = Non-related

Where is (the person) living

____ Name of suburb/village/settlement
____ Name of city/town/farm/tribal authority
____ Name of magisterial district
____ If not South Africa, state name of country