Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1980 Egypt 1996 Lesotho 1996 Romania 1992
Argentina 1991 Egypt 2006 Lesotho 2006 Romania 2002
Argentina 2001 El Salvador 1992 Liberia 2008 Romania 2011
Argentina 2010 El Salvador 2007 Malawi 1987 Rwanda 1991
Armenia 2001 Ethiopia 1984 Malawi 1998 Rwanda 2002
Armenia 2011 Ethiopia 1994 Malawi 2008 Rwanda 2012
Austria 1981 Ethiopia 2007 Malaysia 1991 Saint Lucia 1980
Austria 1991 France 1968 Malaysia 2000 Saint Lucia 1991
Austria 2001 France 1975 Mali 2009 Senegal 1988
Belarus 1999 France 1982 Mexico 1960 Senegal 2002
Belarus 2009 Germany 1971 Mexico 1970 Senegal 2013
Benin 1979 Germany 1981 Mexico 1990 Sierra Leone 2004
Benin 1992 Ghana 2000 Mexico 1995 Sierra Leone 2015
Benin 2002 Ghana 2010 Mexico 2000 Slovenia 2002
Benin 2013 Greece 1971 Mexico 2005 South Africa 1996
Bolivia 1976 Greece 1981 Mexico 2010 South Africa 2001
Bolivia 1992 Greece 1991 Mexico 2015 South Africa 2007
Bolivia 2001 Greece 2001 Mexico 2020 South Africa 2011
Bolivia 2012 Greece 2011 Mongolia 1989 South Africa 2016
Botswana 1981 Guatemala 1964 Mongolia 2000 South Sudan 2008
Botswana 1991 Guatemala 1981 Morocco 1982 Spain 1991
Botswana 2001 Guatemala 1994 Morocco 1994 Spain 2001
Botswana 2011 Guatemala 2002 Morocco 2004 Spain 2011
Brazil 1960 Guinea 1983 Morocco 2014 Sudan 2008
Brazil 1970 Guinea 1996 Mozambique 1997 Suriname 2012
Brazil 1980 Haiti 2003 Mozambique 2007 Tanzania 1988
Brazil 1991 Honduras 1961 Myanmar 2014 Tanzania 2002
Brazil 2000 Honduras 1988 Nepal 2001 Tanzania 2012
Brazil 2010 Honduras 2001 Nepal 2011 Thailand 1970
Cambodia 1998 Hungary 1970 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 2004 Hungary 1980 Nicaragua 1995 Thailand 1990
Cambodia 2008 Hungary 1990 Nicaragua 2005 Thailand 2000
Cambodia 2013 Hungary 2001 Pakistan 1998 Togo 1960
Cambodia 2019 Hungary 2011 Palestine 1997 Togo 2010
Canada 1971 Indonesia 1971 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Chile 1960 Indonesia 1976 Panama 1960 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Chile 1970 Indonesia 1980 Panama 1980 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Chile 1982 Indonesia 1985 Panama 1990 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Chile 1992 Indonesia 1990 Panama 2000 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Chile 2002 Indonesia 1995 Panama 2010 Turkey 2000
Chile 2017 Indonesia 2005 Papua New Guinea 1990 Uganda 1991
Colombia 1973 Indonesia 2010 Paraguay 1972 Uganda 2002
Colombia 1985 Iran 2006 Paraguay 1982 Uganda 2014
Colombia 1993 Iraq 1997 Paraguay 1992 Uruguay 1963
Colombia 2005 Ireland 1971 Paraguay 2002 Uruguay 1975
Costa Rica 1963 Ireland 1981 Peru 1993 Uruguay 1985
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1991 Peru 2007 Uruguay 1996
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 2002 Peru 2017 Uruguay 2006
Costa Rica 2000 Ireland 2006 Philippines 1990 Uruguay 2011
Costa Rica 2011 Ireland 2011 Philippines 2000 Venezuela 1971
Cuba 2002 Ireland 2016 Philippines 2010 Venezuela 1981
Cuba 2012 Israel 1972 Poland 1978 Venezuela 1990
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Italy 2001 Poland 1988 Venezuela 2001
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Jamaica 1982 Poland 2002 Vietnam 1989
Dominican Republic 1981 Jamaica 1991 Portugal 1981 Vietnam 1999
Dominican Republic 2002 Jamaica 2001 Portugal 1991 Vietnam 2009
Dominican Republic 2010 Jordan 2004 Portugal 2001 Vietnam 2019
Ecuador 1962 Kenya 1989 Portugal 2011 Zambia 1990
Ecuador 1974 Kenya 1999 Puerto Rico 1970 Zambia 2000
Ecuador 1982 Kenya 2009 Puerto Rico 1980 Zambia 2010
Ecuador 1990 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 1990 Zimbabwe 2012
Ecuador 2001 Laos 1995 Puerto Rico 2015
Ecuador 2010 Laos 2005 Puerto Rico 2020
Egypt 1986 Laos 2015 Romania 1977
Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_WATDIST — Water supply
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B. Dwelling

6. Water service:

A. Supply system

[] Supply with tubing inside the dwelling
Supply outside the dwelling

[] Inside the property
[] Pipe outside the property
[] Other system

[] No water supply system

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B. Dwelling

It is any housing fixed or mobile that has been built or adapted for housing persons. A house, apartment, trailer, tenant room, shack, hospital, and a room are all considered dwellings.

6. Water service: You will fill out the corresponding cell, according to the provision of water:

d) Supply system:
Provided by pipe within the dwelling

Provided outside the building: faucet within the property, faucet outside of the property

Without supply system

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

[p. 7]

b) Origin:
Running water from a system



Other origin

If it has more than one source of water you will mark the one of major use. Running water from a system means that the facilities are given through a public system of pipes which are connected to the pipes of the dwelling.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_WATSRC — Source of water
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I. Characteristics of the dwelling for the only household or for the first household
[Questions 1-9]

[Questions 2-16 were addressed only in case of an occupied dwelling, with occupants present, per Question 1.]

9. Household obtains water through?

[] Running water from a public system
[] Perforated well with a motorized pump
[] Perforated well with a hand pump
[] Well
[] Rain water
[] Supplied by a water-tank truck
[] River, canal, ditch, etc.

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1. Characteristics of the dwelling for the only household or for the first household

How do we fill out question 1?
[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form]
Simply registering the situation that we find, in accordance with the following chart:

9. Household obtains water through?

In the case of tenements and boarding houses or hotels, the information that we ask for refers to the group of the building.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_WATCOOK — Water used for cooking
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[Questions 5-24 were asked in the case of households that occupied some structure, per question 4.]

11. Where does the water used for drinking and cooking come from?

[] From public network (running water)
[] From perforation with a motorized pump
[] From perforation with a hand pump
[] From a well with a pump
[] From a well without a pump
[] From rain water
[] From a cistern truck
[] From a river, canal, stream

Argentina 2010 — source variable AR2010A_WATSUP — Water location
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[Questions 3 to 19 were asked of inhabited households with persons present]

8. Does the dwelling have water?

[] Supplied through pipes inside the dwelling?
[] Outside the dwelling but within the property?
[] Outside the property?

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Water supply: the manner in which water is obtained in the dwelling. The categories are:
-through pipes inside the dwelling: a system of water supply connected to a network of tubes through which water is distributed to the interior of the dwelling.
-outside the dwelling but inside the property: a system of water supply within the boundries occupied by the property, but not available in a network of pipes to distribute it to the interior of the dwelling.
-outside of the property: supply system for water is found outside the dwelling and outside of the boundaries of the land.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_WATSRC — Water source
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Q7. What is the dwelling unit's main water supply source?
[] 1 Within the dwelling unit
[] 2 In the building, but outside the dwelling unit
[] 3 Public water supply (outside the building)
[] 4 Individual tank for collection
[] 5 River or spring
[] 6 Well
[] 7 Other

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B.7 The main source of water supply

a) Water pipes in the dwelling unit: if the water tap is inside the dwelling unit, that is to say it is connected with the water supply center.
b) Water pipes in the building but not in the dwelling unit: if there is a water pipe in the building, but the water doesn't go to the separate dwelling units and the households get water from the same water tap.
c) Public water pipe: if there is a water tap in the yard or nearby, but the water doesn't go to the house and the dwellers use the water on the public bases.
d) Personal water tank: if the main source of the water supply of the household is the personal water tank.
e) From the rivers, springs: if the household satisfies its water needs directly use the water from the rivers and springs.
f) Other: for all other cases not mentioned here.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_WATSUP — Water supply
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B11. Main source of water supply

[] Central water supply in dwelling unit
[] Central water supply in building, not in dwelling unit
[] Carried/ bought water
[] Individual system for water collection
[] Rivers/springs
[] Well
[] Other
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Questions for the households

Sections B, C and D are to be filled out by occupied households.

Question B.11

The main source of water supply

Centralized water pipes' system in the dwelling unit, if the water tap is inside the dwelling unit that is to say it is connected with the centralized water supply system.
Water pipes in the building but not in the dwelling unit - if there are water pipes in the building, but not in dwelling units and the households get water from the same water tap in the building.
Public water pipe - if there is a water tap in the yard or nearby, but there is no water in the house and the dwellers use the water on the public bases.
Transported / purchased water - if there is a water tap in the yard or nearby, but there is no water in the house and the dwellers use the water on the public bases or they purchase bottled water.
Personal water tank - if the main source of the water supply of the household is the personal water tank.
From the rivers, springs - if the household satisfies its water needs directly use the water from the rivers and springs.
Well - if household use draw wells as a source of water supply.
Other - for all other cases not mentioned above.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_WATSUP — Water connection within the dwelling
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(4) Layout of dwelling:
Multiple responses possible

[] Kitchen-cum-living room
[] Kitchen
[] Kitchenette

[] Bathroom
[] Adjoining bath

[] Anteroom
[] Room created by partition
[] Cellar, Cellar section
[] Balcony, Loggia, Terrace

[] Connection to a working gas line
[] Waterline within the residence
[] Flushing toilet within the residence

[] Access to private garden
[] Parking garage (controlled parking lot)
[] Parking-storage area (reserved)

(4) A kitchen-cum-living-room is only considered a kitchen when it also has fittings for sitting area (i.e. three-piece suite). A kitchen is a separate room (a kitchenette is only a part of a [larger] room), which is chiefly used for the preparation of food--however not as a living area.

House garden use is only noted in the case that the possibility exists to use a garden belonging directly to the house.

A parking area is then noted when a personal parking area is reserved for this residence within the house property, or rather when--with the case of one and two-family homes--a parking space is available on the lot. "Parking spaces" located on public transportation areas should not be included.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_WATSUP — Water connection within the dwelling
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3. Equipment and size of the housing unit:
Please mark all that is applicable with an x.

[] Anteroom, hallway
[] Kitchen, kitchen-cum-living room
[] Kitchenette

[] Connection to piper gas system
[] Piped water within the dwelling
[] Flush toilet within the dwelling

[] Bathroom
[] Shower stand

[] Storeroom
[] Cellar, cellar section

[] Balcony, loggia: smaller than 4 m2
[] Balcony, loggia: 4 m2 or more
[] Terrace

f.. Number of rooms with a floor area of at least 4 m2 excluding the rooms marked a to e (rooms used for business and guest rooms: see remarks)

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

[] Use of a house garden
[] Garage space for private cars
[] Parking space for private cars (no public roads)

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3, Equipment and size of the housing unit:
In points a) through e) of this question all present rooms and other equipment characteristics of the housing unit should be marked: a kitchenette or a shower stall are parts of another room, kitchen or bath room are individual rooms.
Flush toilets within the housing unit should also be marked if the toilet is found in the bathroom.
In point f) the number of living rooms should be entered. Considered as such are: living room, bedroom, child's room, guest room (for relatives, acquaintances) provided their floor space amounts to at least sq.m.
Not considered living rooms are: kitchens, combined kitchen/living rooms and other adjoining rooms (lobby, hallway, bathroom, storage room, pantry, closet, terrace, etc.).
Commercially used rooms and guest rooms that are never used for living purposes by the owner should not be included; however, rooms that are only used seasonally as guest rooms and for the rest of the year are used by the household should be included.

[p. 56]

Use of a house garden should only be indicated if the possibility to use a garden belonging directly to the house exists.
Garage space for private cars should be marked if a private car of the household is parked in an individual or community garage of the building or the residential complex.
Parking space for private cars should be marked if a parking space (outdoors) is reserved for this housing unit or if, in the case of single or two family homes, the property has a parking space. "Parking spaces" on public roads should not be included.

Enumerator guideline:
The subdivision in blocks serves the clarity: first adjoining rooms, then sanitary facilities and "external" quality characteristics. It is started with the adjoining rooms, so that these -because they were already entered - are not counted with the living rooms. Please pay attention to this and prompt a correction if necessary.

Purpose of the question:
The number and type of rooms is, next to the usable floor space, the most important information on housing unit size; this question together with the question on type of heating serves as the basic classification of housing units in Austria (categories of the Rent Act).
Despite all modernization efforts, some older housing units still do not conform to present quality requirements. A modernization with the goal of improving the providing of the population with good and affordable housing units, therefore, remains an important task of the federation, states and municipalities.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_WATSUP — Water connection within the dwelling
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1. Location and facilities of the housing unit (please mark all appropriate items):

1.3 Other facilities present

Bathroom, shower stall
[] Yes
[] No

WC inside the dwelling
[] Yes
[] No

Central heating
[] Yes
[] No

Water hook-up inside dwelling
[] Yes
[] No

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1. Location and facilities of the housing unit:
Explanation: If the rooms of a given housing unit are arranged one above the other on two or more floors, the floor on which the main entry door to the housing unit is located should be indicated.

A habitable attic is defined as all stories with (partially) inclined ceilings throughout (even those with semi-high exterior walls) regardless of whether the interior work was done when the building was initially built or subsequently.

In this question important rooms and other facilities of the housing unit should be indicated.

A kitchenette is part of another room.

[p. 56]

You should mark WC inside the housing unit even if it is located in the bathroom.

Inhabitable rooms are defined as living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries and "guest rooms" (for relatives, acquaintances). Not included in inhabitable rooms are: storage rooms, pantries, walk- in closets, verandas, etc.

Rooms used for commercial purposes and rooms rented out to tourists that are never used by the household for living purposes should not to be included here. Rooms that are rented to boarders only seasonally and used by the household the rest of the year should be included in this count.

Because the answer to the third section of this question affirms the housing unit category -- a very important statement about the housing unit -- the question is double verified by a "no" box row.

If central heating is present in a housing unit, but an individual stove (e.g. tiled stove) is used as the primary heating type (see question 3), "Central heating" should be marked in question 1.3. (In question 3 then, the actual primarily used type of heating will be specified.)
How many persons live in high rises or upper floors?

If an elevator is present in the building in a municipal area, housing quality increases with ascending height. If, on the other hand, no elevator is present, the housing quality strongly decreases with increasing number of stories - especially the higher the occupant's age. (With older buildings the presence of an elevator is saved from the 1991 census, or it comes from question 5 of the building data form, if an elevator was installed in the last 10 years.)

The question about the amenities, serves the basic classification of the housing units in Austria (Categories of the Tenancy Law).

Despite all modernization efforts, some older housing units still do not conform to present quality requirements. A renovation with the goal of providing as many sections of the population with good and affordable housing units, therefore, remains an important task of the federation, states and municipalities.

The number of rooms is, next to the usable floor space, the most important information on housing unit size. The presence of a room per person (e.g. separate nursery) is often considered desirable.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_PIPEWAT — Facilities: piped water
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II. Housing Conditions (Questions 1 - 4 to be completed for the dwelling)

4. Availability of essential facilities

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Floor electric cooker
[] 3 Piped gas
[] 4 Bottled condensed gas
[] 5 Central or district heating
[] 6 Heating from individual installation
[] 7 Stove heating
[] 8 Piped water
[] 9 Flush toilet
[] 10 Bath or shower
[] 11 Central hot water supply
[] 12 Hot water from individual boiler
[] 13 Telephone
[] 14 No specified facilities

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Question 4P. Availability of essential facilities

The codes are to be marked that correspond to one or more prompts offered.

A dwelling is considered equipped with:
- electricity when there is electrical wiring available;
- floor electric cooker when there is a floor electric cooker available.

A house with a detached kitchen (a special capital building intended for cooking), in which a floor electric cooker is installed is also considered equipped with a floor electric cooker;
- piped gas if there is a floor gas cooker available, which is connected with the gas line;
- bottled condensed gas if there is a floor gas cooker available, which is connected to the gas bottle.

A house with a detached kitchen, in which a floor gas cooker is installed, is also considered to be equipped with gas supply;
- central or district heating if heating is provided by the building boiler-room, quarter or district boiler-houses or by the heat and power station;
- heating from individual installation if heating is provided by the flat hot water heaters or local decentralized heating boilers of low capacity operating on gas or solid fuel;
- stove heating if the source of heating is a stove;
- piped water if there is a supply net within the house, to which water is supplied centrally from the water pipe or artesian well the year round.

A house with a detached kitchen is also considered equipped with water supply if a water tap connected to the water supply net is installed in the kitchen.

If there is a hydrant (a water pump) in the yard, but there is no water supply to the house, such dwelling is not to be considered equipped with water supply;
- flush toilet if there is a waste pipe inside the house for drainage of utility and fecal waters to the sewerage system or drain wells.

A house where the water supply is not available is not to be considered equipped with flush toilet.
- bath or shower if a bath or shower is installed both in a separate bathroom and in the other specially adapted room, irrespective of the way of hot water supply: centrally or from flat heaters, including heating boilers of low capacity and gas or wood water heaters.

A dwelling, in which a bath (shower) is installed but there is no sewerage available, is not to be considered equipped with bath or shower.
- central hot water supply if there is a special hot water supply intended for daily living needs;
- hot water from individual boilers if there is a special water pipe supplying water from gas or wood water heaters, flat heaters, including heating boilers of low capacity, for daily living needs;
- telephone if a telephone set is installed; if a radiotelephone is available, code 13 is also to be marked.

If one or another facility of a dwelling is temporarily idle (because of damage, repair or other reasons), the dwelling is to be considered equipped with these types of facilities.

If there is none of the above-mentioned facilities in a dwelling, the item "no specified facilities" is to be marked.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_WATSUP — Access to water supply
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Section I. Description of habitation

[Questions 2-5 were asked of households whose type of habitation was apartment residential house or apartment.]

5. Please, indicate all amenities, available at your house or apartment:

[] 1 Water supply
[] 2 Sewage
[] 3 Bath and (or) shower cabin
[] 4 Centralized
[] 5 Individual boiler or unit
[] 6 Stove or furnace heating
Natural gas supply:
[] 7 Network or pipeline
[] 8 Liquidized (bottled)
Hot water:
[] 9 Centralized
[] 10 Individual boiler
[] 11 Electric range
[] 12 Telephone line
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20.5. in question 5 "Please indicate all amenities available at your house or apartment":

A dwelling is considered to be equipped with:
Water supply -- if there is a piped water supply system within the house, to which water is supplied centrally from a water pipe or artesian well. A house with a detached kitchen (a specially adapted permanent structure) is also considered equipped with water supply if a water tap connected to the water supply system is installed in the kitchen. A residential house is not considered equipped with piped water supply if there is a hydrant (a water pump) in the yard, but no water supply within the house;

Central sewage -- if inside the house there is a sewage installation for utility and black waters discharge to the street sewage net or drain wells.
A dwelling is not considered equipped with sewage if it lacks piped water;
central heating -- if there is heating from own boiler-house or any community heating system like block or district heating stations, or from a combined heat and power plant (CHP);
from individual gas-fired heaters or boilers -- if there is heating from apartment automatic gas-fired water heaters (AGW) or low-volume heating boilers for domestic needs;
stove heating -- if a stove is the source of heating;
Gas supply:
piped gas -- if there is a floor gas cooker connected with the gas line both within the residential house and a detached kitchen;
bottled condensed gas -- if there is a floor gas cooker connected to the gas bottle both within the residential house and a detached kitchen.
A residential house is not considered equipped with gas supply if a desktop gas cooker connected to a portable gas cylinder is used;
Hot water:
central hot water supply -- if there is a special central hot water supply system within the residential house intended for domestic needs;
from individual boilers -- if there is a special water pipe supplying hot water from apartment gas or wood water heaters;
bath and (or) shower- irrespective of the way of hot water supply. A dwelling in which a bath (shower) is installed, but there is no sewage available is not to be considered equipped with a bath or a shower;
Electric cooker- if there is a floor or built-in electric cooker available. A house with a detached kitchen in which a floor electric cooker is installed is also considered equipped with a floor electric cooker;

Telephone- if a telephone set connected to the telephone line or radio telephone is available.
If a particular amenity in the dwelling is temporarily inactive (due to damage, repair or for other reasons), the dwelling is considered equipped with this type of amenities.
If there are several types of heating (central and stove) and hot water supply (central and from individual boilers) in the dwelling, only one type- central heating/central hot water supply- is to be completed.

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_WATSRC — Water source
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"Household - - Dwelling Unit" Questionnaire

B: Dwelling Unit

Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Specify the characteristics of the head of household's building by checking the appropriate box in columns (a) to (f). Indicate in the last column (g) the total number of rooms in which the household resides.

Water provisioning

[] Running water
[] Piped water faucet (shared/public)
[] Well
[] Spring
[] River, creek
[] Other
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B. How to fill out the form "Household- Dwelling unit"

Dwelling Characteristics

Column (e): Water provisioning
Ask household members and check the box corresponding to the main water provisioning method. Do not check 'running water' before verifying that there is running water in the faucets of the kitchen and bathrooms.
Water pumps are found in the streets of city neighborhoods.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_WATSRC — Water source
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Household dwelling unit characteristics

Water provisioning

[] 1 Running water (SBEE)
[] 2 Fountain
[] 3 Village pump
[] 4 Cistern
[] 5 Wells
[] 6 River
[] 7 Other
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Characteristics of the household's dwelling unit

Column (9): Water provisioning
Ask household members and circle, depending on the case, the number corresponding to the household's method for water provisioning. The different methods are shown in column (9).

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_WATSRC — Water supply
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Dwelling unit characteristics

(49) Water provisioning

[] 1 Running water (SBEE) at home
[] 2 Running water (SBEE) elsewhere
[] 3 Fountain/public faucet
[] 4 Village pump or manual pump drilling
[] 5 Cistern
[] 6 Protected well [buse]
[] 7 Unprotected well
[] 8 River/lake
[] 9 Other
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Column (49): Water provisioning
Ask the following question: "What is the primary source of the water used by your household for drinking?" If the interviewee declares usage of SBEE [Benin's national electric and water company] water, ask: "Do you have running water at home?" If the answer is yes, circle the code 1 for running water at home and if no, circle the circle 2 corresponding to SBEE running water elsewhere. Otherwise, circle the code corresponding to the declaration if the interviewee:

[] 3. Fountain/public faucet
[] 4. Village pump
[] 5. Cistern
[] 6. Protected well
[] 7. Unprotected well
[] 8. River/lake
[] 9. Other

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_WATSRC — Drinking water provisioning
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Dwelling Unit Characteristics
[Questions 43-56 were asked of all households]

52. Drinking water provisioning

[] 0 River/lake
[] 1 Running water (SBEE) at home
[] 2 Running water (SBEE) elsewhere
[] 3 Fountain or public faucet
[] 4 Village pump or manual pump drilling
[] 5 Cistern
[] 6 Protected public well
[] 7 Protected private well
[] 8 Unprotected well
[] 9 Other (specify) ____
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Section 4: Habitation Characteristics

This section gives information on the characteristics of the household's lodging.

In the case where a more than one questionnaire is used for the household, the answers to the questions on the habitation's characteristics shall only be noted on form number 1 used for the household.

52. [Main] mode of drinking water procurement

The modality codes for this variable are:

[] 0. River/Lake
[] 1. Running water in the house from SONEB [inside faucet] [SONEB is the public water company]
[] 2. Running water elsewhere from SONEB [outside faucet] [SONEB is the public water company]
[] 3. Fountain/ public faucet
[] 4. Village pump or a drill equipped with a pump operated by hand
[] 5. Cistern
[] 6. Protected well/public pipe
[] 7. Protected well/private pipe
[] 8. Non-protected well
[] 9. Other [specify]

Q: "Where does your drinking water come from?"
Circle the code corresponding to the modality of the declared answer.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_WATSUP — Water supply
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4. Availability of water service
[Question 4 was asked of persons in private dwellings, per Question 1.]

4.1 Water supply system

[] 1 Piped inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped outside the dwelling, but inside the building, lot, or grounds
[] 3 Piped outside the lot or grounds
[] 4 Does not get piped water

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Question 4. Availability of water service

This question consists of two parts: the supply system and the origin of water.

Water supply system

This theme investigates if the household is supplied with water through water pipes or not.

[p. 18]

Mark one of the alternatives that correspond to the place where these pipes are found.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_WATPIPE — Water supply
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6. Water supply system for drinking and cooking
[Question 6 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]

[] 1 Piped inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped outside the dwelling but within the building, lot, or property
[] 3 Piped outside the lot or property
[] 4 Does not receive piped water

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Question 6. Water supply system for drinking and cooking

1. Through pipes within the dwelling. When the water service is available within the dwelling by means of piping.

[p. 27]

2. Through pipes outside of the dwelling but within the building, lot, or grounds. When the water service facilities are located outside the dwelling, ,but within the limits of the lot or grounds where the dwelling is.

3. Through pipes outside of the lot or grounds. If the household provides itself with water from facilities watering place for farm animals, public fountains located in streets, paths, plazas, or other buildings.

4. Doesn't receive piped water. When the household doesn't have this service.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_WATPIPE — Water distribution/supply
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[Questions 6 to 26 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private dwelling and were present at the time of enumeration, per Questions 4 and 5.]

11. The water for drinking and cooking is distributed via:

[] 6 piped inside the dwelling
[] 7 piped outside of the dwelling but within the lot or property
[] 8 not piped

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Chapter C. Characteristics of dwellings with inhabitants who are present

Question 11. Drinking and cooking water is distributed

This question is presented by reading each one of the options until the question mark is reached. When an answer is obtained, the oval is filled in and the next question is presented.

Below, the meaning of each alternative is found so that the answer can be recorded correctly:

Via plumbing inside the dwelling: The interior of the dwelling has a plumbed water supply that reaches to the kitchen and/or bathroom.

Via plumbing outside of the dwelling, but within the lot or plot of land: The plumbed water supply is not inside the dwelling but does reach within the lot or plot of land.

Not distributed via plumbing.

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_WATSUP — Water distribution
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

8. Is the water used in this dwelling distributed by...?

[] 1 Pipes within the dwelling
[] 2 Pipes outside the dwelling but on the lot or grounds
[] 3 Pipes outside the dwelling not on the lot or grounds
[] 4 Not distributed through pipes
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

Water supply
7. Water supply system
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.
8. Water distribution within the dwelling
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_WATSRC — Principal source of water supply
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Section D
[Questions 1 through 15 were asked of private dwelling]

12. Principle source of water supply

[] 1 Pipe indoors/standing in yard
[] 2 Standpipe in village/town
[] 3 Borehole/well with pump
[] 5 Flowing river
[] 6 Sand river
[] 7 Dam/lake/pan
[] 8 Other
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Columns [H12 to H15] facilities in housing units
Put the questions to the respondent and enter the appropriate answer codes in the boxes provided.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_WATERSUP — Principal source of water supply
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Section E

(Circle response)

10. Water supply

What is the principal source of water supply for this household?

[] 1 Piped indoors or in own yard
[] 2 Stand pipe
[] 3 Borehole
[] 4 Well
[] 5 Flowing river
[] 6 Sand river
[] 7 Dam/pan
[] Other (specify) ____
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Column E10: Principal Source of Water Supply

What is the principal source of water supply for this household?

Circle the appropriate answer code for the principal source of water supply. If the particular source of water supply is not listed, write down the source under "Other (specify)". In cattlepost areas, where people have to travel long distances to obtain water from a standpipe, indicate in the "Comments" column that it is a cattlepost situation if the response is "standpipe".

1 Piped indoors or in own yard
2 Standpipe
3 Borehole
4 Well
5 Flowing river
6 Sand river
7 Dam/Pan
Other (specify)

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_WATSUP — Water supply
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E14. What is the principal source of water supply for this household?

[] 01 Piped indoors
[] 02 Piped outdoors
[] 03 Communal tap
[] 04 Bouser/ tanker
[] 05 Well
[] 06 Borehole
[] 07 River/stream
[] 08 Dam/pan
[] 09 Rain water tank
[] 10 Spring water
[] Other (specify) ____
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147. Column E15: Principal Source of Water Supply

Q: What is the principal source of water supply for this household?

Circle the appropriate answer code for the principal source of water supply. If the particular source of water supply is not listed, write down the source under "Other (specify)". In cattle post areas, where people have to travel long distances to obtain water from a standpipe, indicate in the "Comments" column that it is a cattle post situation if the response is "standpipe".

[] 1 Piped indoors
[] 2 Piped outdoors
[] 3 Communal tap
[] 4 Bouser/tanker
[] 5 Well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 River/stream
[] 8 Dam/pan
[] 9 Rain water tank
[] 10 Spring water
[] Other (specify) ____

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_WATER — Water supply
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E. Household Information

Housing unit

Water supply
14. What is the principal water supply for this household?

[] 01 Piped indoors
[] 02 Piped outdoors
[] 03 Neighbor's tap
[] 04 Communal tap
[] 05 Bouser / tanker
[] 06 Well
[] 07 Borehole
[] 08 River / stream
[] 09 Dam / pan
[] 10 Rain water tank
[] 11 Spring water
[] Other (specify) ________
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194. Column E14: Principal water supply
Q. What is the principal water supply for this household?
Circle the appropriate answer code for the principal source of water supply. If the particular source of water supply is not listed, write down the source under "Other (specify)". In cattle post areas, where people have to travel long distances to obtain water from a communal tap, indicate in the "Comments" column that it is a cattle post situation if the response is "communal tap".

1. Piped indoors
2. Piped outdoors
3. Neighbor's tap
4. Communal tap
5. Bouser/tanker
6. Well
7. Borehole
8. River/stream
9. Dam/Pan
10. Rain water tank
11. Spring water
12. Other (specify)

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_WATER — Water supply
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E. Water supply

General system:

[] 19 with interior plumbing
[] 20 with exterior plumbing

Well or spring:

[] 21 with plumbing
[] 22 without plumbing
[] 23 other form

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Question E - Water source

This question asks about how water is supplied to the dwelling, based on the following classification:

General System

With indoor plumbing - when there is piped water inside the dwelling connected to a general system;
With outdoor plumbing - when the dwelling has piped water connected to a general system without internal distribution.

Well or Spring

With plumbing - when there is plumbing inside the dwelling connected to a well or spring;
Without plumbing - when the dwelling has its own well or spring without the water being piped inside;
Some other form of water supply - when the dwelling is supplied by a public water source, well or spigot located outside the dwelling.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_WATER — Water supply
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7. Water supply
General system:
[] 1 with interior plumbing
[] 2 with exterior plumbing
Well or spring:
[] 3 with interior plumbing
[] 4 without interior plumbing
[] 5 other form

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Question 7 - Water Supply

Record, as the case may be:

General System

With indoor plumbing - when there is piped water inside the dwelling connected to a general system;
With outdoor plumbing - when the dwelling has piped water connected to a general system without having internal distribution.

Well or Spring

With indoor plumbing - when there is plumbing inside the dwelling connected to a well or spring;
Without indoor plumbing - when the dwelling has a well or spring without the water being piped inside;
Other form - when the dwelling is supplied by a public water source, well or spout located outside the dwelling.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_WATER — Water supply
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(The following questions are only for permanent private households)

6. Water supply

With interior plumbing:
[] 1 general system
[] 3 well or spring
[] 5 other form
With exterior plumbing:
[] 6 general system
[] 7 well or spring
[] 0 other form

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Question 6 - Water supply

With indoor plumbing:
General system - when the dwelling is served with water piped from a general supply system, with indoor plumbing to one or more rooms;
Well or spring - when the dwelling is served with piped water connected to a well or spring, with indoor plumbing to one or more rooms;
Other form - when the dwelling has indoor plumbing but the reservoir (or tank) is supplied from rain water or by truck, etc.;

Without indoor plumbing:
General system - when the dwelling is served with water taken from a general system piped to the premises without there being indoor plumbing in the dwelling;
Well or spring - when the dwelling is served with water from its own well or spring without indoor plumbing; or
Other form - when the water used in the dwelling is obtained from a public font, well, spout, etc. located off the premises without there being indoor plumbing.

If there are different types of water supply, record the most important in the order described above.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_WATER — Water supply
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5. Water supply
With interior plumbing:
[] 1 general system
[] 2 well or spring
[] 3 other form
With exterior plumbing:
[] 4 general system
[] 5 well or spring
[] 6 other form

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Question 5 - Water Supply
With indoor plumbing:
1 - General system - when the dwelling is served with water piped from a general supply system, with indoor plumbing to one or more rooms;
2 - Well or spring - when the dwelling is served with piped water connected to a well or spring, with indoor plumbing to one or more rooms;
3 - Other form - when the dwelling has indoor plumbing but the reservoir (or tank) is supplied from rain water or by truck, etc.;

Without indoor plumbing:
4 - General system - when the dwelling is served with water taken from a general system piped to the premises without there being indoor plumbing in the dwelling;
5 - Well or spring - when the dwelling is served with water from its own well or spring without indoor plumbing; or
6 - Other form - when the water used in the dwelling is obtained from a public font, well, spout, etc. located off the premises without there being indoor plumbing.

[p. 46]
If there are different types of water supply, record the most important in the order described above.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_WATER — Water source
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2.07 The water supply in this dwelling is:
[] 1 general system
[] 2 well or spring (on the property)
[] 3 other

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Question 2.07 (Sample) and 2.05 (Basic) - The form of supplying the water used in this household/dwelling is:

1 - General system - when the household/dwelling, the land, or the property on which it is located is served by water connected to a general supply system;
2 - Well or spring (on the property) - When the household/dwelling is served by a well or spring located on the land or property on which it is built; or
3 - Other - When the household/dwelling is served with water from a reservoir (or water tank), supplied by rain water, water trucks, or a well or spring located off the land or property on which it is built.

If there are different types of water supply, record that which applies first in the order shown.

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_WATPIPE — Piped water
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2.08 The water used in domicile house arrives :
[] 1 piped into at least one room
[] 2 piped on the property or land
[] 3 is not piped

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Question 2.08 (Sample) and 2.06 (Basic) - The water used in this household/dwelling is:

1 - Piped to at least one room of the household/dwelling - When the household/dwelling is served by water that is piped into at least one room by indoor plumbing;
2 - Piped only to the property or land - When the water used in the household/dwelling is piped onto the property, without there being indoor plumbing; and
3 - Not piped in - When the water used in the household/dwelling is not piped onto the property or land and there is no indoor plumbing.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_WATPIPE — Piped water
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2. For occupied permanent private housing units - Household characteristics.

2.09 Is there piped water in this housing unit?

[] 1 Yes, at least in one room
[] 2 Yes, only in the land or property
[] 3 No

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2.09 - Does this household have piped in water (plumbing)?
Depending on the situation, record:
1 - Yes, at least in one room: When the household has piped in water with internal distribution to one or more rooms.
2 - Yes, only in the yard or property: When the water is not piped into the household, but in the yard or property.
3 - No: When there is no piped in water in the household, yard or property.

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_WATER — Water
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Form B Household Questionnaire Part 4: Housing Conditions and Facilities** (Enter Code in the box below)

**Part 4 need not be filled-in for Institutional and Homeless Households and for Boat and Transient Population.

5 Main source of drinking water supply

1 Piped water
2 Tube / pipe well
3 Dug well
4 Spring, river, stream, lake / pond, rain
5 Bought
6 ___ Other (specify)
[ ]

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Column 5: Main Source of Drinking Water Supply

123. Give appropriate code for the household's main source of drinking water supply. If there are two or more sources of drinking water supply, give the code of the source used most of the times. Following are the codes for different sources of drinking water supply:

1. Piped water
2. Tube / pipe well
3. Dug well
4. Spring, river, stream, lake/pond, rain
5. Bought
6. ___ Other, (specify)

Please note that Bought (Code 5) refers to buying water from shops or from street vendors. In that case, give Code 5. If a household gets drinking water through pipe for which payment is made, the Code to be given is 1 and not 5.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_WATSRC — Drinking water source
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 4
Part 4: Housing conditions and facilities

[5] Main source of drinking water supply

Enter code.

[] 1 Piped water
[] 2 Tube / pipe well
[] 3 Protected dug well
[] 4 Unprotected dug well
[] 5 Spring, river, stream, lake / pond, rain
[] 6 Bought (tanker truck, vender or otherwise bought, bottle bought)
[] 7 Other (specify) ____
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99. Column 5 Main source of drinking water supply
Give appropriate code for the household's main source of drinking water supply. If there are two or more sources of drinking water supply, give the code of the source used most of the times. Following are the codes for different sources of drinking water supply:

1. Piped water
2. Tube / pipe well
3. Protected dug well
4. Unprotected dug well
5. Spring, river, stream, lake/pond, rain
6. Bought (Tanker truck, vendor or otherwise bought, bottle bought)
7. Other (specify)

Please note that Bought (Code 6) refers to buying water from shops or from street vendors. In that case, give Code 6. If a household gets drinking water through pipe for which payment is made, the codes to be given is 1 and not 6.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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Form B: household questionnaire - part 4: housing conditions and facilities
Part 4 need not be filled in for institutional and homeless households, and for boat and transient population.

5. Main source of drinking water supply

[] 1 Piped water
[] 2 Tube/pipe well
[] 3 Protected dug well
[] 4 Unprotected dug well
[] 5 Rain
[] 6 Spring, river, stream, lake/pond
[] 7 Bought
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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Filling in of Form B Household Questionnaire Part 4 : Housing Conditions and Facilities

121. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts 2 and 3). This part should be completed with
the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

122. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

123. Please note that in this part for Columns 1 to 7, 18 and 19, you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

Column 5: Main Source of Drinking Water Supply

128. The following are the codes for different sources of drinking water supply:

1. Piped Water
2. Tube/Pipe well
3. Protected dug well
4. Unprotected dug well
5. Rain
6. Spring, river, stream, lake/pond
7. Bought
8. Other (Specify)

Give the appropriate code for the household's main source of drinking water supply. If there are two or more sources of drinking water supply, give the code of the source used most of the time.
Please note the following in this connection:

Code 1 refers to the supply of drinking water by a Municipality or any local body by piped connection. In this case, even though the household may pay to the authorities for water supplied, it should not be treated as water bought but considered as piped water. Code 5 Rain includes rain water stored and used. Code 6 should be given in the case of households drawing water directly from a spring, river, stream or lake/pond. In some households living near sources like a river or lake, arrangements are made to pump water to the premises through pipes using motor pumps. For such households give Code 6 and not Code 1. Code 7 should be given if the household bought water. "Bought" includes water bought by any means like water provided by vendors, water sold in bottles or containers and water from tanker trucks.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_WATSRC — Source of drinking water
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Part 5: Housing conditions and facilities

5. Main source of drinking water supply

Enter code.

[] 1 Piped water
[] 2 Tube / pipe well
[] 3 Protected dug well
[] 4 Unprotected dug well
[] 5 Rain
[] 6 Spring, river, stream, lake / pond
[] 7 Bought
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
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96. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part -5: housing conditions and facilities

96.1. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts- 2 to 4). This part should be completed with the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

96.2. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

96.3. Please note that in this part of the questionnaire, for columns 1 to 8 and 23 to 25 you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

101. Column 5: main source of drinking water supply

101.1 Following are the codes for different sources of drinking water supply:

[] 1 Piped water
[] 2 Tube/pipe well
[] 3 Protected dug well
[] 4 Unprotected dug well
[] 5 Rain
[] 6 Spring, river, stream, lake/pond
[] 7 Bought
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
[p. 44]

Give appropriate code for the household's main source of drinking water supply. If there are two or more sources of drinking water supply, give the code of the source used most of the times.

Please note the following in this connection:

Code 1 refers to supply of drinking water by municipality or any local body by piped connection. In this case even though the household may pay to the authorities for water supplied, it should not be treated as water bought, but considered as piped water. Code 5 Rain includes rain water stored and used. Code 6 should be given in the case of households drawing water directly from spring, river, stream or lake/pond. In some households living near sources like river or lake, arrangements are made to pump water to the premises through pipes using motor pumps. For such households give code 6 and not Code 1. Code 7 should be given if the household bought water. "Bought" includes water bought by any means like water provided by vendors, water sold in bottles or containers and water from tanker trucks.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_WATSUP — Location of drinking water
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Part 5: Housing conditions and facilities

6. Location of drinking water source:

Enter code.

[] 1 Within the premises
[] 2 Near the premises
[] 3 Away
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96. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part -5: housing conditions and facilities

96.1. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts- 2 to 4). This part should be completed with the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

96.2. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

96.3. Please note that in this part of the questionnaire, for columns 1 to 8 and 23 to 25 you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

102. Column 6: location of drinking water source

100.1 Having ascertained the main source of drinking water for the household in column 5 you have to find out where that source is located. If it is within premises give code 1 in the square, if near the premises give code 2 or if away from the premises give code 3. "Near the premises" refers to a walking distance of about five minutes. "Away" is more than such a distance.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_WATER — Main source of drinking water supply
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Form B household questionnaire part 4

Housing conditions, amenities and assets possessed by household

6. Main source of drinking water supply

[] 1. Piped into dwelling
[] 2. Piped into compound, yard or plot
[] 3. Public tap, standpipe
[] 4. Tube well, borehole
[] 5. Protected well
[] 6. Unprotected well
[] 7. Protected spring
[] 8. Unprotected spring
[] 9. Rainwater collection
[] 10. Tanker-truck
[] 11. Cart with small tank, drum
[] 12. Surface water (river, stream, dam, lake)
[] 13. Bottled water
[] 14. Other (specify): ____

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_WATPIPE — Water supply
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H1 to H9 should be answered by the head of the household.
Note that the dwelling refers to the living quarters occupied by this household. See definition in instruction booklet.

H6. Is there piped running water in this dwelling?

[] Yes, both hot and cold
[] Yes, cold only
[] No

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H6. Do not include water from a hand-pump as "piped running water". If this is your only source of water, fill the circle opposite "No".

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_WATSUP — Water supply
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3. Water supply

a) The dwelling is supplied with water:
[] 1 By pipe
[] 2 By tank truck

b) The water comes from:
[] 1 Public potable water system
[] 2 Well or chain pump
[] 3 Other source

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3. Water Supply

Verify whether the dwelling has water service provided through pipes that come from a public supply network or from a private facility.

In cases where the dwelling doesn't have pipes for their water supply, verify if the water is hauled in.

Mark the appropriate situation with an "X" in the corresponding box.

Whatever the system that provides the water supply to the dwelling, be it through pipes or hauled in, the origin must also be indicated, in other words, whether it comes from a public network of pipes, from a well or a water wheel (noria), or from some other source (spring, river, irrigation channel, etc.)

[p. 28]

A well or water wheel is a hole in the ground through which potable, subterranean water is collected. Mark an "X" in the corresponding box, depending on where the water used in the dwelling comes from.

Note that in all cases one box should be marked under the heading "The dwelling receives water" and another under the heading "The water comes from".

For example: in the case of a landlord's dwelling (casa patronal) in the middle of a rural area that has pipes for water service, with the water coming from a well, from which it is extracted by means of a pump. In this case, under the first heading box one will be checked, and under the second heading box two [will be checked].

In the case of a squatter settlement where the dwellings don't have pipes installed, but whose residents haul the water from a faucet or tap, or spout, fed by a pipe from a public network, under the first heading box two will be checked, and under the second heading box one [will be checked].

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_WATSUP — Water supply
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5. Water service for the dwelling

A. Water supply

[] 1 Has piped water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Has piped water outside the dwelling at a distance of ____ meters
[] 3 Does not have piped water supply

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_WATER — Water inside, outside the dwelling
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Only for occupied dwellings [applies to questions 3 to 7]

5. Do you obtain water from a plumbing system

1. Yes

____1. A plumbing system inside the housing unit?
____2. A plumbing system outside of the housing unit?

2. No ____
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5. Does it have piped water?
Fill in the oval that corresponds to the dwelling's water supply.

If the dwelling has piped water, it can be:

a) Inside the dwelling
b) Outside the dwelling: faucet in the yard, patio, site; Outside of the yard, patio, or site; From a tap in the street, etc.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 5 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_PUMPWAT — Piped water
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present (applies to questions 3 through 16)

7. Water arrives at this dwelling via:

[] 1 Pipe inside the dwelling
[] 2 Pipe outside of the dwelling but on the lot
[] 3 Doesn't have piped water

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7. Water arrives at this dwelling by:

1. Pipes inside the dwelling.
2. Pipes outside the dwelling, but onsite.
3. Doesn't have piped water. If the dwelling gets water offsite it will be understood that it doesn't have piped water, and therefore you should fill in the circle for option 3.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 7 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_WATPIP — Piped water
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present [applies to questions 3 to 16]

7. Water arrives at this dwelling via:

[] 1 Pipe inside the dwelling
[] 2 Pipe outside of the dwelling but on the lot
[] 3 Doesn't have piped water

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[Questions 3 through 16: Only for private dwellings which are occupied with people present.]

Question 7. Delivery of water

"Piped water" should be marked only if there is a faucet. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 7 on the census form.]

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_WATSRC — Water source
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B. Housing unit characteristics

5. The water supply comes primarily from:

[] 1 Public system
[] 2 Well or water wheel
[] 3 Tanker truck
[] 4 River, spring, stream, channel, lake, etc.
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Questionnaire section B: "housing unit characteristics"
[Questions 1 and 2, housing unit type]
In this part of the questionnaire, information about the housing unit that you are recording is entered. The first two questions are by observation; only in cases where there are no persons present in the housing unit should you check with neighbors as to whether it is occupied or vacant.
[Figure omitted, group of images to use as a reference for type of housing unit]
Remember that you can go back to review the definition of privately-owned housing unit and collective unit on pages 21 and 22.

Continue filling out the questionnaire following each of the following instructions:
[Question 3, housing unit main construction materials]
On each question with a question mark (?), you must wait for a spontaneous response form the informant and then mark the alternative that the informant indicates to you.
[Figures omitted, the first figure shows question 3, and the second one is a visual help for the interviewer about the construction material of exterior walls, the roof, and the floor]
[p. 22]
[Question 4, housing unit bedrooms]
A room used only as a bedroom must not also be used as a kitchen, dining room or living room.
[Figure omitted, image of question 4 from the questionnaire]
[Question 5, water supply]
On each question that ends with a colon (:) you must read the response options to the informant. This question is asking for the housing unit's main source of water for domestic use. Choose the source that contributes the greatest quantity of water. If the housing unit is temporarily without access to the public system due to delay in payment or because of repairs, mark option 1. If water is provided by a neighbor, select the response option corresponding to that neighboring housing unit's water source.
[Figure omitted, image of question 5 from the questionnaire]
The next questions are very important, since they will determine whom you must record for the census and the number of households in the housing unit.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_WATERSRC — Water source
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5. Water

What type of water service is available to this household?
By pipe

[] 1 Exclusively for this household
[] 2 Shared with others

[] 3 River or spring
[] 4 Well or cistern, reservoir
[] 5 Public trough
[] 6 Tanked in by car or truck
[] 7 Rainwater
[] 8 Other

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Question No. 5. Water

[Below the text is a form.]

Read the question with the alternatives that the form presents. Mark "x" in the square corresponding to the obtained information

[p. 33]

Only when a household has water facilities through a pipe, determine the use of this service, that is, if it is of exclusive use of the household, or is it is shared by other households.

If it is exclusive use mark "x" in box No. 1.

If it is shared mark "x" in box 2.

In the case that a household gets water from a source different than the alternatives named in the form, mark "x" in the box "others".

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_WATSRC — Water source
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24. What is the source of the drinking water for this dwelling?
(Mark only the main source)

[] 1 Aqueduct, public pipe
[] 2 Well, cistern
[] 3 From a river, spring, canal
[] 4 Tanked in by car or truck
[] 5 From rainwater

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Question No. 24 Where does drinking water come from?

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark the corresponding box.

If many sources exist mark only the principal.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_WATSUP — Water supply
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II. Information about the dwelling

(Only for household number one)

11. Does the dwelling have?

(Read all of the options and mark all of the services that they have)

[] 1 Has electricity
[] 2 Has piped water
[] 3 Has sewer connection
[] 4 Has a telephone
[] 5 None

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II. Dwelling information
[Applies to household number one only]

11. The dwelling has service of:

This question refers to the dwelling that has facilities, even if at the moment of the interview they cannot be used or are not working.

Do not take into account if the facilities that a dwelling has, correspond to connections of the state, community or are private; the important thing is that it has them.

[Below the text is a form.]

Read word for word the options and mark with "x" those in which the interviewed person responds affirmatively. In the contrary case, leave the option blank.

If a dwelling does not have any of the facilities which the question refers to, mark the option "none".

Mark the corresponding option or options in accordance with the following:

Electric energy
When a dwelling has electric light facilities, independently from a source that generates it: electric plant, solar batteries, or supplied from a public system.

Piped water
When a dwelling has water facilities through a pipe.

Sewer system
When a dwelling has facilities for elimination of excreta and sewage through a system of drainage through pipes.

When a dwelling has a telephone line, or radio-telephone or other forms of electronic communication.

When a dwelling does not have any of the previous facilities.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_RUNWAT — Running water
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5. Does the dwelling have the following services? (basic)

5.3 Running water?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_WATERSRC — Water source
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6. Water source

By pipe (mark one box in each case, a, b, and c)

[] Public system
[] Private system
[] Inside the dwelling
[] Outside of the dwelling
[] For this dwelling only
[] For this and other dwellings

By other means

[] 8 Well
[] 9 Other (specify) ____

[] X Does not have

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Box No. 6.- Water Source


Piped water service is understood as the supply of water by pipes from a public or private system, the water always arrives by means of pipes to the dwelling or that is carried from a pipe or other apparatus connected to the public or private system, that is found at a distance not greater than 100 meters from the Dwelling.

Mark with an "X" a box of each one of the following cases:

[Below the text is a graphic.]

According to whether the piped system to which the pipe is connected is public or private.

[p. 28]

[Below the text is a graphic.]

According to whether the pipe takes the water to the interior of the dwelling or not.

[Below the text is a graphic.]

According to whether the pipe supplies water only to the dwelling whose characteristics you are writing down (only for this dwelling), or that supplies it also to other dwellings (for this and other dwellings).

By other Means:

In the case of Dwellings that are supplied water by means of wells, rivers, ditches, etc. If the Dwelling takes water from a well located at a distance not greater than 100 meters, you should mark the respective box ("well"); if it is by other means, specify in the space "Other", writing down for example: river, ditch, gulley, etc.

Does not Have:

It is considered that a dwelling does not have water service, when the place from which it is taken (river, ditch, well, gulley, pipe, etc.) is at a distance greater than 100 meters from the dwelling.

In the case that a family that is being enumerated is not provided water from a pipe, well or other source to provide themselves with water, but they are permitted to take it from a neighboring Dwelling or from a school, local store, etc. it is considered that the Dwelling does not have water service.

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_WATERSRC — Water supply
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8. Water supply

By pipe:

Public system

[] 1 For this dwelling only
[] 2 For this and other dwellings

Private system

[] 3 For this dwelling only
[] 4 For this and other dwellings

By other means:

[] 5 Well
[] 6 Public source
[] 7 Other (specify) ____

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5.1.- Question 8.- Water Supply

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

5.1.1.- Piped: should be understood as a piped water supply, supplied through pipes, from a public or private system. Public System: belongs to a public entity. Examples: National Service of Water and Sewer Systems "SNAA", and the Municipalities. Private System: is the property of a private entity, any that has its own jurisdiction, such as individuals, cooperatives, societies, etc. Example: Water facilities in private forms. Only for this Dwelling: is the case of the water supply that is connected for the exclusive use of the dwelling. For this and other Dwellings: When the connection of the pipe is for the use of one or more dwellings. It is the case of a pipe that is generally outside of the dwelling.

5.1.2.- By other means: Well: When underground water is extracted by means of a pump or by a bucket, etc. we have the water supply by well. Public Source: The water supply is from the Public Source when the water is taken from a public place for communal use. Other: In the case that the dwelling does not have any of the previous supply systems, the supply source where the water is obtained will be specified. Examples: River, gully, irrigation ditch, rain water, etc.

Do not forget that only a single circle should be marked.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_WATSRC — Water supply
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7. Water supply

By pipe

Public system

[] 1 Only for this dwelling
[] 2 For this and other dwellings

Private system

[] 3 Only for this dwelling
[] 4 For this and other dwellings

By other means

[] 5 Well with pump
[] 6 Well without pump
[] 7 River or stream
[] 8 Public tap
[] 9 Rain and other means

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Question 7: Water Supply

There exist many forms by which people are supplied water. In question 7 you can observe that in this page two principal types of supplying are mentioned: "Piped", and "By Other Means". As you know, in the country different types of piped systems exist for the supply of water to dwellings, but also with these piped systems, other traditional means, such as water from rivers, rain, which is channeled through a "public-source" (fuente pública), and wells with or without a pump.

[To the left of the text is a form.]

[p. 31]

Seven other possibilities of supplying water exist, two of them through means of pipes and five through other mechanisms or procedures. The piped system is connected to a "public system" or is part of a "private system", and in each one of these cases the inhabitants of the dwellings can receive the water only for service of their dwelling or they can receive it for their dwellings and other dwellings. You have to note one of these two possibilities when you investigate if the Dwelling receives water by pipes. If it is through this means, you have to find out if the pipe is part of a "public system" or a "private system". Finally you should indicate in each case in the pipe is "Only for this dwelling" or if it is "for this and other dwellings".

On the other hand, when the residents of a dwelling receive water through other means it is not specified if it is only for the dwelling or [not], because of not having interest in this detail. That is to say, it concerns:

  • A "Well with pump", when water is extracted from underground through the use of a pump. It is indicated when it is of exclusive use of an private dwelling.
  • A "Well without a pump", when water is extracted from underground through a bucket or recipient tied to the end of a rope. It is indicated when it is of exclusive use of the residents of an private dwelling.
  • A "River or stream", when the water used in the dwelling is obtained from a river or gully (initially obtained from a small hold made in the side of the river bed).
  • A "Public tap", when it is taken from a public place for use of a community, for example, a well (with or without pump), pipe from a public system, or a source that all the inhabitants of the community have access to.
  • "Rain" and other means, when the largest part of the water used is caught by any means of rainfall. Examples of this are tin pans connected to gutters of the roof, to catch rain water and the supply of water through cistern trucks.


You should mark with an "X" only one of the circles and only one response, since the alternatives that are shown in this case are mutually exclusive. If a dwelling has two or more sources (piped and well, etc.) write down the most used (principal) source as the only source.

{Mutually exclusive means that it is impossible that two or more simultaneous alternatives are given as a response.}

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_WATSUP — Water supply
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10. This dwelling is supplied with water via
[] 1 Pipe inside the dwelling
[] 2 Pipe outside the dwelling but within the lot or building
[] 3 Pipe outside the lot or building
[] 4 Doesn't have piped water

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Question 10: Water supply

This question tries to identify if the water comes directly to the dwelling through means of a pipe of galvanized steel, plastic, bamboo, etc, without its origin being important.

Mark with "X" only one of the options.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

Pipe inside the dwelling: The water arrives within the dwelling by means of at least a tube or faucet, that is to say, it is not necessary to leave the dwelling, for water supply.

[Below the text is a picture of a sink.]

Pipe outside of the dwelling but within the lot or building: The water arrives through a pipe to the lot, property or building but not into the dwelling. It should be close to the tube or faucet in the interior of the dwelling.

[Below the text is a picture of a sink.]

Pipe outside the lot or building: The water goes to a tube or public faucet that is located away from the lot, property or building.

[Below the text is a picture of an outside faucet.]

Does not have piped water: The dwelling is supplied by other means (hauled from a well, river, rain, cistern truck, etc.).

[Below the text is a picture of a water truck.]

Parcel - property: site where the dwelling and the patio and garden areas that surround it are located.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_WATSUP — Water piped inside the dwelling
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12. Does the water arrive by plumbing to the interior of the dwelling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Question 12: Water supply

12. Does the water arrive by plumbing to the interior of the dwelling?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

It is considered that the plumbing is within the dwelling when it has least one tube or faucet for supplying water and it is not necessary to leave the dwelling in order to obtain it. This includes steel tubing, plastic, bamboo, or other.

This does not include the supply of water within the dwelling by means of a hose.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_WATFAC — Water facilities
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Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

9. Does the dwelling have piped water installed?

a. Does the dwelling have piped water supply?

(Mark only one per group)

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling
[] 3 Does not have

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Question 9. Does the dwelling have piped water installed?

This question is comprised of four sections, where you collect information about the piped water installation, the supply form, the source of this product, and the frequency, for the case that the source is the Aqueduct.

9.a. Does the dwelling have piped water supply? (mark only one per group).

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling
[] 3 Does not have

The question should be formulated in relation to the section, plus the possible alternatives; in section A) Does the dwelling have piped water installations, inside the dwelling, outside the dwelling, or does not have. In this section, you will make one mark.

You will understand as piped water installation, when in the dwelling you find the necessary hydraulic connections for conducting water to the inside of the dwelling (interior) or only to the garden, patio, etc. (exterior), independently of whether at the census moment, water does not flow through said installations.

In this section, what we want to know is if the dwelling has or does not have water installations.

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Section III. Private housing data
[Applies to questions 1-16]

10. [Water supply]

(Only mark one per subsection, except D and E)
A) How is water supplied to the home?
[] 1 By pipes inside the home
[] 2 By pipes outside of the home
[] 3 By haulage and/or water truck
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Section III. Private housing data.

Question 10. Water supply in the home

This question consists of five subsections, collecting information about the manner in which the home is supplied with water, the source of the water, the frequency with which it is received or acquired, storage methods and the way in which water reaches the elevated tank, if applicable.
The question should be formed by reading the subsection plus the possible answers.

10. A) How is water supplied to the home?
For this question, only mark one option. This refers to the way in which a home receives its water, either through pipes or haulage. The pipes may be inside or outside of the home, and the haulage may be done manually, by animals or by water truck.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Housing: characteristics of the home
(Questions to ask the head of household only)

46. Water supply

Ask the question, "How is your household usually supplied with water?"

[] 1 Running water
[] 2 Village pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Source, stream, creek
[] 5 Other, specify ____
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4.3.3 The fourth page - Questions about fertility and housing.

These questions should be asked only of the head of the household or his representative.

Question 46: Water supply

Ask the head of household the following question.
How is your household usually supplied with water? Circle the code corresponding to the appropriate response.

[] 1 Running water
[] 2 Village pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Spring, stream, creek
[] 5 Other (please specify)

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_WATSUP — Source of water supply
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Housing features and amenities

45. Water

[] 1 Running water
[] 2 Running water in the yard
[] 3 Running water outdoors
[] 4 Well in the yard
[] 5 Public well
[] 6 Village water pump
[] 7 Surface water (backwater, river, etc.)
[] 8 Other, specify ____
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6.3.1- Features and amenities of the dwelling of an ordinary household

The questions about housing pertain to the characteristics and amenities of the household's dwelling, or of its primary dwelling, in the event that the household occupies several buildings for residential use. However, in regard to the number of rooms available or occupied by the household, all residential rooms located in the building or buildings occupied by the household for residential use are to be taken into account.


For each question, circle the code that matches the correct answer. For questions involving numbers, legibly write the numbers declared by the head of household in the appropriate grids.

Note: Details must be provided when the "Other, specify" option is selected. In cases where the answer to a question is visible (Questions 39, 41, 42), do not ask the question.

Question 45: Source of water supply
Ask the following question: "Where do you get the drinking water for your household?" Circle the code that matches the correct answer.

[] 1 Running water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Running water in the courtyard
[] 3 Running water elsewhere (on the street, at the neighbor's house, etc.)
[] 4 Well in the courtyard
[] 5 Public well
[] 6 Village water pump
[] 7 Surface water (stream, backwater, river, etc.)
[] 8 Other, specify

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_WATSUP — Water supply or service
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15. Water supply

a) Is there piped running water installed?
[] 1 Inside the dwelling and water arrives
[] 2 Inside the dwelling and water does not arrive
[] 3 Outside the dwelling but within 100 meters
[] 4 Does not have
b) Where does the water used come from?
[] 1 Aqueduct
[] 2 Aqueduct and cistern
[] 3 Spring
[] 4 River or stream
[] 5 Rain, collection tank
[] 6 Well
[] 7 Tank truck
[] 9 Others
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Question 15: Water Supply
a) Does the dwelling have a plumbed water supply?

If there is plumbing inside of the dwelling, with water, circle 1 is filled in; if there is plumbing with no water, circle 2 is filled in.

If the water supply is outside of the dwelling but within 100 meters of the dwelling, circle 3 is filled in.

If the water supply is farther than 100 meters from the dwelling, circle 4, "Does not have", is filled in.
b) Where does the water come from?

Fill in the corresponding circle

[The instructions refer to graphic illustrations]

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_WATSRC — Water source
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Water source
15. Where does the water for washing, cleaning, bathing, etc., used in this household come from?

[] 1 Water conduit inside the house
[] 2 Water conduit in the yard of the house
[] 3 Public tap
[] 4 Spring, river, stream
[] 5 Well
[] 6 Rainfall
[] 7 Tanker truck
[] 8 Other
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Question 15: What is the principal source of water used to wash, scrub, shower, etc. in this household?

Fill in the correct given answer. If the household water source is more than one, record the one mainly used.

If the water source is not any of the options provided from 1-7, fill in option 8 (other).

If the interviewee tells you that the water source comes from a broken tube or pipe on the street, back yard, plot or other place, fill in option 3 (From water conduit, piped in water)

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_WATSRC — Water source
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Section IV - Household characteristics

15. What is the principal source of water used to wash, scrub, shower, etc. in this household?

[] 1 Water conduit inside of the house
[] 2 Water conduit on patio
[] 3 A neighbor's tap
[] 4 Public tap
[] 5 Pipe from the street
[] 6 Spring, river, stream
[] 7 Rainwater
[] 8 Well
[] 9 Water truck
[] 10 Other
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Question 15. What is the principal source of water used to wash, scrub, shower, etc. in the household?
This question provides the identification of different sources of water used in households, which in turn helps to measure of the public service coverage and therefore, the importance of other sources of supply (such as well with a pump, well with no pump, river, etc. ). From this information we can estimate the proportion of households without access to a water system (hygienic or regular).
Read all the answer options and fill in the bubble with the corresponding code pertaining to the answer given by the informant.
If the household uses water from more than one source, record the most frequently used source.

Example: If the informant answers that the source of water comes from the water conduit inside of the house and from a neighbor's tap, ask what is the main source used and then record the option given as the correct answer.

In case that the water source is not included in any of the options from 1 to 9, fill in code 10, corresponding to "Other".

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_WATERSRC — Water supply
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Only for private, occupied dwellings
[Refers to items III through X]

IV. Water supply

[] 1 Running piped water. Exclusive use by the dwelling.
[] 2 Running piped water. Common use within the building.
[] 3 Running piped water. Outside the building.
[] 4 Spring
[] 5 Well
[] 6 River or stream
[] 7 Cistern

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Water supply. Corresponds to the water supply provided by pipes that come from public distribution networks or from other sources.

It is of exclusive use when only one family uses the supply.
It is of common use when two or more families in the same building use the supply.

Outside of the building is when the building does not have a water supply and the families are provided for by a public or private faucet; and,

When the building doesn't have any of the services previously mentioned, record the supply by marking an "X" in the appropriate box (runoff, well, irrigation ditch, river, or cistern).

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_WATSUP — Water supply
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5. Water supply in the dwelling
From public system

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but in the building
[] 3 Outside of the building

From other sources

[] 4 Well or spring
[] 5 Cistern
[] 6 River or stream
[] 7 Delivery truck
[] 8 Others

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[Question No. 5]

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 5, "availability of water service", in this section of the enumeration form.]

It is necessary that the enumerator ask the informant first of all if the dwelling is supplied with water through pipes or by another means, meaning without pipes. Once this information is obtained, the enumerator should read the alternatives that appear for each category.

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_WATERSRC — Water supply
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5. Water is supplied to the dwelling via:
Public system

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 3 Outside of the building

Other sources:

[] 4 Well or spring
[] 5 River or stream
[] 6 Delivery truck
[] 7 Other

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Question 5. The water supply in the dwelling is

Mark an X in the box that corresponds to the type of water supply.

[p. 20]

From a public network if the water arrives at the dwelling through pipes. In this case it can be:

Inside the dwelling,
Outside of the dwelling but in the building,
Outside of the building.

From other sources when the dwelling is supplied by a well or by spring-water, by a river or irrigation ditch, by a water truck, cistern, etc. [Rural manual: in the case of others, specify, ex.: rainwater.]

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_WATRSRC2 — Water supply system for dwelling
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4. Water supply in the dwelling

A. What is the supply system?

[] 1 By pipe inside the dwelling
[] 2 By pipe outside the dwelling but inside the building, lot or grounds
[] 3 By pipe outside of the building, lot or grounds
[] 4 Does not get water via pipe

B. What is the normal means of supply?

[] 1 Public system
[] 2 Well
[] 3 River, spring, stream or canal
[] 4 Delivery truck
[] 5 Other

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A. What is the water system?

Mark box 1, for piped water inside the dwelling, is the pipes are in the interior of the dwelling and the dwelling has direct access to the water.

Mark box 2, piped water outside the dwelling, but inside the building, plot or land, when to get water, the persons must leave the dwelling to the building or lot where there are water faucets of spigots.

Mark box 3, for piped water outside the plot or land, when to get water, it is necessary to go someplace to get water from a source other than the plot or land where the dwelling is located.

Mark box 4, no piped water, when the dwelling gets water that is not piped. For example: manual water supply or directly from a river, irrigation ditch, well, or delivery truck, etc.

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_WATER — Water service system
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4. Water service to the dwelling:

A. How does the household acquire water for the dwelling?

[ ] 1 Piped water inside the dwelling
[ ] 2 Piped water outside the dwelling but inside the building, plot, or land
[ ] 3 Piped water outside the dwelling
[ ] 4 No piped water, acquires water through other methods.

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Question 4.- Water supply to the dwelling

[There is a picture of question 4 from this section of the enumeration form.]

This question is made up of two parts: a. How is the water for the dwelling obtained? and b. Where does the water received come from? For each part, one and only one answer is admissible.

A.- How is the water for the dwelling obtained?

Mark box 1, by pipes inside the dwelling, if the pipes are in the interior of the dwelling and are supplied with water directly.

[There is a drawing representing this type of water supply.]

Mark box 2, by pipes outside of the dwelling but within the building, lot, or grounds, when to access the water supply one has to go out from the dwelling to another place in the building or lot, where the water faucet or tap is located.

[There is a drawing representing this type of water supply.]

[p. 22]

Mark box 3, by pipes outside the building, lot, or grounds, when to access the water supply one must travel to someplace other than the building, lot, or grounds where the dwelling is located. Example: public faucet, basin, etc.

[There is a drawing representing this type of water supply.]

Mark box 4, water not received through pipes, but rather by other means, when the dwelling is supplied with water that is not piped. Example: provided manually and directly from a river, irrigation channel, well, delivery truck, etc.

[There is a drawing representing a well.]

B.- Where does the water received come from?

Mark only one box according to the response given by the informant.

From a public network.- When there is a system for collecting, treating, and conducting the water toward the dwelling.

From a well.- When underground water is extracted by means of a pump or with a bucket, etc.

From a river, spring, irrigation ditch, or canal.- When the water comes from a natural or artificial source and is supplied manually or directly from a river, spring, irrigation channel, canal, or stream (manantial is also included in this list, but also means "spring").

From a delivery truck.- When the supply of water is by means of a (public or private) delivery truck.

Other (specify).- When the water that the dwelling uses is stored or collected in tanks or buckets directly from the rain through gutters, or is obtained in a way other than those described in the previous categories.

[There is a drawing representing a well and showing an x in box 2.]

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_WATSUP — Type of water connection for the dwelling
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Section 1: Information about the dwelling
[Questions 1-16 were asked for private dwellings.]

8. The water that is received in the dwelling is?

[] 1 Through pipes inside the dwelling?
[] 2 Through pipes outside the dwelling but within the building, lot, or land?
[] 3 Through pipes outside the building, lot or land?
[] 4 Does not receive water through pipes, but by another means

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[Section 1]

Step 5: If the dwelling is found occupied with people present, carry out the interview with the head of household or spouse about the information from section 1, information about the dwelling.

[A copy of section 1of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]

  • All of the questions of this section accept one answer only.
  • For registering question 12, you will take into account only the lightbulbs that are installed and you will not consider the lightbulbs used as Christmas ornaments.
  • In this section, there are leaps in questions 10 and 15.
  • Question 15 allows you to identify is there is more than one household in the dwelling.

[Page 18]

If there is more than one census household in the dwelling, you should use a questionnaire per household, starting with the second census household (second questionnaire) you should follow these instructions:
a) On the cover, repeat number 1, geographic location of the dwelling from the previous census questionnaire through question number 1.9.
b) In number 1.10 note the number of the census household that you are enumerating.
c) In number 1.11 complete the answer according to the number of census questionnaires used for each census household.
d) On the cover, leave blank number 1.12., number III - type of dwelling, number IV - principal access to the dwelling, number V - condition of occupancy, and section 1 - information about the dwelling.
e) Continue with the registry of the census questionnaire starting with section 2 (information about the household).

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_WATSUP — Water supply system
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Part A: Housing conditions

Living quarter

Water supply system

[] 1 Tap inside house
[] 2 Tap inside building
[] 3 None
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Water supply system:
If a public network water supply is available inside the living quarter a circle is put round number (1)
If a public network water supply is available inside the building and not inside the living quarter a circle is put round number (2)
If a public network water supply is not available inside the living quarter or the building a circle is put round number (3)

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_WATPIPE — Connection with water supply system
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Water supply system
[] 1 Tap inside house
[] 2 Tap inside building
[] 3 None

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The connection of the living quarter with supply system
If the water of the piped public system is available inside the living quarter the circle in front No.(1) is put in ink.

If the water of the piped public system is available inside the building and not inside the living quarter the circle No.(2) is put in ink.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_WATACC — Access to water
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
[Questions in table 2 are asked of all persons, except for the question on educational status]

Home connection to water utility

[] 1 Tap inside home
[] 2 Tap inside the building
[] 3 No connection with the utility
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
Mark the correct response number in the square or squares allotted for answering each question. The answer also must be recorded in words beside the square for the questions on dwelling type and ownership type.

Dwelling connection to water supply
Record the number of the correct answer inside the square as follows:

1. Tap inside the residential unit
2. Tap inside the dwelling
3. No connection to water supply

Note: Answers (1) and (2) mean the dwelling is connected to a water supply facility, and this must be taken into account when completing the summary table at the bottom of the form.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_WATLOC — Location of water supply
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II. Household information

2. Characteristics of the dwelling

[Questions 4-15 were asked of occupied private households, per question 3 and Section 1.]

8. Are there water supply fixtures?

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside of the dwelling but within the property
[] 3 Public tap
[] 4 None

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4.2.3 Household characteristics
These characteristics refer exclusively to single family [private] households.

The first two questions of this part of the ballot will be answered by the enumerator using simple observation, before introducing themselves to the occupants of the household; however, if there are any doubts, they can consult with the informant in the household.

8. Water installations:
Does the household have installations for the service of water?

Inside of the dwelling:
This is a household that has at least one stream of water inside of the household structure; this could be installed in the kitchen, the bathroom, or any other place in the dwelling.

Outside of the dwelling, but within the property:
The stream or streams of water can be found in the patio or courtyard of the household, within the limits of the property, such as those in boarding houses [mesones].

Public faucet:
The occupants of a household get their water from a public faucet located off the property, which is available for the rest of the households in the community.

No water installations:
This is a household that lacks water streams and their water supply is provided via different means.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_WATERSRC — Source of water
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8. What is the source of the water used by the household?
[] 01 Pipes inside the dwelling
[] 02 Pipes outside the dwelling but on the property
[] 03 Neighbor's pipes
[] 04 Basin or public tap
[] 05 Public well
[] 06 Private well
[] 07 Truck, cart or tanker
[] 08 Spring, river or stream
[] 09 Rain water
[] 10 Other

[Go to question 10 if any of options 05-10 are circled]
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Question 8: What is the source of water used by the household?
Pipes inside the dwelling:
This is if the dwelling has at least one faucet inside the living structure which is connected to the ANDA [Administración Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados] network or a system of plumbing administered by a private enterprise or the municipality.

Pipes outside the dwelling but on the property:
This is a dwelling that has at least one faucet within the property limits but outside the living structure and which is connected to the ANDA network or a system of plumbing administered by a private enterprise or a municipality.

Neighbor's pipes:
This is a dwelling that accesses running water from the ANDA network, or a piping system administered by a private enterprise, through a neighbor. It may be either through pipes or a hose.

Basin or public tap:
This is a dwelling that accesses running water from the ANDA network, or from a system of pipes administered by a private enterprise that is owned by the community or an organization that makes it available.

[Next page]

Public well:
This is when the water is taken directly from a well, either with buckets, a manual or electric pump, or by other mechanical means. The well is owned communally or by an organization that makes it freely available.

Private well:
This is when the water is taken directly from a well, either with buckets, a manual or electric pump, or by other mechanical means. The well is owned by a person or organization that uses it for its own supply.

Truck, cart or tanker:
This is if drinking and cooking water is obtained from a water distributor via truck, cart or tanker.

Spring, river or stream:
This is drinking and cooking water that is obtained from a spring, natural source, etc.

Rain water:
Drinking and cooking water is obtained by this means. It can accumulate in the winter.

Include in this category those methods of obtaining water that are not included in previous categories.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_WATER — Source of drinking water
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55. Where does the housing unit get drinking water?

[] 1 Tap inside the house
[] 2 Tap in compound, private
[] 3 Tap in compound, shared
[] 4 Outside compound, public tap
[] 5 Tap outside compound, shared
[] 6 Protected well or spring
[] 7 Unprotected well or spring
[] 8 River or lake/pond
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Column 55: Where does the house get water?

Residents in the house will be asked the source of water they sue for drinking and food preparation, and based on their response one of the options given below is identified and circled. The code selected will be entered in column 55 card column 47.

1 = Tap inside the house
2 = Tap in compound, private
3 = Tap in compound, shared
4 = Outside compound, public tap
5 = Tap outside compound, shared
6 = Protected well or spring
7 = Unprotected well or spring
8 = River or lake/pond

In order to clearly identify the sources of drinking water described by codes "6" or "7" it is necessary to carefully realize the definition of "Safe water" from "well, spring".

Methods of safekeeping well water and spring water are given below.

1. There must be a wall built with cement encircling the well or spring, i.e.
a. For a well: the wall has to be a minimum of at least 2 to 4 meters deep from the ground level and 70 centimeters high above the ground.
b. For a spring: its depth extends up until hard stone is at its base and a wall built above ground as high as necessary.
2. The wall surrounding the well or the spring needs to have a firm lid built from cement or other unyielding material.
3. There must be an outlet to divert the direction of flood to prevent the flood from flowing into the well or the spring.
4. The well or the spring must be at a distance of at least 25 to 30 meters from objects such as latrine that may infect the water.
5. If the source of infection such as the one pointed in 4) above is located at a higher level from the well or the spring then its distance must be further than indicated in 4) above.

If the household gets water from the above sources then it is said the household has access to safe water. In general it can be said that the water obtained from river or lake is unsafe water, except water from the pipe. This means that households using water from river, lake or pond are not using safe water. Pipe water is generally considered safe water.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_WATSRCR — Source of drinking water (rural households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for rural households.]

43. What is the major source of drinking water for the members of this housing unit?

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Protected well or spring
[] 3 Unprotected well or spring
[] 4 River/lake/pond
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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 43: What is the main source of drinking water for the residents of this housing unit?

The purpose of this question is to know the major source from which the household gets its drinking water. If the sources are more than one the enumerator should further ask the

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respondent to identify him the main one and he should circle the correct code among the possible alternatives given below and enter the code in the given card column.

1 = Tap
2 = Protected well or spring
3 = Unprotected well or spring
4 = River/lake/ pond.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_WATSRCU — Source of drinking water (urban households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for urban households.]

52. What is the main source of drinking water for the members of this housing unit?

[] 1 Tap inside the house
[] 2 Tap in compound, private
[] 3 Tap in compound, shared
[] 4 Tap outside compound/from private tap, public tap, other organization (bought or free of charge)
[] 5 Protected well or spring
[] 6 Unprotected well or spring
[] 7 River/lake/pond
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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Chapter Four
Instructions for Filling the Population and Housing Census Questionnaires in Urban Areas

Two types of census questionnaires are prepared for urban areas: short and long questionnaires. The long questionnaire will be filled in for the selected sample households, for all hotels/hostels and for other collective quarters' inmates. It should be noticed again that the short questionnaire is to be filled in for the rest households (for unselected households). The instruction given below is to fill in the long questionnaire and this instruction is again used to the short questionnaire because questions included in the short questionnaire are parts and parcels of the long questionnaire. The questionnaire is filled in for residents of housing units coded as code 1, 2, 3 or 4 is entered in column 11. Note that, only short questionnaire will be administered for homeless peoples.

Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction

In this section information on urban housing units are collected.
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. If there is a radio and television in the housing unit we record it but if it is out of order the household does not have the intention to maintain it again we consider as there is no radio or television in the housing unit.
5. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
6. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
7. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
8. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
9. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 52: What is the main source of drinking water for the members of this housing unit?

The purpose of this question is to know the major source from which the household gets its drinking water. If the sources are more than one, the enumerator should further ask the respondent to identify the main one and he should circle and enter in the card column the correct code among the possible alternatives given below.

1 = Tap inside the house
2 = Tap in compounded, private
3 = Tap in compounded, shared
4 = Tap outside the compound (from private tap, from public tap or other organizations paid or for free)
5 = Protected well or spring
6 = Unprotected well or spring
7 = River/lake/ pond.

N.B: We call a well/spring protected if it satisfies the following.
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1. Its surrounding should be properly built by stone and cement
a. If it is a well the building should be at least 2 - 4 meters deep in the ground and about 70 cm above the ground level.
b. If it is a spring the building should go deeper until a rock or a strong soil as found to serve as the base of the building and the height of the building above the ground level can vary depending on the situations. It should however have an outlet pipe on one side of the building.

2. The well/ spring must have a cover which is made of cement or any other strong material.
3. There should be a properly made diversion to protect the will/ spring from any water flowing to wards it.
3. The distance mentioned above should be by far larger if such contaminating facilities are stalked in higher position reliance to the well/spring.

Thus, if the household gets its drinking water from well/spring satisfying the above points, the enumerator shall circle code 5. Unless it is tap water, any water fetched from rivers or lakes is generally considers as unprotected and code 6 is circled. If the household is using tap water as the source of drinking water, the enumerator should ask the respondents as to where the tap is located and he circle the appropriate answer from the given 4 alternatives. The enumerator should note that the water may be fetched from the source by using human labor or other means.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_WATSUP — Source of drinking water
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Section 5: Information on housing unit

4. What is the main source of drinking water for the members of this housing unit?

[] 1 Tap inside the house
[] 2 Tap in compound, private
[] 3 Tap in compound, shared
[] 4 Tap outside compound/from private tap, public tap, other organization (bought or free of charge)
[] 5 Protected well or spring
[] 6 Unprotected well or spring
[] 7 River/lake/pond
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Question 4:- What is the main source of drinking water for the members of this housing unit?

The purpose of this question is to know the major source from which the household gets its drinking water. If the sources are more than one, the enumerator should further ask the respondent to identify the main one and he should mark the correct code among the possible alternatives given below.

1 = Tap inside the house
2 = Tap in compounded, private
3 = Tap in compounded, shared
4 = Tap outside the compound (from private tap, from public tap or other organizations paid or for free)
5 = Protected well or spring
6 = Unprotected well or spring
7 = River/lake/ pond.
N.B:- We call a well/spring protected if it satisfies the following.
-Its surrounding should be properly built by stone and cement
-If it is a well the building should be at least 2 - 4 meters deep in the ground and about 70 cm above the ground level.
-If it is a spring the building should go deeper until a rock or a strong soil as found to serve as the base of the building and the height of the building above the ground level can vary depending on the situations. It should however have an outlet pipe on one side of the building.
-The well/ spring must have a cover which is made of cement or any other strong material.
-There should be a properly made diversion to protect the will/ spring from any water flowing towards it.
-The distance mentioned above should be by far larger if such contaminating facilities are stalked in higher position reliance to the well/spring.

Thus, if the household gets its drinking water from well/spring satisfying the above points, the enumerator shall mark code 5. Unless it is tap water, any water fetched from rivers or lakes is generally considers as unprotected and code 6 marked. If the household is using tap water as the source of drinking water, the enumerator should ask the respondents as to where the tap is located and he, marks the appropriate answer from the given 4 alternatives. The enumerator should note that the water may be fetched from the source by using human labor or other means.

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_WATSUP — Water supply in the dwelling
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5. Water source
Water running in the dwelling
[] 1 Cold water only
[] 2 One or more hot water valves. (individual hot water or shared heater)
[] 3 No running water in the dwelling but water point inside the house (or the same floor or another floor)
[] 4 Water valve outside the house (faucet or pump in the yard, a well, fire hydrant, etc.

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4.3.3. Question 5: Water supply
You will check one and only one of the four boxes. Box 1 corresponds to the situation where at least one faucet provides hot water (water heater or shared supply).

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_WATSRC — Water source for domestic use
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6. Water source for domestic use.
Public supply
[] 1 Building connected to a collective network of distribution (city; village; service of waters; plant, etc)
[] 2 Fire hydrant, fountain, source or public wells
Well, tank, fountain, or private source
[] 3 With pipe connection in the building
[] 4 Without a pipe connection in the building

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3.3.5. Question 6: Water source for domestic use.
Do not count anything but water for domestic use (especially for the kitchen) and not water used for gardening, feeding cattle, etc.
Check box 1 (public supply) or box 3 (private supply) the case where a building connected to a shared water main or box 2 (building connected by way of a pipe to a water extension) in the situation where a pipe brings water inside of a building; check box 2 or box 4 when the water must be carried in.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_WATERSRC — Water source for domestic purposes
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3.3.5 Question 6: Water source for domestic use.
- Do not count anything but water serving domestic use (especially for the kitchen) and not water used, possibly, for hoses and sprinkling systems, to water cattle, etc.
- Check box 1 (building connected to a shared water main or box 2 (building connected by way of a pipe to a water extension) in the situation where a pipe brings water inside of a building.
- Check box 3 when water needs to be carried in.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_WATSUP — Water supply in the dwelling
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4.3.3 Question 5: Water supply
You will check one and only one of the four boxes. Box 1 corresponds to the situation where at least one faucet provides hot water (water heater or shared supply).

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_WATSRC — Source of water for domestic use

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_WATSUP — Source of water supply
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A. Facilities in dwelling

23. Water is supplied through:

[] 1 Water pipes in the dwelling
[] 2 Water pipes outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 3 Other methods

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A. Facilities in dwelling

Water is supplied through:

[] 1 Water pipes in the dwelling
[] 2 Water pipes outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 3 Other methods

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_WATSUP — Type of water supply in dwelling
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Directions for filling out the housing list

Section C: Residence facilities
If your residence has several heating types or several types of hot water supply, mark all existing types.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_WATER — Water supply
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H09 Water supply: What is the main source of drinking water for this household?
[] 1 Pipe-borne inside
[] 2 Pipe-borne outside
[] 3 Tanker supply
[] 4 Well
[] 5 Bore-hole
[] 6 Spring/rain water
[] 7 River/stream
[] 8 Dugout/pond/lake/dam
[] 9 Other (specify) ________

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H09. Water supply: What is the main source of drinking water for this household?

The focus of this question is the main source of drinking water available for the use of the household.

Sometimes there is a standpipe in a house but only some households are entitled to use it. Where a household is not entitled to use the standpipe in the house but has to draw its water

[p. 54]

from other sources e.g. well or stream, the appropriate source of drinking water must be captured.

1. Pipe-borne inside: This includes water piped into the living quarters/house through an inside plumbing system.

2. Pipe-borne outside: e.g. A standpipe either outside the compound or a public standpipe.

3. Tanker supply: Water supplied by tankers

4. Well: A hole sunk deep into the earth to reach the water table where water is collected.

5. Bore-hole: Hand dug or drilled well with pump.

6. Spring/rain water: Spring is where water gushes out from underground water sources or flows down slopes along rock or cliff surfaces. Rainwater is water collected into a container for use during rainfalls.

7. River/stream: Water flowing from its sources to the downstream towards a specific direction.

8. Dugout/pond/lake/dam: Where a surface area is dug for collection of rain water or hole in the ground with water in it or large sheet of water with land all round it or wall or bank built to keep back water..

9. Other (specify): Any other sources of water not specified under 1 - 8.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_WATDRINK — Main source of drinking water
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[H08- H12 and H13a were asked of all non-vacant households.]

H09: Water supply

H09a. What is the main source of drinking water for the household?

[] 01 Pipe-borne inside dwelling
[] 02 Pipe-borne outside dwelling
[] 03 Public tap/standpipe
[] 04 Borehole/pump/tube well
[] 05 Protected well
[] 06 Rain water
[] 07 Protected spring
[] 08 Bottled water
[] 09 Sachet water
[] 10 Tanker supply/vendor provided
[] 11 Unprotected well
[] 12 Unprotected spring
[] 13 River/stream
[] 14 Dugout/pond/lake/dam/canal
[] 15 Other (specify) ____
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H09a. Water supply - What is the main source of drinking water for this household?

The focus of this question is the main source of drinking water available for the use of the household.

Sometimes there is a standpipe in a house but only some households are entitled to use it. Where a household is not entitled to use the standpipe in the house but has to draw its water from other sources e.g. well or stream, the actual source of drinking water must be captured.

01. Pipe-borne into dwelling - This category includes water piped into the living quarters/house through an inside plumbing system.

02. Pipe-borne outside dwelling - Households that use water from a standpipe outside the compound or dwelling must be classified in this category.

03. Public tap/standpipe - This category refers to a public water point from which people can collect water. Public tap or standpipe can have one or more taps and are typically made of brickwork, masonry or concrete.

04. Bore-hole / pump / tube well - This category refers to hand dug or drilled well with pump. It also includes deep holes driven, bored or drilled, with the purpose of reaching groundwater supplies.

05. Protected well - This category refers to a hole sunk deep into the earth to reach the water table where water is collected. Protected wells are usually covered with a wooden, concrete or metal slab so that bird droppings and animals cannot fall into the well.

06. Rain water - This category refers to rainwater water collected during rainfall into a container for use.

07. Protected spring water - Spring is where water gushes out from underground water sources or flows down slopes along rock or cliff surfaces with a wall constructed (cement or similar) around it to regulate access to and protect the source.

08. Bottled water - This refers to water which is bottled and sold.

09. Sachet water - This refers water which is put into small sealed plastic bags and sold.

10. Tanker supply / vendor-provided - This category refers to water supplied by tankers.

11. Unprotected well - This is a hole sunk deep into the earth to reach the water table where water is collected. Note that these wells are not covered with anything, thus not protected from dirt.

12. Unprotected spring water - Spring is where water gushes out from underground water sources or flows down slopes along rock or cliff surfaces. Note that in this category no wall is constructed around it and access to the source is not regulated.

13. River / stream - This refers to water flowing from its source downstream towards a specific direction.

14. Dugout / pond / lake / dam / canal - This category refers to a surface area dug for collection of rain water or hole in the ground with water or a large sheet of water with land all round it or wall / bank built to keep back the water.

15. Other (specify) - Any other sources of water not specified under 1-14.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_WATER — Water supply
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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

6. Water supply
[] 1 In the dwelling, from public network
[] 2 In the dwelling, from private network
[] 3 Outside the dwelling but in the building, from public network
[] 4 Outside the dwelling but in the building, from private network
[] 5 There is no water supply in the building

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

58. Question 6, Water supply

[Omitted, question 6 is repeated]

The question refers to the household's drinking water, regardless of its quality.

[p. 25]

Record one, and only one, answer, even if the respondents declare that "they do not have drinking water.".

The hydraulic installation (pipes and tap) must be permanent and connected to a water supply network.

A public water supply network is inspected and controlled by a department of public services.

Any other (non-public) water supply network should be classified as private.

The drinking water supply is considered to be inside the dwelling when the tap is in an interior space (e.g., in the kitchen, in another room, in a corridor, etc.) of the dwelling, not in communal space or open space in the building or in the courtyard or inside another housing unit in the building.

If the tap is outside the dwelling but inside the building (i.e., in communal space, in the courtyard, or on the building site), select response 3 or 4.

Select response 5 if the tap is on the pavement, in a public square, or otherwise away from the building.

Response 5 includes any other means of supplying water, such as.:

a) Well or spring, regardless of whether the household owns it;
b) River, rivulet or lake, without a network;
c) Cistern, collecting rainfall;
d) Cask, regardless of the original water source, etc.

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_WATER — Water supply
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Amenities of regular dwelling.

6. Water supply

[] 1 In the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but in the building
[] 3 Outside the building

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80. Question 6, Water supply

[Omitted, question 6 is repeated]

The question refers to the household's drinking water regardless of whether its quality.
There must be recorded only one answer even if the enumerated declare that they do not have drinking water.

Case 1 is recorded when there is a tap (hydraulic installation) connected to water supply network, inside the dwelling and not in any other space of the building.

Case 2 is recorded if the tap is outside the dwelling but inside the building, in a communal space of the building, in the courtyard or the building site.

Case 3 is recorded if the tap is on the street, the pavement, the square and in general outside the building.

In this case any other means of supplying water are included, i.e.:
a) Well or spring,
b) River, rivulet or lake (without network),
c) Cistern,
d) Cask

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_WATER — Water supply
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Amenities of regular dwelling

7. Water supply

[] 1 In the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but in the building
[] 3 Outside the building

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_WATER — Water supply
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(Questions 2 to 13 in Part A are to be completed only if the answer to question 1 is 1 or 2.)

8 Water supply

In the dwelling
[] 1 From network
[] 2 Without network

Outside the dwelling but in the building
[] 3 From network
[] 4 Without network

Outside the building
[] 3 From network
[] 4 Without network

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_WATSUP — Water supply system
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Amenities of conventional dwelling or other living quarters
[Questions 5 through 12 were asked of all households]

8. Water supply system.

A. Piped water in the housing unit
[] 1 Public
[] 2 Private
B. Piped water outside the housing unit
[] 3 Public
[] 4 Private
[] 5 No piped water available
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Questions 8 Water Supply

[Omitted question 8 as in the form]
This question refers to the water used by the household, whether drinking or not. Only one answer should be given.
[] When there is a fountain [plumbing] in the house, connected with mains water, answer with X.
[] In case 2 when there is a fountain in the house and is connected to a private network, answer with X.
[] In cases 3 and 4 you will answer with an X if the tap is outside the house but within shared plot of the building, in the yard or on land and depending on whether it is connected to the public [3] or private [4] network.
[] In case 5 you will answer with an X if the faucet is on the road, the pavement, the square and, in general, outside the plot. Including the water supply from wells or natural fountain, river, stream or lake [without network] or cistern tank.
It is considered that there is mains water, when the water reaches the house with pipes, supervised and controlled by a carrier, e.g. EYDAP, OUTH, municipality etc. The network may be public, cooperative or private enterprise.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_RUNWAT — Water system
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VII. Housing services and amenities
[Mark only one box in each division]


22. System

[] 1 Running water (pipes or tubes)
[] 2 Without running water
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VII. Services and amenities of the dwelling

In this section, we investigate the existence and characteristics of some of the services that should be in every dwelling, such as water, drains, lighting, etc.

a) Water:
In this part of the form, we want to obtain necessary information to know the way in which the occupants of the dwelling are supplied with water; this knowledge is a great importance for the municipalities, sanitary authorities, and other offices and institutions, for the development of water supply systems to the populated areas.

Delivery system: The first information to be collected refers to whether or not the dwelling is supplied with water that is delivered through pipes that belong to a municipal or public system, or an individual system (pressurized deposit, pumps, etc.). The pipes can enter the dwelling for direct supply to the inhabitants or can end outside the dwelling, in a fountain or public faucet.

It is considered that the dwelling has "running water" if the occupants are supplied with water through pipes installed in the dwelling or from faucets or fountain, water deposits or water tanks, supplied by pipelines and that are not at a distance of more than one block from the dwelling.

[p. 27]

It is considered that the dwelling "has no running water" when the occupants get their water supply directly from a river, spring, natural spring, well, irrigation ditch, etc., which means that there is no pipeline. Likewise, will be include in the same category those dwellings that are supplied through a public network (water tank, faucet, water deposit, etc.) when the point from where they obtain water is more than one block from the dwelling. Will be included in this category those dwellings that have barrels or deposits that are filled with buckets, which means that the occupants carry the water to fill them.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_WATSUP — Location of running water
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VII. Housing services and amenities
[Mark only one box in each division]


23. Location of the running water

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling, but inside the building
[] 3 Outside the building, but less than one block away
[] 4 Other (specify) ____
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VII. Services and amenities of the dwelling

In this section, we investigate the existence and characteristics of some of the services that should be in every dwelling, such as water, drains, lighting, etc.

a) Water:
In this part of the form, we want to obtain necessary information to know the way in which the occupants of the dwelling are supplied with water; this knowledge is a great importance for the municipalities, sanitary authorities, and other offices and institutions, for the development of water supply systems to the populated areas.

Delivery system: The first information to be collected refers to whether or not the dwelling is supplied with water that is delivered through pipes that belong to a municipal or public system, or an individual system (pressurized deposit, pumps, etc.). The pipes can enter the dwelling for direct supply to the inhabitants or can end outside the dwelling, in a fountain or public faucet.

It is considered that the dwelling has "running water" if the occupants are supplied with water through pipes installed in the dwelling or from faucets or fountain, water deposits or water tanks, supplied by pipelines and that are not at a distance of more than one block from the dwelling.

[p. 27]

It is considered that the dwelling "has no running water" when the occupants get their water supply directly from a river, spring, natural spring, well, irrigation ditch, etc., which means that there is no pipeline. Likewise, will be include in the same category those dwellings that are supplied through a public network (water tank, faucet, water deposit, etc.) when the point from where they obtain water is more than one block from the dwelling. Will be included in this category those dwellings that have barrels or deposits that are filled with buckets, which means that the occupants carry the water to fill them.

The second aspect to investigate in this section is the location of the running water; the question on line 23 is asked only to the dwellings that had informed that they have "running water." Therefore, if the dwelling has "running water", you should try to clarify the source of the water. If the pipe that deliver water is installed inside the dwelling, you will mark the first small box. In the buildings where there are various dwelling units, there is sometimes a common supply for all of the units (e.g.: water tank in the central patio), but always within the boundaries of the building. In these cases, you will mark the second small box that says "outside the dwelling, but in the building." Finally, in the cases in which the supply is at a public water tank or faucet, situated at less than one block from the dwelling, you will mark the third small box, which says "outside the building, but less than one block away."

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_WATSYS — Connected to water system
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II. Characteristics of the place of habitation

7. Facilities in the place of habitation

a. Water:

Is the place of habitation connected to a water supply system?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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II. Dwelling characteristics

As mentioned previously, questions 1 through 9 of this section should be investigated for each one of the "dwellings". The specific instructions that follow will allow the enumerator to complete the work more efficiently.

Question 7: facilities

A. Water

1. How to investigate this question

The dwelling is investigated to see if it is connected to a water distribution system.

[p. 39]

2. How to record the data

Once it has been determined if the dwelling is connected to the water distribution system, the number corresponding to the answer given: either "1. yes", or "2. no" is circled.

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_WATSRC — Water supply
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III. Living situation of household number

1. Water supply

What type of water supply is available to the household?

[] 1 Running water for exclusive use
[] 2 Running water for various households
[] 3 Public tap (outside the habitation)
[] 4 Well
[] 5 River, lake or spring
[] 6 Other
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III. Living situation of household number

The questions included in this part of the form should be investigated for each of the households that are residing in the dwelling at the time of the Census.

The following specific instructions will allow the enumerator to carry out the work more efficiently.

Question 1: water supply

1. How to formulate the question

What type of water service does this household have access to?

The following definitions are taken into account: "1. Exclusive use running water" is the water service inside the dwelling used by only one household.

[p. 42]

When the household has running water that is shared between two or more households, the enumerator will circle the number "2. running water for multiple households". The service "3. public running water (outside of the dwelling)", should be circled when the household has access to running water that comes from a public source, installed for the community's use. If the household stores water from a well, river, lake, or spring; the numbers 4 or 5 are circled according to the case. The number "6. other" is circled for households that store water in another form, other the 5 cases explained above; e.g. rain water, water purchased from another household, water purchased from a tanker truck, etc.

2. How to record the data

The number corresponding to the answer given is circled.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 1 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_WATSRC — Water service
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III. Inhabited condition of the household

2. Water service

What type of water service is available in the household?

a. Water from a pipe
a.1 Public network
[] 1 Running water for exclusive use
[] 2 Running water for various households
[] 3 Public tap (outside the habitation)
a.2 Private system
[] 4 Running water for exclusive use
[] 5 Running water for various households
[] 6 Well with network for exclusive use of the household
b. Carried water
[] 7 Well
[] 8 River, lake or spring
[] 9 Truck (cistern, barrel, etc.)
c. Other
[] 0 Other (specify) ____

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_WATSRC — Water service
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Chapter IV. Habitation situation of the household

[Questions 1 to 4 are asked of all dwellings]

2. What type of water service is available regularly in this dwelling?

[] 1 Running water for exclusive use
[] 2 Running water for various households
[] 3 Public tap (outside the habitation)
[] 4 Well
[] 5 Truck or barrel
[] 6 River, lake or spring
[] 7 Other
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Section 4: Household housing status

The information you record in this section is for each household in a dwelling.

2. Water facilities
Ask, "What type of water facilities are regularly available in the household?"

[A graphic of question 2, from section 4 of the census form, is included here.]

- Determine whether the household has a tap for its exclusive use.

- The option "tap for several households" refers to a tap located within the dwelling which is for use by two or more households.

- The option "public tap" refers to a tap located outside the dwelling in the street or alley, on the sidewalk or in the park, and for communal use.

[p. 44]

- If the water is delivered determine if it is from a well, river, lake or spring, or a truck or barrel.

-The "other" option is for households that are supplied with water by means other than those in the previous options.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Section B: Housing questionnaire

II. Characteristics of the dwelling unit

(e) Source of water

[] 1 Tap water at home
[] 2 Public tap
[] 3 Well
[] 5 Spring, river, stream
[] 9 Other

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14. Characteristics of the Dwelling Unit
91. The characteristics to record here are those of the building inhabited by the head of household, namely: the type of exterior walls and roof, the layout/appearance of the terrain; type of lightings and water use and supply.

Water Supply

96. Ask the questions to the household members, and check the box corresponding to the dominant source of water. Do check "running water" only if the water is available from taps in the kitchen, in the bathrooms, or in the backyard.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Housing characteristics

H02 Source of water

[] 1 Faucet water in the home
[] 2 Faucet water elsewhere
[] 3 Dug well
[] 4 Drilled well
[] 5 Developed spring
[] 6 Surface water
[] 7 Other

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H02. Water supply
The fight against poverty in our country often takes the form of increasing the percentage of the population with access to potable water. In this situation, determining the means by which households obtain water is very important information for public authorities.

Here it is a question of indicating the kind (nature) of the water normally used by the households for their drinking and other household uses (dishes, cooking, laundry, bodily care, etc.).

There are 7 possible responses, the first 6 of which are very explicit: "faucet at home" (in the lodging or in the compound) and "faucet elsewhere" (outside the compound) are 2 cases that refer to running water distributed by the Guinea Water Company. "Drilling" and "developed wells" are 2 intermediate situations which fall within the framework of the village hydraulics [plan] completed by the National Service for the Development of Water Supply Points (service national d'aménagement des points d'eau), or of NGOs, and managed by the rural populations themselves. "Ordinary well" is without doubt the oldest situation, used by populations in rural zones as well as in some urban zones and zones peripheral to urban areas. "Surface water" (rivers, creeks, lakes, ponds, pools, etc.) constitute another relatively old situation used by populations to cover their water supply needs. Ask the head of household or his representative the following question: "What is the source of the water which fulfills your household's water needs in the home?"

[p. 57]

Circle the number of the code which corresponds to the answer you receive. The head of household should give only one answer. If the household's water supply comes from several different sources at once, ask the head of household to tell you which one he believes is used most often.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_WATER — Water supply
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12. Is this housing unit connected to a water distribution point?
[] 1 Yes, inside
[] 2 Yes, in the yard/courtyard
[] 3 No

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_WATER — Water supply
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For all occupied dwellings
[Questions 1-8 were asked of occupied dwellings]

6. Water supply

Piped inside the dwelling
[] 1 Public system
[] 2 Private system
[] 3 Piped outside the dwelling
[] 4 None
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Cell number 6: Water service
This question is designed to find out whether or not the dwelling receives water through plumbing inside the dwelling, outside of the dwelling, or if it simply does not receive water through pipes.

Piped water inside the dwelling: the dwelling has piped water inside the dwelling [indoor plumbing] when there are one or more faucets inside the construction; i.e. there is at least a faucet in the kitchen; but not when the only faucet available is found in the patio of the house.

When there is piped water inside the dwelling, box number 1 is marked if it comes from the public system; that is, when the water supply and installation of pipes has been supplied by the local, state, or both authorities.

Box number 2 is marked if water comes from a private system; that is, if the installation comes from a person, a group of persons, or a private company that charges the public for the service without intervention of the authorities.

A person who has a personal well, from which water is drawn via pipes into the dwelling, is considered to receive water from a private service, and mark box number 2.

Piped water outside of the Dwelling: The dwelling has piped water outside of the dwelling when the piped water does not reach inside the dwelling; rather it reaches the patio, building, or water is simply taken from a public faucet.

[p. 14]

The public faucet should not be more than 200 meters from the dwelling. If the faucet is closer than 200 meters then box number 3 is marked with an "X", if the faucet is farther away than 200 meters, box number 4 (does not have [piped water]) is marked.

Does not have [piped water]: when the water used in the dwelling does not come from a pipe but is obtained from a well, spring, river, etcetera, box number 4 is marked.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_WATSUP — Piped system for water service
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Chapter II Dwelling Information

10. What is the source of drinking water for the dwelling?

[] 1 Piped from public system
[] 2 Piped from private system

By other means:

[] 3 From a well with a mechanical pump (malacate)
[] 4 From a well with a manual pump
[] 5 From a well with an electrical pump
[] 6 From a river
[] 7 Watershed
[] 8 Street vendors
[] 9 Other

11. Is there a piped system for water installed?

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but within the property
[] 3 Off of the property within 100 meters
[] 4 Off of the property farther than 100 meters
[] 5 None

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11. Is there a piped system for water installed?
An "X" is marked in the corresponding circle.

[A graphic illustrates the possible answers to question 11]

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_WATSUP — Piped system for water service
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Section B. Information about the Dwelling

Only for individual dwellings that are occupied with persons present
[Questions 5- 12 were asked of individual, occupied dwellings.]

Basic services of the dwelling

7. Does the dwelling have a piped system for water service?

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling, but inside the property
[] 3 None
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Only for private dwellings with persons present
[Questions 5-12 were asked of private dwellings with persons present]

Basic services of the dwelling

Question 7: Do you have pipes installed for water service?
Mark the option that the informant responds, taking the following into account:

- Within the dwelling: There should exist at least one faucet inside the dwelling and it should be functioning.

- Outside the dwelling but inside the property: We are interested in knowing if the faucet is located within the property.

- Has none: You should mark this option for all of those dwellings that do not have pipes installed inside the dwelling nor pipes installed inside the property. For example: They go to get water from the public faucet, the house of a neighbor, the house of a relative, etc.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_WATSUP — Water supply
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2. Way of drinking water supply

[] 1 From the network, district, water-conduit
[] 2 From the house water-conduit
[] 3 From the well on the building
[] 4 From outside the building plot
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Filling in table "c) Equipment"

A dwelling will be regarded as equipped with given facility in case the installation is usable, or in case of a transitory (repair) period -- in case of newly erected houses after connecting to the supplier -- the use of the facility is assured.

Community water circuit

A dwelling is equipped with "community water circuit" in case it is connected to the water system run by the city (village) or the district water supply system.

Domestic water circuit
"Domestic" water circuit should be marked in case the tap water is pumped electronically or manually from a well drilled/dug on the parcel of the building.

Drilled well
Deeply drilled Artesian well.

Sewage facility

The sewage can be canalized with the help of a community or domestic canalization.

Community sewage facility
"Community sewage" answer will be marked in case the dwelling is connected to a central sewage system.

Domestic sewage
"Domestic sewage" means connection to a depository, desiccators or cesspool on a non-communal territory.

Table on page 4 of the Dwelling questionnaire will be filled in after enumerating all the persons living/registered in the dwelling.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_WATSUP — Supply with potable water
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[Questions 12-18]

13. Water supply

[] 1 From water mains within the dwelling
[] 2 From water mains outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 3 From water mains outside the dwelling on the ground plot (courtyard) of the building
[] 4 From water mains outside the dwelling out side the ground plot of the building
[] 5 From indoor water supply within the dwelling
[] 6 From indoor water supply outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 7 Otherwise (e.g. from well, fountain) on the ground plot (courtyard) of the building
[] 8 Otherwise (e.g. from well, fountain) from outside the ground plot of the building

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13. Water supply

In cases where the water is supplied from several sources, the one representing the higher comfort will be marked (e.g. in case both piped water and a well is available the tap water will be marked).

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_WATSUP — Water supply
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4. The water supply of the dwelling

[] 1 Piped water from water works in the dwelling
[] 2 Piped water from the well in the court-yard is in the dwelling
[] 3 Piped water from water works is only in the court-yard
[] 4 You use the water of the well in the court-yard
[] 5 From another place (e.g. from the well outside the plot, from a spring); specify ____
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4. Water supply of the dwelling

In case the dwelling is supplied with water from different sources the answer representing the more convenient source will be signed. The answer "the water from the public well I the street (5)" can be signed if community piped water is available there. In case the water is supplied from a dig or drilled well or the water is distributed in plastic bags the answer is "other source".

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_WATSUP — Water supply
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9. Water supply of the dwelling

With piped water:

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Inside the building
[] 3 From the building site
[] 4 From outside the building site
[] 5 From own pipeline inside the dwelling

In another way:

[] 6 From a well on the building site
[] 7 From elsewhere

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Question 9: Water supply of dwelling?

A dwelling supplied with piped water from community scheme is one in which water supply is obtained through a tap connected to a community water-conduit. The answer should indicate whether the tap is:
in the dwelling,
in the building,
on the parcel of the house,
outside the parcel of the house.

A dwelling is supplied with piped water from a private source if the water pipe leads the water of the well, which is generally on the ground-plot, courtyard belonging to the building, to the tap in the dwelling.

The dwelling is supplied from a well on its parcel if there is no tap water in the building but there a (dig or drilled) well or a cistern in the yard supplies the water.

If a dwelling is supplied with water from several sources the most convenient should be marked!

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_WATSUP — Water supply of the housing unit
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Dwelling questionnaire

I. Dwelling data

[Questions 2 through 23 were asked of all occupied private households, seasonal and non-residential housing unit]

10.1 Water supply
[] 1 From pipeline
[] 2 From private pipeline (e.g.: from well by pump)
[] 3 No piped water in the dwelling
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I. Dwelling data

10. Type of water supply in the dwelling

10.1. From pipeline or from private pipeline (e.g. from well by pump) must be marked in case water supply is obtained through a tap installed inside the dwelling thus the dwelling is connected to a community water conduit or a well.

10.2. Any form of hot water supply can be marked only if dwelling is supplied with water thus from pipeline or from private pipeline (e.g. from well by pump) is marked at question 10.1. If the dwelling is supplied with hot water from more sources (e.g. from hot water pipeline and also from individual hot water reservoir) then the answer must reflect the hot water used for wash-up, bathing.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_WTRDRINK — Source of drinking water
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Household and living unit information

9. Drinking water is from

[] Pipe
[] Pump
[] Well
[] Spring
[] River
[] Rain
[] Other

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6.12. Question 9: Drinking water
Procedure of asking question:
"What type of water is used for drinking?"

Fill the answer in the pertinent box for this question. If the household uses more than one type of water for drinking, fill the type of drinking water that is used most.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_WATLOC — Location of drinking water
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Household and living unit information

10. Location of drinking water facility

[] Inside yard
[] Outside yard

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6.13. Question 10: Location of drinking water
Procedure of asking question:
"Where do you obtain that drinking water?"

Based on the respondent's answer, fill in the pertinent box for this question, whether it is obtained from inside or outside the yard.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_WTRDRINK — Main source of water for drinking
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B. Economic condition of the household

Ask the head of household or other eligible respondent. Circle the code of the correct answer.

B9a. What is the source of drinking water for this household?

[] 1 Piped water
[] 2 Electric pump
[] 3 Hand pump
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Public well
[] 6 Spring
[] 7 River water
[] 8 Rain water
[] 9 Other: ____

B9b. Is this source located inside or outside the yard?
[] D Inside the yard
[] L Outside the yard

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B9 a) Drinking water source

b) Location of the outlet of drinking water

Ask about drinking water that is used in the household in the same way as in questions for B8 a) and b) above.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_WTRLOC — Location of water source (drinking)
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B. Economic condition of the household

Ask the head of household or other eligible respondent. Circle the code of the correct answer.

B9a. What is the source of drinking water for this household?

[] 1 Piped water
[] 2 Electric pump
[] 3 Hand pump
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Public well
[] 6 Spring
[] 7 River water
[] 8 Rain water
[] 9 Other: ____

B9b. Is this source located inside or outside the yard?
[] D Inside the yard
[] L Outside the yard

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B9 a) Drinking water source

b) Location of the outlet of drinking water

Ask about drinking water that is used in the household in the same way as in questions for B8 a) and b) above.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_WTRDRINK — Source of drinking water
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11. Source of drinking water
[] 1 Pipe
[] 2 Pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Spring
[] 5 River
[] 6 Rain
[] 7 Other

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_WTRDRINK — Source of drinking water
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[Province codes for questions 7 and 10 in block VII.A. and question 1 in code VII.B.1 are not presented here]

Q.13 Source of drinking water

1 Piped water
2 Pump
3 Well
4 Spring
5 River
6 Rain
7 Other

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Question 13 and 15: Source of drinking water and water for bathing/washing
The information collected here is the source of the water. If a household gets its water from a spring, but the water is channeled into the house, then the water source is a spring.

  • "Piped water" is water from a drinking water company (either private sector or government) including water that is obtained from an electric/diesel pump.
  • "Pumped water" is water obtained from the source using a hand pump.

[pg. 49]

  • "Well" is the type of water source where the water is obtained by using a bucket or pail.
  • "Spring" is water that comes out from the earth by itself.
  • "River" is water that comes from a river.
  • "Rainwater" is water that is collected into some type of container while it is raining.
  • "Other" is any source of water that cannot be categorized into any the sources given above, such as water from a lake/dam.

The way to ask this question is:
"Where do you obtain your water for drinking and water for bathing/washing for the daily needs of this household?"

If the answer to Q.13 is code 2 or 3, continue to Q.14. For all other codes, skip Q.14 and go to Q.15.

Question 14: If pumped water or well is the source of water for the household, ask the distance from the well to the closest sewage disposal.

Fill in the distance in meters in whole numbers. "Distance" is the shortest distance from the water source to the place for the sewage disposal, regardless of whether that sewage disposal place is owned by the household or is the property of others.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_WTRDRINK — Source of drinking water
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11. Source of drinking water:
[] 1 Pipe
[] 2 Well pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Spring
[] 5 River
[] 6 Rain water
[] 7 Other ____

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Question 11 and 12: Drinking, bathing/washing water resources
Ask the respondent [what is] their main source of drinking water used by the household. Please remember that the question asks the source. If the household respondent obtains water from a water spring that is distributed to their house, the water source is the water spring. If the respondent uses water that comes from several water resources, select the water resource from which the most water volume comes.
Tap water [piped] is water distributed through a purification and sanitation process before being distributed to the consumer through an installation in the form of tap water undertaken by state/private companies. Example: Aqua, Vit, Moya and Aquaria are also categorized as tap water.
Pump water is ground water obtained by using pumps, including those obtained by electric pumps/generator.
Well water is water drawn from the ground. The way of taking the water is by using a water dipper or bucket.
Spring water is a resource of water at the surface of the ground where the water comes out by itself.
River water is a resource of water from a river.
Rainwater is a resource of water from stored rain water.
Others are other water resources not mentioned above, such as from a dam, lake, or pond.

Ask the question: "Where do you obtain drinking water and water for bathing/washing for the daily needs in this household?" Circle the appropriate answer code in Question 11 and Question 12

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_WTRDRINK — Source of drinking water
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IV. Household information

416. Source of drinking water

[] 1 Piped water (go to Q418)
[] 2 Pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Spring (go to Q418)
[] 5 River (go to Q418)
[] 6 Rainwater (go to Q418)
[] 96 Other, specify ____ (go to Q418)

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6.4. Block IV. Household characteristics
This block is used to record the household characteristics, such as household income one year ago, type of physical building, status of residence ownership also other household facilities.

Questions 416 and 418: Drinking, bathing/washing water resources
Ask the respondent the main source of drinking water used by the household. Please remember that the question asks about the source. If the household respondent obtains water from a water spring that is distributed to the house, the water source is the water spring. If the respondent uses water that comes from several water resources, select the water resource with the most water volume used by the household.

Tap water is water produced through a purification and sanitation process before being distributed to the consumer through an installation in the form of tap water undertaken by state/private companies. Example: Aqua, Vit, Moya and Aquaria are also categorized as tap water.

Pump water is ground water obtained by using pumps, including that obtained by electric pumps/generator.

Well water is water drawn from the ground. The way of taking the water is by using a water dipper or bucket.

Spring water is a resource of water at the surface of the ground where the water comes out by itself.

River water is a resource of water from a river.

Rainwater is a resource of water from stored rain water.

Other are other water resources not mentioned above such as from a dam, lake, or pond.


Ask the question: "Where do you obtain drinking water and also water for bathing/washing for the daily needs in this household?" Circle the appropriate answer code in P416 and P418. If the source is by purchasing, ask where the source of the water is.

If a household uses a protected well as the source of drinking water, but obtains the water by using a pump (hand pump or electric pump), the source of water of this household depends on if the rim of the well is opened or closed:

  • If the rim of the well is opened, the household is categorized as using a "Water well" source
  • If the rim of the well is closed, the household is categorized as using a "Pump water well" source

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_WATSRC — Drinking water source
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522. What is the primary source of drinking water for this household's members?
[] 1 Piped water [go to Q.524]
[] 2 Covered well
[] 3 Uncovered well
[] 4 Covered spring
[] 5 Uncovered spring [go to Q.524]
[] 6 River [go to Q.524]
[] 7 Lake/dam [go to Q.524]
[] 8 Rain water [go to Q.524]
[] 9 Bottled water [go to Q.524]
[] 96 Other (specify) ____ [go to Q.524]

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Question 522: Main source of drinking water
Ask the main source of drinking water that the respondent's household uses. If there are several sources of drinking water, ask which source the household uses most. If the source of drinking water depends on the season, record the most recently used source. If a household gets its drinking water from a single source and it is piped into the house, then record that source.
"Piped water" is water from a source that has been filtered and purified at the drinking water reservoir such as from a drinking water company, either private sector or government.

"Protected well" is ground water that is drawn by bucket or ladle; the well is protected by a brick wall and a surrounding platform so that water from outside sources cannot seep into the well. Water that is pumped out of the well either by hand or by electric/diesel pump is considered a protected well.

"Unprotected well" is a source of ground water that can be drawn by ladle or bucket that does not have a concrete wall; it is possible that water that has been used outside the well can seep back into the well.

"Spring water" is a source of water on top of the ground which springs out by itself. It is classified as protected (code 04) if the spring is protected from water used for bathing, washing, and other purposes.

[p. 88]

"River water" is water that is taken from a river.

"Lake or dam water" is water that is taken from a lake or dam.

"Rain water" is water that is collected into containers during rain falls.

"Bottled water" is water that has been bottled commercially such as Aqua, Vit, Airess, MQ, refilled water, and others.

"Others" are any sources of drinking water that cannot be classified into the above categories, such as sea water, and pool/pond water.

Drinking water from piped water, protected and unprotected wells includes those that are located inside the house, outside the house and in public places. Circle the appropriate code for source of drinking water in Q 522. If the drinking water is purchased, then ask the source of the water.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_WATDRINK — Drinking water source
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405. What is the main source of drinking water?
[] 1 Bottled water
[] 2 In-house piped water system
[] 3 Piped water outside dwelling/retail
[] 4 Pumped water
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Unprotected well
[] 7 Protected spring
[] 8 Unprotected spring
[] 9 River
[] 10 Rain water
[] 11 Others

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Question 405: Main Source of Drinking Water
Ask the main source of drinking water used by the household. Select one of the response codes in accordance with the respondent's answer.
It is important to remember that it is the source that is asked here. Thus, if a respondent's household gets its water from a well/spring that is channeled to the house, then the water source is well/spring. If a respondent uses water that comes from various sources, then select the source that provides the greatest volume of the water used by the household.
Source of Drinking Water
1. Bottled water is water produced and distributed by a company in bottles (500 ml, 600 ml, 1 liter, 12 liter or 19 liter) and glasses/cups; some of the brand names of these bottled waters are: Aqua, VIT, Airess, Moya, 2 Tang, MQ, and includes refilled drinking water bottles.
2. Water piped inside the house is water treated and purified before being sent to the consumer's house via water pipes. Some of the sources are The Drinking Water Company (Perusahaan Air Minum or PAM), the Local Drinking Water Company, or the Drinking Water Production Board managed either by the government or privately.
3. Piped water outside the house purchased at retail is water treated and purified before being sent to the consumer via water piped to a public/specified place. A household which obtains its water in this way whether they purchase it or not are included in this category.
4. Pump is ground water that is obtained using a manual pump, electric pump, or windmill, including artesian wells (sumur pantek).

[p. 157]
5. Wells are dug into the ground to find the water that is there. A bucket or dipper with a handle is used to obtain the water with or without a pulley. Well water is divided into 2 categories, they are, protected water well and non protected water well.

Protected water well (code 5) is water which comes from the ground where the outer perimeter of the well is protected by a wall at least .8 meters above the ground and 3 meters below the ground and there is a cement floor surrounding the opening of the well with a radius of at least 1 meter.

6. Unprotected Well (code 6) is water which comes from the ground where the outer perimeter of the well is not protected by a wall and does not have cement floor surrounding the opening of the well with a radius of at least 1 meter.
7. Spring is a source of ground water where the water comes to the surface by itself.

Protected spring (code 7) is one which is protected from dirty water used for bathing, washing, etc.

8. Unprotected spring (code 8) is one which is not protected from dirty water used for bathing, washing, etc.
9. River water is water which comes from a river.
10. Rain water is water that is collected when it is raining.
11. Other is any type of water source which is not included in the categories given above, such as water from basin/lake, sea water, and water from a pool.

[p. 158]
1. A household whose drinking water comes from a seller who goes from house to house is considered water outside the house purchased at retail.
2. A household whose drinking water comes from a spring or collected rain water but comes into the house through a pipe/plumbing without purifying it first, is still considered to have a spring or rain water as its source of drinking water.
3. A household whose drinking water comes from rain water during the rainy season and purchases water during the dry season is categorized based on which source provided the most drinking water during the past month.
4. A household which obtains it drinking water through refills is considered to have bottled water as its source of drinking water.
5. If a household uses a protected well as its source of drinking water, however, to bring up the water it uses a pump (either manual or electric), the source of drinking water for this household is protected well.
6. The source of piped drinking water which comes either from a protected or unprotected well depends on whether the pipes are inside the house, outside the house or in a public place.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_PIPEWTR — Piped water
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Questions 45-55 should be filled out for households residing in Conventional residential unit (number 1 in Question 44)

47. Facilities and utilities:

3. Piped water

Does it exist in the housing unit?

[] Yes
[] No

Is it in use?

[] Yes
[] No

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

35. General explanation about Questions 45 through 55
Fill these questions only for those households who live in a conventional residential unit (box 1 question 44) and leave it blank for households living in other types of units.

38. Facilities and utilities, Question 47
Different types of facilities and utilities are mentioned in this question. First, ask about the existence of these facilities and utilities in the housing unit and mark either box 1 or 2 in section A. Then, ask about each facility and utility available in the unit (box 1 in section A) separately and whether the household takes advantage of it or not. If yes, mark 1 in section B, otherwise mark 2. For those facilities and utilities not available in the housing unit (box 2 in section A), leave section B blank. Note the following in order to fill this question:

- For electricity, private generators in units are not what is meant, but the electricity available to everyone is.
- For piped water, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the water in the pipeline to be connected to the public water network.
- For piped gas, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the gas in the pipeline to be connected to the public gas network.
- A central heating system, which also includes a package, is a system in which heat is produced in one defined part and is transferred from that point to the entire housing unit.
- A central air conditioning system is a system in which heat or cold air is produced in a specific part and then transferred to the entire housing unit.

Note: for electricity, central heating system, central air conditioning system and bathroom, the point is only to ask for the existence of it.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_WATSRC — Source of drinking water
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[The following instructions apply to questions 16 to 26]
Fill for each household living alone in the residential unit, if occupied by more than one household, only one of the households should respond.

25. Source of drinking water in the residential unit

[] 1 Water nets
[] 2 Public tap
[] 3 Well
[] 4 River or waterwheel
[] 5 Other

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25. The source of drinking water in the residential unit:
Indicated by the sign (x) in the correct square, for example if the residential unit provided with drinking water from public water net or governmental water net the sign is put in the square (1) opposite to the phrase (public water net or governmental water net). If the residential unit is provided with drinking water from a public tap the sign is put in the square (2) opposite to the phrase (public tap). The public tap means (the tap of the governmental water net that is available in a public place in the district or village that provides a number of residential units). If the residential unit is provided with a drinking water from a well the sign is put in the square number (3) opposite to the word (well). If the residential unit is provided with a drinking water from a river or a stream the sign is put in the square number (4) and if the residential unit is provided with a drinking water from other sources in the questionnaire such as tankers and springs the sign is put in the square number (5) opposite to the word (others).

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_WATSUP — Water supply
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[The following questions should be answered in respect of each private household and of the house, flat or rooms occupied by that household. These questions need not be answered in respect of private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

24. Water supply

[] Water tap, inside the building, connected to public main
[] Water tap, outside the building only, connected to public main
[] Water tap, inside the building, connected to private source
[] Water tap, outside the building only, connected to private source
[] No piped water supply

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Answers should be furnished to Questions 19 to 28, inclusive, in respect of all private household (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats, or rooms occupied by such households.

Question 24, 25 and 26 - Water supply, bath or shower and sanitary facilities. The Enumerator should check that entries have been made in the appropriate spaces in Boxes 24 and 26 and in Box 25 and that they are consistent with his own knowledge of the district. In particular, there should be appropriate entries ("Yes" or "No") in relation to the sharing of a bath or shower, to the situation of the sanitary facilities and to the sharing of the sanitary facilities.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_WATSUP — Water supply
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[Questions 23-30 should be answered in respect of each private household. These questions need not be answered in respect of institutions or private household living in caravans or other mobile dwellings]

Q.27 Water supply:

[] 1 Water tap, inside the building, connected to public main
[] 2 Water tap, outside the building only, connected to public main
[] 3 Water tap, inside the building, connected to private source
[] 4 Water tap, outside the building only, connected to private source
[] 5 No piped water supply

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Details of the dwelling
Answers should be furnished to Questions 23 to 30, inclusive, in respect of all private households (except those in mobile dwellings) and in respect of the houses, flats or rooms occupied by such households.

Q.27, Q.28, Q.29: Water supply, bath or shower and sanitary facilities
You should check that entries have been made in the appropriate spaces for these questions and that they are consistent with one another and with your own knowledge of the district. In particular, you should ensure that the questions relating to the possession of a hot water tap, the sharing of a bath or shower, the situation of the sanitary facilities and the sharing of sanitary facilities are answered.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_WATSUP — Connection to piped water supply
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PART B - Household questions

[Questions 25-33 should be answered with respect to each private household. These questions need not be answered with respect to institutions or private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

Q.29 Water supply

Insert a check mark in appropriate box

Piped water supply:

[] 1 Connected to public main
[] 2 Connected to a group water scheme with a local authority source of supply
[] 3 Connected to a group water scheme with a private source of supply (e.g., borehole, lake, etc.)
[] 4 Connected to other private source (e.g., well, lake, rain-water tank, etc.)
[] 5 No piped water supply

Is there a water tap inside the building?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Appendix 1

Details of the dwelling

Q.29 through Q.31: Water supply, bath, shower, sanitary facilities
You should check that entries have been made in the appropriate spaces for these questions and that they are consistent with one another and with your own knowledge of the district. In particular, you should ensure that the questions relating to the possession of a water tap inside the building, the sharing of a bath or shower, the situation of the sanitary facilities and the sharing of sanitary facilities are answered.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_WATINSID — Water tap inside the building
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PART B - Household questions

[Questions 25-33 should be answered with respect to each private household. These questions need not be answered with respect to institutions or private households living in caravans or other mobile dwellings.]

Q.29 Water supply

Insert a check mark in appropriate box

Piped water supply:

[] 1 Connected to public main
[] 2 Connected to a group water scheme with a local authority source of supply
[] 3 Connected to a group water scheme with a private source of supply (e.g., borehole, lake, etc.)
[] 4 Connected to other private source (e.g., well, lake, rain-water tank, etc.)
[] 5 No piped water supply

Is there a water tap inside the building?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Appendix 1

Details of the dwelling

Q.29 through Q.31: Water supply, bath, shower, sanitary facilities
You should check that entries have been made in the appropriate spaces for these questions and that they are consistent with one another and with your own knowledge of the district. In particular, you should ensure that the questions relating to the possession of a water tap inside the building, the sharing of a bath or shower, the situation of the sanitary facilities and the sharing of sanitary facilities are answered.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_WATSUP — Water supply
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H7 What type of piped water supply does your accommodation have?

Check one box only

[] 1 Connection to a public main
[] 2 Connection to a group water scheme with a local authority source of supply
[] 3 Connection to a group water scheme with a private source of supply (e.g. borehole, lake, etc)
[] 4 Connection to other private source (e.g. well, lake, rain-water tank, etc.)
[] 5 No piped water supply

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Census Day Sunday 23 April, 2006 - Central Statistics Office

H7. What type of piped water supply does your accommodation have? Check one box only.

[] 1 Connection to a public main
[] 2 Connection to a group water scheme with a local authority source of supply
[] 3 Connection to a group water scheme with a private source of supply (e.g., borehole, lake, etc)
[] 4 Connection to other private source (e.g. well, lake, rain-water tank, etc.)
[] 5 No piped water supply

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_WATSUP — Type of piped water supply
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H7. What type of piped water supply does your accommodation have?
Mark one box only.

[] 1 Connection to a public main
[] 2 Connection to a group water scheme with a local authority source of supply
[] 3 Connection to a group water scheme with a private source of supply (e.g. borehole, lake, etc.)
[] 4 Connection to other private source (e.g. well, lake, rainwater tank, etc.)
[] 5 No piped water supply
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Questions H7 and H8. Question H7 is used to provide information on the nature of the piped water supply used in dwellings across the state. The results of question H8 will indicate the type of sewerage systems used in dwellings. Both of these questions provide useful information for local authorities and planning bodies involved in housing projects.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_WATSUP — Type of piped water supply
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Questions about your accommodation

H7. What type of piped water supply does your accommodation have?

Mark one box only

[] 1. Connection to a public main
[] 2. Connection to a group water scheme with a public source of supply
[] 3. Connection to a group water scheme with a private source of supply (e.g. borehole, lake, etc.)
[] 4. Connection to other private source (e.g. well, lake, rainwater tank, etc.)
[] 5. No piped water supply
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question H7: What type of piped water supply does your accommodation have?]

[Question H8: What type of sewerage facility does your accommodation have?]

Question H7 is used to provide information on the nature of the piped water supply used in dwellings across the state. The results of question H8 will indicate the type of sewerage systems used in dwellings. Both of these questions provide useful information for local authorities and planning bodies involved in housing projects.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_WATRUN — Running water in dwelling

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_WATAQUA — Potable water from an aqueduct
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3.1 Indicate if the dwelling has (more than one answer is possible)
[] 1 Potable water from an aqueduct
[] 2 Potable water from a well
[] 3 Potable water from another supply source
[] 4 Non-potable water

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Question 3.1 (more than one answer is possible)
Specify the source of the potable water in the dwelling, both inside and in rooms with a separate entrance, or whether only non-potable water is available. If the dwelling has more than one water source, list them all.
If the water comes from a source other than an aqueduct or well: for example, an indirect source such as a regularly filled tank, then place a cross in box 3;
If the dwelling only has non-potable water, place a cross in box 4.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Section 8: Housing
[The head of the household only]

41. Water supply:

[] Public piped into dwelling
[] Public piped into yard
[] Private piped into dwelling
[] Private catchment, not piped
[] Public stand pipe
[] Public tank
[] Other
[] Not stated

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Section 8 - Housing

5.68 General
The information in this section relates to the building or part of the building used for living purposes. The information is to be recorded on the questionnaire for the Head of the Household only, and the required information must be given with respect to the entire household; no information on this topic is to be entered on the questionnaires for other members of the household.
Because the information is being sought from each household, this means that in some cases there will be different sets of replies with respect to the same building. The relevant instructions for non-private dwellings are given in Part 6.

5.71 Question 41 - Water Supply

[Image omitted here]

You are required here to mark the main source of domestic water supply for the household. This means that in those cases where the household members obtain water from more than one source, you must determine from the respondent which is the main source, and score this one only on the questionnaire.
In general, give precedence to the source for cooking and drinking over the source for bathing, washing and other uses. Where water from different sources is used for the same purposes, find out from the respondent which is the main source, that is, the one from which they get most water for this use, and record this source only.
Public in this question refers to a water supply established and maintained by the government or a government regulated agency.
Pub. Piped into Dwell: This is the abbreviation for Public Water Supply Piped into the Dwelling.
Pub. Piped into Yard: This refers to cases when the household's water is supplied from a pipe in the yard of the premises and which originates from a public source.
Priv. Piped into Dwell: This applies when the main source of domestic water supply is not a public one and is piped into the dwelling; for example, piped in from a private catchment or well.
Priv. Catchmn. Not Piped: This applies if the water supply is from a non-public catchment or well and is not piped into the dwelling.
Pub. Standpipe: This relates to a Public Standpipe, usually located along roads or other public thoroughfares.
Pub. Tank: This is applicable if the main source of water for domestic use is supplied from a public tank, dam, reservoir or well and is not piped into the premises. In those cases the water is probably obtained by going to the tank.
Other: Include here all other main sources of water supply e.g. river, pond, spring, etc.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_WATSUP — Water supply
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2.8. What is the main source of domestic water supply for the household?
[] Public, piped into dwelling
[] Public, piped into yard
[] Private, piped into dwelling
[] Private catchment, not piped
[] Public standpipe
[] Public catchment
[] Spring or river
[] Other
[] Not stated

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5.29 Question 2.8 Water Supply
You are required to indicate here the main source of domestic water supply for the household. This means that in those cases where the household members obtain water from more than one source you must determine from the respondent which is the main source and record this one only.

In general, give precedence to the source for cooking and drinking over the source for bathing, washing and other uses.

Public - refers to a water supply established and maintained by the government or a government related agency.

Public, Piped into Dwelling: - This refers to water from a public source which is carried by pipes into the dwelling.

Public, Piped into Yard - This applies to cases when the householder's water is from a public source and is piped into the yard only.

Private, Piped into Dwelling: - This applies when the main source of domestic water is not a public one and it is piped into dwelling. Examples of private sources are a private well or tank.

Private Catchment, Not Piped - This applies if the water supply is from a non-public catchment and is not piped into the dwelling.

Public Standpipe - This relates to a public standpipe, usually located along roads or other public thoroughfares.

Public Catchment - This is applicable if the main sources of water for domestic use is supplied from a public tank or other catchment and is not piped into the premises. In those cases the water is probably obtained by going to the tank.

Other - Include here all other main sources of water supply, e.g. river, pond spring, etc.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_WATSUP — Source of domestic water supply
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3.14 What is the main source of domestic water supply for the household?
[] 1 Public piped into dwelling
[] 2 Public piped into yard
[] 3 Private piped into dwelling
[] 4 Private catchment, not piped
[] 5 Public standpipe
[] 6 Public catchment
[] 7 Spring or river
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated

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5.32 Question 3.14: Water supply
You are required to indicate here the main source of domestic water supply for the household. This means that, in those cases where the household members obtain water from more than one source, you must determine from the respondent which is the main source and record this one only. In general, give precedence to the source for cooking and drinking over the source for bathing, washing and other uses.

Public piped into dwelling: Public refers to a water supply established and maintained by the government or a government related agency, for example, the National Water Commission. Check this if the water supply is from this source and is carried by pipes into the dwelling. You are likely to encounter situations where pipes have been installed but because of a lack of water in the area the householders are forced to use another source. It is this other source which must be identified. Score this category only if water is received through pipes connected to the dwelling.

Public piped into yard: This applies to cases when the householder's water is from a public source and is carried by pipes into the yard only. You are likely to encounter situations where pipes have been installed but because of a lack of water in the area the householders are forced to use another source. It is this other source which must be identified. Score this category only if water is received through pipes connected into the yard only.

Private piped into dwelling: This applies when the main source of domestic water is not a public one and it is piped into the dwelling. Examples of private sources are a private well or tank from which there are pipes which carry water into the dwelling.

Private catchment, not piped: This applies if the water supply is from a non-public catchment and is not piped into the dwelling.

Public standpipe: This relates to a public standpipe, usually located along roads or other public thoroughfares.

Public catchment: This is applicable if the main source of water for domestic use is supplied from a public tank or other catchment and is not piped into the premises. In those cases the water is probably obtained by going to the tank.

Spring/ river: This is applicable if the main source of domestic water is obtained from a spring or river.

Other: Include here all other sources of water supply. Where water is trucked to the area, score "Other". Score this also if water is received from neighbors on a regular basis.

Not stated: This is to be scored if the respondent fails to give a source of water supply.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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121. Main source of drinking water
[Question 121 was asked of persons who lived in occupied private or collective household, per Question 116.]
[] 1 Public network
[] 2 Public tap
[] 3 Tanker
[] 4 Well / rain water
[] 5 Bottled water
[] 6 Artesian well
[] 7 Spring
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

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Main source of drinking water which is one of the following sources:
[] 1 Public grid: it is required that there will be a faucet or more inside or outside the housing unit that is connected to the public grid.
[] 2 Public faucet: a faucet that is connected to the public grid of water, but it is located outside the housing unit. It is used by more than one household and serves many housing units.
[] 3 Tank: mobile water tanks
[] 4 Well/rain water
[] 5 Mineral water/purified: bottled water.
[] 6 Artesian well: ground water, where water is extracted either through pumping or by the force of the water itself. It is used without transporting it via a tank.
[] 7 Spring: suitable underwater
[] 8 Other: includes river, waterway, or pond.

Question 121- main source of drinking water:
The enumerator writes the main source of drinking water. After that, he records the answer code that applies in the corresponding space. This should be done while taking into consideration question 115. To illustrate, it is not allowed that the answer is the public grid, code 1, if the type of the housing unit is hair tent/tent, etc...

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_WATSRC — Water source
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H14. Main source of water
State whether:

[] 1 Pond
[] 2 Dam
[] 3 Lake
[] 4 Stream/river
[] 5 Well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 Piped
[] 8 Jabias
[] 9 Other

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177. Columns H14 through H17 seek information on the type of facilities that are available to the household.

178. In column H14, ask 'what is the main source of water?' You are required to code the main source of water. This is the source from which the household draws most of its water. For example, if during the wet season the household draws water from a tank, but then the longer part of the year draws from a river, code '4' (river) as the main source of water.

179. The main sources of water listed are:

(a) Pond - a small area of still water. Usually this water collects after rain or through an underground drainage.

(b) Dam - a reservoir formed by building a barrier across a river to hold backwater and control its flow. Such dams are typically built in dry areas of Kenya.

(c) Lake - usually bigger than a pond but has water collecting in it through, rain, rivers, etc. It is different from a dam in that it is not man-made.

(d) Well - a man-made shaft dug in the ground from which water is obtained. Water is drawn using buckets.

(e) Borehole - similar to a well, only deeper. Generally a pump draws the water into a tank or bucket.

(f) Jabias - rainwater harvested from any catchment into a hole/tank and used for domestic purposes.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_WATER — Water source
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H-16. Main source of water:
State whether

[] 1. Pond
[] 2. Dam
[] 3. Lake
[] 4. Stream/river
[] 5. Spring
[] 6. Well
[] 7. Borehole
[] 8. Piped
[] 9. Jabias/tanks
[] 9. Other

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Columns H16-19: Household amenities

108. Columns H16 to H19 seek information on the type of facilities that are available to the household.

Column H16: Main source of water
109. In column H16, ask "What is the main source of water for this household?" You are required to code the main source of water. This is the source from which for most part of the year the household draws its water. For example, if during the wet season the household draws water from a tank but then the longer part of the year draws from a river code "4" as main source of water.

The main sources of water listed are:

A small area of still water. Usually this water collects after rain or through an underground drainage.

A reservoir formed by building a barrier across river to hold back water and control its flow. A lot of these dams are built in dry areas of Kenya.

Usually bigger than a pond but has water collecting in it through rain, rivers etc. It is different from a dam in that it is not man-made. Stream/river

This is a naturally flowing source of water.

Place where water springs or wells up from earth or basin.

A man made shaft dug in the ground from which water is obtained. Water is drawn using buckets

Same as the well as defined above but deeper than a well and has pump for drawing the water into a tank, buckets etc.

Means water drawn through pipes installed in a dwelling unit and originating in a central (public) source.

Rain water harnessed from any catchment into a hole/tank and used for domestic purposes.

Any source that is not mentioned above.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_WATSRC — Main source of water
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H-24. Main source of water
[] 1 Pond
[] 2 Dam
[] 3 Lake
[] 4 Stream/river
[] 5 Protected spring water
[] 6 Unprotected spring
[] 7 Protected well
[] 8 Unprotected well
[] 9 Borehole
[] 10 Piped into dwelling
[] 11 Piped
[] 12 Jabia
[] 13 Rain/harvested
[] 14 Water vendor
[] 15 Other (specify)

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- Section J: Housing conditions and amenities. This section covers columns H18 to H27 on housing conditions and amenities. These questions are to be posed to the Head of the Household or any other responsible person.

39.7 Column H24: Main source of water

In column H24, ask "what is the main source of water for this household?" You are required to code the main source of water. This is the source from which, for most part of the year, the household draws its water. For example, if during the wet season the household draws water from a tank but then the longer part of the year draws from a river, code "4" as main source of water.

The main sources of water listed are:

- Pond: A small area of still water. Usually this water collects after rain or through an underground drainage.
- Dam: A reservoir formed by building a barrier across a river to hold back water and control its flow. A lot of these dams are built in dry areas of Kenya.
- Lake: Usually bigger than a pond but has water collecting in it through rain, rivers etc. It is different from a dam in that it is not man?made.
- Stream/river: This is a naturally flowing source of water.
- Spring: This is a place where water springs or wells up from earth or underground.
- Well: This is a manmade shaft dug in the ground from which water is obtained. Water is drawn using buckets.
- Borehole: Same as the well as defined above but deeper than a well and has pump for drawing the water into a tank, buckets etc.
- Piped: Means water drawn through pipes installed in a dwelling unit and originating in a central (public) source.
- Jabias/Tanks: Rainwater harnessed from any catchment into a hole/tank and used for domestic purposes.
- Vendor: Refers to water purchased by households from mobile sellers or distributors. Examples of ferrying include cart, bicycle, individuals, truck etc. The source of the water may be known or not, by the households.
- Other: Any source that is not mentioned above

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_WATRUN — Running water
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2p. Facilities
[] 01 Electricity
[] 02 Electric stove
[] 03 Network gas
[] 04 Liquefied gas (bottled)
[] 05 Heating from heating plants, rayon boiler houses
[] 06 Heating from boilers
[] 07 Heating from individual stoves
[] 08 Running water
[] 09 Sewage
[] 10 Bath or shower
[] 11 Central hot water supply
[] 12 Hot water supply from individual water-boilers
[] 13 No facilities

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Question 2p. Facilities of dwelling

When answering to this question, the enumerator is to circle one or several codes corresponding to prompts provided.

A dwelling is considered to be equipped with:
electric lighting if there is electric wiring available;
electric floor stove if there is an electric floor stove available. A house with a detached kitchen (capital building specially intended for kitchen) with an electric floor stove installed therein is also considered equipped with electric floor stove;
network gas (natural), if there is a floor gas stove connected to the network;
liquefied (bottled) gas, if there is a floor gas stove connected to the gas bottle;
A house with a separate kitchen with a gas floor stove installed therein is also considered equipped with gas.
It should be noted that premises with table electric or gas cooking appliances or trivets are not considered equipped with floor electric or gas stoves.
heating from heating plant, district boiler-house if there is heating from a heating plant or collective (block of houses), district or building boiler-house available;
heating from individual boilers if there are local small heating installations, heaters (radiators) or electric, gas, coal-fired, and oil-fired boilers, as well as other modern heating units;
stove heating if heat is supplied from one or several stoves;
running water if there is a supply net within the house, to which water is supplied centrally from the water pipe or artesian well the year round;

A house with a separate kitchen is also considered equipped with running water if a water tap connected to the water supply net is installed in the kitchen.

A house is not considered equipped with running water if there is a hydrant (a water pump) in the yard, but there is no water supply to the house.
sewage if there is a sewage installation inside the house for draining household and black waters to the street sewage net or adsorption wells. A dwelling is not considered equipped with sewage if there is no piped water or if it is equipped with a dry toilet;
bath or shower if a bath or shower is installed both in a separate bathroom and in the other specially adapted room, irrespective of the way of hot water supply;
A dwelling, in which a bath (shower) is installed but there is no sewage available, is not to be considered equipped with bath or shower.
central hot water supply if there is a special central hot water supply intended for daily living needs of residents;
hot water from individual boilers if there is a special water pipe supplying hot water from gas (or wood) water heaters, flat heaters including heating boilers of low capacity for daily living needs of residents.

If one or another facility of a dwelling is temporarily idle (because of repair, damage or other reasons), the dwelling is to be considered equipped with these types of facilities.

If there is none of the above-mentioned facilities in a dwelling, code 13 "no facilities" is to be marked.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_WATSRC — Main source of water for drinking and cooking
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G. Housing characteristics

24. Water for drinking and cooking

What is the household's main source of water for drinking and cooking?
[] 1 Piped water in/outside
[] 2 Well/borehole, protected
[] 3 Well/borehole, unprotected
[] 4 River/stream/dam
[] 5 Rain water from tank/jar
[] 6 Other
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Section G: Housing characteristics
Responses to questions 20 to 22 and 24 to 26 are pre-coded. Circle the correct response. Write a "9" for not known.

Question 24: Water for drinking and cooking
The question asks for information on:

- main water source
- distance to that water source
- indirectly also whether water source is safe or not

The response alternatives are:

- Piped water, inside or outside
- Well/borehole, protected
- Well/borehole, unprotected
- River/stream/dam
- Rain water from tank/jar
- Other

If the main source of water varies during the year, record the source that supplies the largest quantity of water.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_WATDIST — Distance to water source
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G. Housing characteristics
Distance to water source?
[] 1 On premises
[] 2 Less than 500 m
[] 3 Between 500 m and 1 km
[] 4 More than 1 km
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Section G: Housing characteristics
Responses to questions 20 to 22 and 24 to 26 are pre-coded. Circle the correct response. Write a "9" for not known.

Question 24: Water for drinking and cooking
The question asks for information on:

- main water source
- distance to that water source
- indirectly also whether water source is safe or not

The response alternatives are:

- Piped water, inside or outside
- Well/borehole, protected
- Well/borehole, unprotected
- River/stream/dam
- Rain water from tank/jar
- Other

If the main source of water varies during the year, record the source that supplies the largest quantity of water.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_WATSRC — Main source of water for drinking and cooking
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I. Housing characteristics

31. Water for drinking and cooking

What is the household's main source of water for drinking and cooking? [For each of the sources of water, a distance to that water source is selected.]
[] 1 Pipe water
[] 2 Well / borehole, protected
[] 3 Well / borehole, unprotected
[] 4 River / stream / dam
[] 5 Mountain source
[] 6 Rain water
[] 7 Other
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Section G: Housing characteristics
Responses to questions 21 to 25 and 27 to 29 are pre-coded. Tick the box for the correct response.

Question 28: Water for drinking and cooking
The question asks for information on: main water source, distance to that water source, and indirectly also whether water source is safe or not. The response alternatives are:

1. Piped water, inside or outside
2. Well/borehole, protected
3. Well/borehole, unprotected
4. River/stream/dam
5. Rain water from tank/jar
6. Other

If the main source of water varies during the year, record the source that supplies the largest quantity of water.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_WATDIST — Distance to water source
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I. Housing characteristics
Distance to water source [For each of the different sources of water.]
[] On premises
[] Less than 500 m
[] Between 500 m and 1 km
[] More than 1 km
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Section G: Housing characteristics
Responses to questions 21 to 25 and 27 to 29 are pre-coded. Tick the box for the correct response.

Question 28: Water for drinking and cooking
The question asks for information on: main water source, distance to that water source, and indirectly also whether water source is safe or not. The response alternatives are:

1. Piped water, inside or outside
2. Well/borehole, protected
3. Well/borehole, unprotected
4. River/stream/dam
5. Rain water from tank/jar
6. Other

If the main source of water varies during the year, record the source that supplies the largest quantity of water.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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I. Dwelling characteristics

Q56.What is this household's main source of drinking water?

[] 1. Piped water
[] 2. Well/borehole protected
[] 3. Well/borehole unprotected
[] 4. River/stream/dam
[] 5. Mountain source
[] 6. Rain water
[] 7. Bottle/can water
[] 8. Tank
[] 9. Other
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4.10. Section I: Household's characteristics
Section I is for individual households. The household group is not included in this section.

Question Q56: Where does the household's main source of drinking water come from?
The purpose of this question is to collect information about the main drinking water sources of the household. This is to figure out if a such water source is safe for drinking or not. The sources of water used for drinking are as follows:

1) "Tap water" refers to tap water certified by the Lao Water Supply State Enterprise.
2) "Covered Wells/Underground Water" Underground Water refers to water obtained by drilling a deep hole to bring water from underground. A well refers to a large hole excavation to collect water/ Both types are used with rods and covers to prevent the inflow of outside water, and prevent water from flowing out While the cover is used to prevent people, animals, or things from falling down.
3) "Un-covered Wells/Underground water" refers to a well or underground water without rods and covers to prevent the inflow of outside water and prevent water from flowing out, while the cover is used to prevent people, animals, or things from falling down.
4) "River/creek/pond/dam" refers to water obtained from natural or man-made rivers/creeks/ponds/dams.
5) "Spring water/fountain" refers to natural water sources.
6) "Rainwater" refers to the collection and accumulation of water from rain that has flowed off roofs or natural water collection areas that are stored in basins or water storage tanks.
7) "Bottled water/drinking water" refers to the source of water obtained from the purchase of bottles/gallons from all drinking water companies.
8) "Water tank" refers to the water purchased and distributed from a water truck.
9) "Others" refer to water sources other than those mentioned above.

To record the answer, you must write down the interviewee's answer by highlighting it in black on the box of the answer code as defined in the questionnaire.
Attention: In the case the household uses many sources of water for drinking, please select the main source that is used most regularly. If the source of drinking water varies from season to season, please mark the water source according to the season being interviewed.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_WATDIST — Distance to water source
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I. Dwelling characteristics

Q57. How far do you travel to this water source?

[] 1. On premises
[] 2. Less than 200m
[] 3. 200m to 500m
[] 4. 500m to 1km
[] 5. More than 1km
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4.10. Section I: Household's characteristics
Section I is for individual households. The household group is not included in this section.

Question Q57: How far is the house from the source of drinking water?
The purpose of the question is to collect information on the distance between each household and a source of drinking water that is regularly used for drinking.
To record the answer, you must write down according to the interviewer's answer by highlighting in black the box of the answer code in accordance with the answer code specified in the questionnaire.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_WATSRC — Water
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Section F. Housing characteristics and household possessions

39. What is the source of water for the household?

[] 1 Piped water on premise
[] 2 Piped water community supply
[] 3 Catchment tank
[] 4 Public well
[] 5 Private well
[] 6 Spring covered
[] 7 Spring not covered
[] 8 River
[] 9 Other, specify ____
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6. Part F of the questionnaire (housing)

147. Column 39: Source of water for the household. What is the source of water for the household? Circle the appropriate code according to the response and the list given.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

62. What is the source of drinking water for the household?

[] 1 Piped water on premise
[] 2 Piped water community supply
[] 3 Catchment tank
[] 4 Public well
[] 5 Private well
[] 6 Spring covered
[] 7 Spring not covered
[] 8 River
[] 9 Private borehole
[] 10 Public borehole
[] 11 Other, specify ____
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Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

131. Column 62: What is the source of drinking water for the household?

Column 62 relates to source of drinking water for the household. Code according to the response and the given list.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_WATSUP — Main source of drinking water
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H07. What is your main source of water supply for drinking?
[] 1 Pipe or pump indoors
[] 2 Pipe or pump outdoors
[] 3 Public tap
[] 4 Closed well or closed spring
[] 5 Open well or spring
[] 6 River, lake or stream
[] 7 Water vendors
[] 8 Other (specify)

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_WATERWET1 — Main source of drinking water in first dwelling, wet season
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Main source of drinking water

Wet season

[] 1 Piped inside dwelling unit
[] 2 Piped outside dwelling unit
[] 3 Communal stand pipe
[] 4 Borehole
[] 5 Well
[] 6 Spring
[] 7 Stream/river
[] 8 Lake dam

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Main source of drinking water: Here you must find out from the respondent what the main source of drinking water is for the members of the dwelling unit. This should first be asked and recorded for the wet season and then similarly for the dry season. The alternative sources of drinking water and their appropriate codes are as follows:
[] 1 Piped inside DU
[] 2 Piped outside DU
[] 3 Communal stand pipe
[] 4 Borehole
[] 5 Well
[] 6 Spring
[] 7 Stream/river
[] 8 Lake/dam

Fill in the appropriate code for the main source of drinking water during the wet season in column 86 and that for the dry season in column 87. Never leave any of these spaces blank even if the codes for wet and dry season are the same.

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_WATERDRY1 — Main source of drinking water in first dwelling, dry season
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Main source of drinking water

Dry season

[] 1 Piped inside dwelling unit
[] 2 Piped outside dwelling unit
[] 3 Communal stand pipe
[] 4 Borehole
[] 5 Well
[] 6 Spring
[] 7 Stream/river
[] 8 Lake dam

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Main source of drinking water: Here you must find out from the respondent what the main source of drinking water is for the members of the dwelling unit. This should first be asked and recorded for the wet season and then similarly for the dry season. The alternative sources of drinking water and their appropriate codes are as follows:
[] 1 Piped inside DU
[] 2 Piped outside DU
[] 3 Communal stand pipe
[] 4 Borehole
[] 5 Well
[] 6 Spring
[] 7 Stream/river
[] 8 Lake/dam

Fill in the appropriate code for the main source of drinking water during the wet season in column 86 and that for the dry season in column 87. Never leave any of these spaces blank even if the codes for wet and dry season are the same.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_WATSRCW1 — Source of drinking water in wet season, 1st dwelling
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What is the main source of drinking water?

D5. Wet season

[] 01 Piped inside dwelling unit
[] 02 Piped outside dwelling unit
[] 03 Communal stand pipe
[] 04 Protected well
[] 05 Unprotected well
[] 06 Borehole
[] 07 Spring
[] 08 Stream/river
[] 09 Lake/dam
[] 10 Rainwater

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Part D: Dwelling Unit Characteristics and Access to Facilities

D5 and D6: Main source of drinking water:
Here you must find out from the respondent what the main source of drinking water is for the members of the dwelling unit. This should first be asked and recorded for the wet season and then similarly for the dry season.
Fill in the appropriate code for the main source of drinking water during the wet season in column D5 and that for the dry season in column D6. Never leave any of these spaces blank, even if the codes for wet and dry season are the same.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_WATSRCD1 — Source of drinking water in dry season, 1st dwelling
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What is the main source of drinking water?

D6. Dry season

[] 01 Piped inside dwelling unit
[] 02 Piped outside dwelling unit
[] 03 Communal stand pipe
[] 04 Protected well
[] 05 Unprotected well
[] 06 Borehole
[] 07 Spring
[] 08 Stream/river
[] 09 Lake/dam
[] 10 Rainwater

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Part D: Dwelling Unit Characteristics and Access to Facilities

D5 and D6: Main source of drinking water:
Here you must find out from the respondent what the main source of drinking water is for the members of the dwelling unit. This should first be asked and recorded for the wet season and then similarly for the dry season.
Fill in the appropriate code for the main source of drinking water during the wet season in column D5 and that for the dry season in column D6. Never leave any of these spaces blank, even if the codes for wet and dry season are the same.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_WATRWET — Main source of drinking water in wet season
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D09. What is the main source of drinking water for members of the household?
Dry season:

[] 1 Piped into dwelling
[] 2 Piped into yard / plot
[] 3 Community stand pipe
[] 4 Unprotected well
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 Spring
[] 8 River / stream
[] 9 Pond / lake
[] 10 Dam
[] 11 Rain water
[] 12 Tanker truck / bowser
[] 13 Bottled water
[] 14 Other

Wet season:

[] 1 Piped into dwelling
[] 2 Piped into yard / plot
[] 3 Community stand pipe
[] 4 Unprotected well
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 Spring
[] 8 River / stream
[] 9 Pond / lake
[] 10 Dam
[] 11 Rain water
[] 12 Tanker truck / bowser
[] 13 Bottled water
[] 14 Other

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D07. Main source of water
Ask about the main source of drinking water for the members of the household and then shade the appropriate code.
Piped into house or dwelling (house connection) - Where the tap is available in the living quarters occupied by the household, shade 1.

Piped into yard/plot: If the household members fetch water for domestic use from a tap located outside the house, which is within its premises and is for their exclusive use, shade 2.

Community stand pipe: If the members fetch water from a community stand pipe, i.e. other members of the community also fetch water from the stand pipe, shade 3.

Unprotected well: This is an artificial means of water supply from underground obtained by boring or digging if the water is not in any way protected from contamination, shade 4.

Protected well: Where efforts have been made towards erecting structures around the well or other means have been made to protect the water from contamination, shade 5.

Borehole: If the water source is a borehole, shade 6.

Spring: This is a natural water supply source from underground. It is a simple outcropping of water to the land surface; shade 7.

River/stream: For households which use water from a river/stream, shade 8.

Pond/lake: For households which use water from a pond/lake, shade 9.

Dam: For households which use water from a dam, shade 10.

Rain water: For households which harvest rain water for consumption, shade 11.

Tanker truck/bowser: For households which are supplied water by a tanker truck, shade 12.

Bottled water: For households which buy bottled water from shops, shade 13.

Other: This applies in cases where the source of water supply is not classifiable into any of the categories listed above; shade 88.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_WATRDRY — Main source of drinking water in dry season
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D09. What is the main source of drinking water for members of the household?
Dry season:

[] 1 Piped into dwelling
[] 2 Piped into yard / plot
[] 3 Community stand pipe
[] 4 Unprotected well
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 Spring
[] 8 River / stream
[] 9 Pond / lake
[] 10 Dam
[] 11 Rain water
[] 12 Tanker truck / bowser
[] 13 Bottled water
[] 14 Other

Wet season:

[] 1 Piped into dwelling
[] 2 Piped into yard / plot
[] 3 Community stand pipe
[] 4 Unprotected well
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Borehole
[] 7 Spring
[] 8 River / stream
[] 9 Pond / lake
[] 10 Dam
[] 11 Rain water
[] 12 Tanker truck / bowser
[] 13 Bottled water
[] 14 Other

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D07. Main source of water
Ask about the main source of drinking water for the members of the household and then shade the appropriate code.
Piped into house or dwelling (house connection) - Where the tap is available in the living quarters occupied by the household, shade 1.

Piped into yard/plot: If the household members fetch water for domestic use from a tap located outside the house, which is within its premises and is for their exclusive use, shade 2.

Community stand pipe: If the members fetch water from a community stand pipe, i.e. other members of the community also fetch water from the stand pipe, shade 3.

Unprotected well: This is an artificial means of water supply from underground obtained by boring or digging if the water is not in any way protected from contamination, shade 4.

Protected well: Where efforts have been made towards erecting structures around the well or other means have been made to protect the water from contamination, shade 5.

Borehole: If the water source is a borehole, shade 6.

Spring: This is a natural water supply source from underground. It is a simple outcropping of water to the land surface; shade 7.

River/stream: For households which use water from a river/stream, shade 8.

Pond/lake: For households which use water from a pond/lake, shade 9.

Dam: For households which use water from a dam, shade 10.

Rain water: For households which harvest rain water for consumption, shade 11.

Tanker truck/bowser: For households which are supplied water by a tanker truck, shade 12.

Bottled water: For households which buy bottled water from shops, shade 13.

Other: This applies in cases where the source of water supply is not classifiable into any of the categories listed above; shade 88.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_WATSUP — Water supply
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[Questions A2-9 were asked of living quarters built or converted for living.]

A6. What is the source of drinking water?

[] 1 Piped water inside living quarters
[] 2 Piped water outside living quarters
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Others (including river, drain, canal) (Specify) ____

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Question A6

[Question A6 from the enumeration form is not presented here.]

This question is to find out the source of drinking water normally used by the HH members of the LQ.

For category "piped water", it refers to PVC or metal pipes which have a tap.

Remember that it also includes all types of piped water either from public supply or a private tank or channeled through a motor attached to the pipe. It can be categorized into two types:

(i) Piped water inside the living quarters (Code 1)
(ii) Piped water outside the living quarters (Code 2)

Category "Others" includes rain water, river water, canal, drain, etc.

How to ask the question
Ask question as stated in the questionnaire.
You can also obtain the answer by observation.

How to record the answer
Mark "X" in the relevant code box.

If more than one source of water supply is used, record only the principal/main category.
To ascertain whether the piped water is inside/outside the LQ, you need to ask the respondent or observe where the main tap is located.
If code 4 is marked, write on the dotted line the type of water supply for drinking.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_WATSRC — Source of drinking water
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A6. Drinking water supply facility
[] 1 Treated piped water
[] 2 Other sources (Specify) ____

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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Circle the code that applies or record the appropriate code in the space provided. If there is a plot occupied by a single household, use the characteristics of the main building (without including the number of rooms)

H7) Supply of drinking water

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Bore hole
[] 3 Improved well
[] 4 Traditional well
[] 5 Public tap
[] 6 Surface water
[] 7 Other, specify
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Main method to get drinking water (Column H7)
This question is about the main source of drinking water used by the household. Insist especially on the main source for the household because they can use several sources to obtain drinking water. The officer asks the question: "What is the main source for your drinking water?." The agent records the code corresponding to the correct answer.

When the officer enters code "7," he writes in full words the exact response.

1 = Tap: The tap can be in the yard, in the housing or in the concession. Generally, tap water comes from the EDM [Malian Electric Company] facilities.
2 = Drilling: A borehole is usually in the street and works with a pump (used by hand, by foot).
3 = Finished well: A well is said to be finished when surrounded by cement and covered with a lid. The wells are constructed to avoid external water filtration.
4 = Traditional Well: The traditional well is the most common. It is not finished.
5 = Public tap: It is tap for public use (often for a fee) in the street.
6 = Surface Water: It is stagnant water (ponds, puddles, oasis ...)
7 = Other specify: No terms listed in this table (river, dam ...)

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_WATSRC — Piped water availability
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51. Is there piped water in the dwelling? Yes or No


Column 47-57. These columns are for the dwelling or house that the family occupies. Therefore, the answers will only be written in the row for the head of household.

Column 47: If the family that lives in the dwelling is the homeowner, make an X. If not, leave the column blank.

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Column 51. If, within the house or dwelling, there is piped water for the use of the inhabitants, the word YES should be written in column 51. If there is not this service, write the word No.

Column 52. When the piped water is for the common use of all the inhabitants of the dwellings in a building, and is accessible in a yard, or from other out buildings, the word YES is written in column 52; when there are not these sources, write the work No.

Column 53. Make an (X) in column 53 when the house or dwelling does not have any of the water services considered in columns 51 and 52, that is, when the house or dwelling does not have piped water.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_WATSRC — Availability of piped water
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Mark with an X

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[3 Drawings, followed, respectively, by these words:] Piped water within the dwelling. Piped water outside the dwelling but inside the building. Piped water in a public faucet or hydrant.

When the answer is "Yes" to the first question, do not ask the next two questions. When the answer is "No," ask the second question. If the answer to the second question is "No," ask the third question.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_WATSRC — Piped water
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7. Running Water

Do the occupants of this dwelling have access to running water?
Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 1 Inside the dwelling
[ ] 2 Outside the dwelling but on the land
[ ] 3 From a public faucet or hydrant
[ ] 4 No access to running water

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Characteristics of the dwelling

The series of questions found on page two of the questionnaire will permit you to find out the principal characteristics of the dwellings: the materials that they are made out of, the number of rooms that the dwelling consists of and the use the rooms are given, the available services, ownership of the dwelling and the cooking fuel that they use.

7. Piped water

We want to know how the occupants of the dwelling get water. You should read the questions aloud until you get an answer.

Inside the dwelling? [x] 1
Outside the dwelling, but on the property? [x] 2
From a public faucet or hydrant? [x] 3
No piped water? [x] 4
[End of illustration]

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_WATPIPE — Piped water
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1.8 Water in a pipe
Do the occupants of this dwelling have water in a pipe:
Read all options.

[] 1 Within the dwelling?
[] 2 Away from the dwelling, but within the plot of land?
[] 3 From a public faucet or hydrant?
[] 4 Do not have water in a pipe?

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1.8 Water in a pipe

The purpose of this question is to find out the availability of water in a pipe provided from a public system, whether or not it is from the government, the community or from an account from a private company.

[p. 69]

Supply network of water is an instillation of pipes that is planned and built for supplying water to dwellings, buildings and schools, among others. It can be administered by the entity, municipality, community or a private company. It is not necessarily an underground instillation at the base of pipes; it can be above land, the type of material not being important.

This question has four answer options, with the first three dwellings having the service and with the last, those that do not have it, the options are the following:

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Within the dwelling?

It is considered that water from a pipe comes from inside the dwelling, if it has at least a faucet in the inside of one of its rooms. This criterion is expressed only and exclusively when the informant has doubts.

Away from the dwelling, but within the plot of land?

When the faucet only is in the piece of land, in the garage or in the patio, a dwelling has water in a pipe away from it, but within the plot of land.

If the water comes from a private well and has an instillation of pipes planned and built to supply water to the interior of the dwelling or the plot of land, consider that the occupants do have water in a pipe, whether it is inside the dwelling or outside of it, but inside the plot of land.

From a public faucet or hydrant?

The occupants have water from a public faucet or hydrant when they get it from an irrigation channel of public use.

Does not have water in a pipe?

In the cases in which a dwelling has an instillation of pipes for water supply, but it has never worked, consider that it does not have water from a pipe. Also, [p. 70] when the water is obtained from the house of a neighbor, register that the occupants of the dwelling do not have water in a pipe.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_WATSRC — Availability of water
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6. Access to water

Read all of the options until you get an affirmative answer.
Circle only one answer.

1 Running water inside the dwelling
2 Running water outside the dwelling but on the land
3 Running water from a public faucet or hydrant
4 Running water that is carried from another dwelling
5 Tanked in by truck
6 Water from a well, river, lake, stream or other

Answers 3, 4, 5, 6 continue with number 8
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6. Access to Water

This question distinguishes dwellings which have piped water from those that get water from a different source.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_WATSRC1 — Availability of water
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1.5 Availability of Water
In this dwelling do they have water from:
Mark a single answer
[] 1 The public system within the dwelling?
[] 2 The public system outside the dwelling but within the plot of land?
[] 3 A public faucet (or hydrant)?
[] 4 Another dwelling?
[] 5 A pipe?
[] 6 A well?
[] 7 A river, stream, lake or other?

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Section I: Characteristics of the dwelling

If the class of private dwelling is an independent house, apartment in a building or tenement house and dwelling or room on a roof, ask questions of section 1.

If it is a premises not built for inhabitation, mobile dwelling or shelter, do not ask the questions of section I: Characteristics of the dwelling.

1.5 Availability of water

With this question, dwellings that have water from a pipe that is supplied by the public service system are identified (whether inside or outside the dwelling): as well as the form in which people are supplied water when not from the public service in their dwelling or in their property.

Read each one of the options until getting an affirmative answer and mark only one answer in the Questionnaire. Keep in mind the following considerations to help the informant and identify the option of the correct answer.

[To the right of the text is the form for 1.5 Availability of water.]

1. The public system within the dwelling?
If water is provided by the public service system and the dwelling has a system of pipes so that it can come to the kitchen, toilet, bathroom or other similar instillations.

2. The public system away from the dwelling but within the plot of land?
If water is provided by the public service system, but only to a hydrant or faucet within the plot of land

3. A public well or hydrant?
If inhabitants are provided water, carrying it from a hydrant or faucet in the street.

4. Another dwelling?
If inhabitants are provided water, carrying it from another dwelling.

5. A pipe?
If inhabitants are provided water through means of service of a tanker. Generally it is stored in cans, tanks, or another class of recipients.

6. A well?
If inhabitants are provided water that comes from wells, which can be located within or away from the plot or piece of land.

7. A river, stream, lake or other?
If inhabitants get water from a river, stream, lake, canal, reservoir, etc.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_PIPEDWTR — Piped water
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I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

8. Availability of water
In this dwelling there is:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.

[] 1 Piped water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped water outside the dwelling but on the property
[] 3 Piped water from a public tap or hydrant (go to 10)
[] 4 Piped water that is transported from another dwelling (go to 10)
[] 5 Water from a truck (go to 10)
[] 6 Water from a well, river, lake, gully or other (go to 10)

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6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics

In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.

If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.

8. Water availability
With this question, whether or not the occupants of the dwelling have access to running water is identified and distinguished into those that:

  • Have running water inside the dwelling.
  • Only have a water faucet on the property.
  • Carry the water from a public faucet or from another dwelling.
  • Are habitually supplied from another source when there is no running water.

Circle code 1 when the housing has water from the kitchen faucet, the shower, and the sink, among others.

[p. 80]

The water from pipes generally is stored in cisterns, washbasins, metal cans, and other containers.

If they respond with some code from 3 to 6, don't apply question 9 "Water resources".

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_WATSUP — Location of water source
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12. Piped water
Do you get water from faucets or hoses that are:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Only in the patio or terrace
[] 3 There is no piped in water [skip to question 14]
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12. Piped water
This question identifies whether the dwelling has faucets or hoses where occupants obtain water, either inside the dwelling or only in the yard or land, regardless of the place of origin of the liquid. Read the question mentioning all options and circle the code corresponding to the respondent's answer.

[Figures are omitted]

Consider that pipped water can be identified in facilities as restrooms, sinks, showers, or simply if a faucet or hose where the occupants get water. The first option, "inside the dwelling", means that the faucets or hoses are located in an enclosed space of the dwelling, the kitchen or the bathroom, either in a sink, shower or in the water tank of the restroom' bowl. When the faucets or hoses reach only the yard or land, they are seen in an open space and are located alone or in a sink or basin. If the occupants take water from another house with a hose as shown in the image, we consider that they have piped water, either inside or outside and it depends how far reach the hoses. Also, if outside the dwelling there is a well from which the liquid is extracted and sent through pipes or hoses to other dwelling' facilities (as shown in the picture), record that the house has piped water inside the dwelling.

[Figures are omitted]

The option "there is no piped water" must be circle when there are no pipes or hoses in the dwelling, yard, or land, where water can be obtained, and consequently, the occupants have to carry it or get it in another way. If the answer corresponds for the latter situation, ask the question 14 "Not piped-in water", but if you record the option "inside the dwelling" or "only in the yard or land," please go to question 13 "Water supply".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_WATLOC — Location of water source
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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

12. Piped water: Is the water obtained from faucets or pipes that are:

Read the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle one code only

[] 1 Inside the house?
[] 2 Only in the yard or land?
[] 3 No piped water? (go to 14)
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15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

V. Access to water
12. Piped water
The question identifies whether the housing unit has faucets or hoses where the residents obtain water, either indoors or only in the yard or lot, regardless of where the liquid comes from.

Read the question mentioning all the options and select the code that corresponds to the respondent's answer.

Consider that piped water can be identified in facilities such as toilets, sinks, and showers or simply if there is a faucet or hose from which the residents obtain water.

[Figure omitted: image with text] 

[p. 238]

The first option, inside the housing unit, means that the faucets or hoses are located inside the housing unit, in the kitchen or the bathroom, either in a sink, washbasin, shower, or in the water tank of some toilet bowls.

[Image omitted]

When faucets or hoses are only in the yard or lot, they are seen in an open space and are located alone or in a sink or basin.

[Figure omitted]

If the residents take water from another housing unit with a hose, as shown in the image, they are considered to have piped water, either inside or outside, depending on how far the hoses reach, which is normally where people use the water.

[p. 239]

[Figure omitted]

Also, if there is a well from which the liquid is extracted and sent through pipes or hoses to other installations in the house, as illustrated in the image, register that the house has faucets or hoses inside.

[Figure omitted]

The option which does not have piped water should be registered when there are no pipes or hoses in the housing unit, or in its yard or land, from which water can be obtained and, consequently, the residents have to carry it or obtain it in some other way.

If the answer corresponds to the latter situation, question 14. Unpiped water applies, but if you register the option inside the housing unit or only in the yard or lot, skip to question 13. Water supply.

[p. 240]

[Figure omitted: images with text]

The question piped water is displayed in the census manager as follows:
Piped water

[Figure omitted: image with text] 

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Water supply:
[] 04 Hot and cold water pipe
[] 05 Cold water pipe
[] 06 Public inside of house
[] 07 Outside of house

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224. Water Supply Any type of water supply system of flat like whether the flat has hot water or cold water supply or has water supply inside or outside of the flat shall be specified and the respective answer in census questionnaire shall be circled accordingly.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_WATSUP — Water supply
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[Questions 2-10 were asked of households living in houses not gers.]

6. Source of water supply:

[] 1 Hot and cold water pipe
[] 2 Cold water pipe only
[] 3 Water from outside: well
[] 4 Water from outside: hand well
[] 5 Water from outside: other

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6. Water supply Water supply availability is categorized as having hot and cold water facilities, having only cold water facilities and having water from the outside. The latter was further classed by the type of source: from wells (ground, mine wells) and from other sources and person should choose one of those three answers.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_PUBWATER — Public water supply connection
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27e. Is the dwelling connected to a public water supply network?
[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes

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27. Housing equipment
[This is question 26 for rural dwellings]

e. Public water supply network:

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 0 Not available

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Housing equipment
[Questions 25a-g.]

Q25e. Public water supply network:

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 Not available

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Housing record

Housing equipment
[Questions 25a-g.]

Q25e. Public water supply network:

1 Private
2 Shared
3 Not available

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_WATUSE — Water supply (utilization)
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Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)

Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)

L6e. Dwelling connected to a public water supply network

[] 1 Yes, private
[] 2 Yes, shared
[] 3 No

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Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)
Either private, shared or not available

L6E. Dwelling connected to a public water supply network:

1. Yes, private
2. Yes, shared
3. No

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_WATSRC — Water source
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Household living conditions

L09. Use of dwelling facilities

Water distribution network
[] 1 Private
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None
For unattached dwellings, specify
[Questions L10-L13 were asked of unattached dwellings]

L11. Water source

[] 1 Fountain, well, matfia (underground system), or equipped water point
[] 2 Drinking water vendor
[] 3 Unequipped well or matfia (underground system)
[] 4 Spring, wadi, or creek
[] 5 Other source

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_WATSUP — Water source
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2. The house you live in is:
[] Rented
[] Owned
[] Borrowed
[] Other
[] Vacant

[Questions 5 through 10 were asked of private households in occupied dwellings.]

7. What is the main source of water used to drink in this household?

[] Piped water inside the dwelling
[] Piped water outside the dwelling
[] Water from fountain
[] Water from well
[] Water from borehole
[] River/ lake water
[] Other
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E7. What is the main source of water which is used to drink in this household?
This question refers to the main source of water used for drinking at home. Read the question and each alternative. Wait for the reply. Tick X at the corresponding number of the answer. So you can only have a single answer.
Please note the following definitions:

Piped water inside the house - where the water connection is inside the house,
Piped water outside the home - where the water connection is located outside the home, or go cart water in the neighbor's house
Water from standpipes - when the house is supplying water from a fountain,
Well - when the house is supplying water from a well, itself, public or private
Hole - when the house filling up with water from underground through a tube and is pulled by hand, electric power or wind.
Rivers or lakes - when the house is supplying water from a river, lake or similiar, regardless of how it is accumulated and distributed in the house,
Other - when the house filling up with water from sources other than those mentioned above, for example: storm water, etc.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Section E: Characteristics and Condition of the Dwelling
Enumerator: Fill out the Enumeration Form using the question about the dwelling. If there is more than one household within the dwelling, fill out questions 1-11 only, for the first household.

[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]

9. What is the main source of water used to drink by this household?

[] 1 Piped water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped water outside the dwelling
[] 3 Water from fountain
[] 4 Water from well/ covered borehole with hand pump
[] 5 Water from well/ covered borehole without hand pump
[] 6 River/ Lake water
[] 7 Rain water
[] 8 Bottled water
[] 9 Other
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E9. What is the main source of water used to drink by this household?

The Question refers to the main source of water used to drink.
Read the Question and each of the alternatives. Wait for the response. Mark an X in the number that corresponds to the response. There can be only one response.

Be aware of the following definitions:

Piped water inside the dwelling: when the connection to water is found inside the dwelling with one or more faucets (e.g. in the kitchen, bathroom);
Piped water outside the dwelling: when the connection to water is found outside the dwelling but within the property, or when water is brought from the neighbor's;

Water from fountain: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from a water fountain. Fountains may have one or more faucets and are usually made of cement;

Water from well/ covered borehole with hand pump: when the dwelling is supplied with subsoil water which is brought upwards by a hand pump. The well or borehole are protected/covered;
Water from well without hand pump: when the water supply of a dwelling comes from an uncovered well;

River/ Lake water: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from a river, lake or similar sources, regardless of how it is stored or distributed in the dwelling;

Rain water: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from rain water;

Bottled water: when the water supply of the dwelling comes from mineral water which is bottled in plastic or glass vessels.

Other: refers to other to other sources not included in the previous categories, such as spring water.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_WATDRNK — Drinking water
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Housing characteristics

35. Main source of water for drinking and non-drinking in this household


[] 1. Tap water / piped
[] 2. Tube well, borehole
[] 3. Protected well / spring
[] 4. Unprotected well / spring
[] 5. Pool / pond / lake
[] 6. River / stream / canal
[] 7. Waterfall / rain water
[] 8. Bottled water / water from vending machine
[] 9. Tanker / truck
[] 10. Other

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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1. What is the main source of drinking water for this household?
[] 1 Tap (pipe)
[] 2 Well
[] 3 Tube well
[] 4 Spout water
[] 5 River/stream
[] 6 Other ____

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Q.1: What is the main source of drinking water in the household?
[] 1. Tap/Pipe
[] 2. Well
[] 3. Tube-well
[] 4. Spot water
[] 5. River/Stream
[] 6. Others

The main source of drinking water in the household is defined as the source for cooking and drinking water in the household. Drinking and cooking water collection center must be understood as the major source of drinking water. The source of drinking water might be different for different places and purposes, and also could be different in different seasons. the source should be recorded as the usual source for the purpose of drinking.

Some major sources of drinking water are tap/pipe, well, tube-well, etc. The source of drinking water and the water used for livestock and poultry may be same or different. The source of water used for livestock and poultry should not be mentioned.

What might be the main source of drinking water and how this source could be understood is defined as follows.
1. Tap (piped): if the source of water used for drinking is from high density metal or plastic pipe, managed by individual or public or both, then code 1 should be encircled to denote the tap (pipe) water.

2. Well: if the source of water used for drinking is from a covered or uncovered well, then code 2 should be circled to denote the well.

3. Tube-well: if the source of water used for drinking is from ground water like tube-well, rower pump, jet pump, then code 3 should be encircled to denote tube-well.

4. Spout water: if the source of water used for drinking is from spout water, then code 4 should be encircled to denote spout water.

5. River/stream: if the source of water used for drinking is from river, stream, or canal, then code 5 should be circled to denote river/stream.

6. Others: If the source of water used for drinking is from another source than mentioned above, then encircle code 6 and specify the source of drinking water.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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Household Information

[3] What is the main source of drinking water in your household?

[] 1 Tap / pipe
[] 2 Tube well / hand pump
[] 3 Covered well / kuwa
[] 4 Uncovered well / kuwa
[] 5 Spout water
[] 6 River / stream
[] 7 Other ____
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Household information

Question 3: what is the main source of drinking water of the family?

[] 1 Tap / piped
[] 2 Tube well/ hand pump
[] 3 Covered well / kuwa
[] 4 Uncovered well / kuwa
[] 5 Spout water
[] 6 River / stream
[] 7 Other

Family's source of drinking water means the place or source from where the family fetch/brings water for the purpose of cooking and drinking. Source of drinking water differs in places and they also differs as per the weather change. While specifying the source, the much used source for drinking water should be specified.

[p. 27]

Some of the main drinking water sources are tap, well, kuwa, and tube well. In this question, we are looking to know the water sources that people are using for drinking or cooking food. We are not looking to know the water sources that are in use for livestock, washing, cleaning, irrigation, and other purpose. Therefore, the sources of water that are in use for other purposes should not be specified here.

The sources of water that people are using for drinking or cooking purpose can be of following types:

1. Tap / piped - If the family are using the water sources that comes from the tap/ pipe (metal or polythene), which are distributed with collection and purification either by private or public sector or from both, establishing a distribution system, then circle the reference one to specify the tap/piped source.

2. Tube well / hand pump - If the family is using underground water by pumping through tube well/roar or hand plumb, jet pump, then circle the reference 2 to specify such drinking water sources.

In some places, even people are using motor to pump the ground water to the reserve tank and link it to the tap / pipe. Such use of water should not be considered as tap/ piped, but from tube well/ pump and should make circle in reference 2.

3. Covered well / kuwa - If the family mostly is using drinking water from covered well / kuwa, circle the reference 3. It is believed that the water contained in covered well is comparatively better than the uncovered well.

4. Uncovered well / kuwa - If the family mostly is using drinking water from uncovered well / kuwa, circle the reference 4.

Nowadays, people are using tap/ piped water for cleaning and washing and bring jar water for the purpose of drinking. The purpose of this question is to identify the main source of drinking water. Therefore, if the people are using tap/ piped water other than drinking purpose or for only cleaning and washing in household use and they use jar water for drinking, then reference 7 "others" should be marked with circle.

5. Spout water - If the family fetches the drinking water primarily from spout water (or Pandhero), circle the reference 5.

6. River/stream - If the family fetches the drinking or cooking water mostly from a river, canal, stream etc., circle the reference 6.

7. Others - Besides the source stated above, if the family fetch the drinking or cooking water from other sources such as pond, tanker or jar/bottle, circle the reference 7 and specify the source.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_WATSUP — Water supply
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8. Water

Via pipe inside the dwelling:

[] 1 a) Connected to the public system
[] 2 b) Connected a private system

[] 3 Via pipe outside the dwelling but inside the building
[] 4 Via pipe outside the building (Public tap)
Carried in:

[] 5 a) From a well
[] 6 b) From a river, spring, lake, lagoon
[] 7 c) Other

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Question #8


a. How to carry out the investigation
The form in which water is supplied is investigated.

Via pipes inside the dwelling: Faucets installed under the roof of the dwelling, connected to a public or private water system.

a. Connected to a public system: Plumbing connected to a water supply service, generally provided by the municipality and in some cases by private entities through the payment of established taxes.

b. Connected to a private system: Plumbing connected to a private tank or storage container belonging to the dwelling.

Via pipes outside the dwelling but inside the building: This is the case where the faucet is installed in the patio or in another place in the building for the purpose of providing water for one or more dwellings. This generally is the case for tenement buildings.

Via pipes outside the building: This refers to the cases where the faucet is installed in a public area to provide service to the neighborhood or community.

By carrying [the water]: When there is no plumbing in the dwelling or building and there is no water storage outside of the building, other water sources are investigated. These can be:

a) From a well
b) From a river, spring, lake, or lagoon
c) Other

[p. 30]

b. How to record the data
An "X" is marked in the box corresponding to the principal form of water supply. Only one box is marked.

c. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 8 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Characteristics of the dwelling

Water service
8. How is the dwelling supplied with water?

[] 1 Piped inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped outside the dwelling but inside the property
[] 3 River, spring, or stream
[] 4 Public faucet
[] 5 Public or private well
[] 6 Other

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Question 8: Water service
We are interested in knowing in what manner the occupants of the dwelling obtain water. The enumerator should read the question and mark one of the answer alternatives.
1. Piped inside the dwelling
This is a dwelling that has at least one water pipe or faucet inside of the dwelling, which can be in the kitchen, in the bathroom, or in any room of the dwelling.

2. Piped outside the dwelling but inside the property
This is when a pipe or faucet is installed on the patio or other place that is outside of the dwelling, with the goal of supplying water to one or various dwellings, as commonly occurs with rooming houses.

3. River, spring or stream
This is a dwelling that obtains water from a river, a spring, or a stream.

4. Public standpipe
This is a faucet or pipe that is situated outside of the property and is available to all of the dwellings of a community or village.

5. Public or private well
This is when water is supplied through holes made in the ground to capture subterranean waters.
Public well: This well is for the common use of various dwellings.
Private well: This well is for the use of only one dwelling.

6. Other form
This is any other manner of obtaining water supplies not included in the above categories, which can be rain water, from a lake, from a truck, etc.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_WATSUP — Source of water supply
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7. This dwelling receives its water supply via:
[] 01 Pipes inside the dwelling
[] 02 Pipes outside the dwelling but on the property
[] 03 Public faucet
[] 04 Private well
[] 05 Public well
[] 06 Natural spring or falls
[] 07 River / stream / creek
[] 08 Truck / cart / tanks
[] 09 From another dwelling / neighbor / business
[] 10 Other

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Question 7: This dwelling receives its water supply via:

Read the options one by one and mark an "X" next to the one stated by the informant.

If there is more than one type of supply, mark the one that is used most.

The options "Pipes inside the dwelling" and "Pipes outside the dwelling but on the property" are ones that are connected to the public network.

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_WATSRCI — Source of drinking water, inside house
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Source of drinking water
Inside house

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well

Outside house

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Pond
[] 5 Others

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Sources of drinking water
There are three main sources of drinking water inside the house and five sources outside of the house. Whichever source is told, fill the oval related to it. These details of these main sources are following.

Nul (Tap)
Nul means a source of water which the municipal water supply or tube well provides through pipe and it is used for drinking.

Hand Pump
Hand pump means hand-used machine with which water is lifted through the pipe fixed under the earth.

Well is a big straight pit or hole under the ground made by digging it up to the level of water. This can be cemented or muddy and covered or open. The water can be taken from it in various ways. Sometimes the hand pumps is fixed on the open well in that case also it will be called well.

If the source is other than the ones mentioned above, fill the oval related to others.

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_WATSCRO — Source of drinking water, outside house
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Source of drinking water
Inside house

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well

Outside house

[] 1 Tap
[] 2 Hand pump
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Pond
[] 5 Others

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Sources of drinking water
There are three main sources of drinking water inside the house and five sources outside of the house. Whichever source is told, fill the oval related to it. These details of these main sources are following.

Nul (Tap)
Nul means a source of water which the municipal water supply or tube well provides through pipe and it is used for drinking.

Hand Pump
Hand pump means hand-used machine with which water is lifted through the pipe fixed under the earth.

Well is a big straight pit or hole under the ground made by digging it up to the level of water. This can be cemented or muddy and covered or open. The water can be taken from it in various ways. Sometimes the hand pumps is fixed on the open well in that case also it will be called well.

If the source is other than the ones mentioned above, fill the oval related to others.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_WATER — Water connection
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10. Water

[] 1 Piped public system
[] 2 From a private source
[] 3 None

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_WATSRC — Main source of water
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11. Main source of water supply
[] 1 Public local network
[] 2 Israeli network (Mekorot)
[] 3 Wells (to gather rain water)
[] 4 Springs
[] 5 Water tanks
[] 6 Other

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_WATER — Drinking water
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Get data for questions 2 - 14 only for an occupied dwelling

5. Drinking water:

[] 1 Public aqueduct
[] 2 Deep well, public or private (the water is extracted via pump)
[] 3 Other (shallow well, uncovered spring brocal, rain, river, etc.)

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Question 5 Drinking water:

Mark box 1 when the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink comes from a public aqueduct, that is, an aqueduct that serves the community or a large part of it. To mark box 1, take into consideration the following:
a) There are dwellings that do not have interior installation of aqueduct pipes, but their inhabitants get the water from a water pump (faucet) installed outside of the dwelling. Consequently, you should always mark box 1 if the occupants of the dwelling drink water from the public aqueduct, it does not matter where they have to look for it.

[To the right of the text is box one, with a picture of a public water tower below it.]

[p. 27]

b) In cities and villages with a public aqueduct, there are dwellings, especially on the outskirts, whose occupants do not drink water from the public aqueduct. Because of this, in case of doubt you should ask the question.

Mark box 2 when the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink comes from a deep well, public well or private well fit with a pump to extract the water. To mark box 2, take into consideration the following:
a) The pump can be manual (artesian well) or motorized.

[Under the text are 3 pictures: a deep well, a public well and a private well to the right of box 2.]

b) The well can be public (for example, an artesian well installed in the public square) or can be private.
c) The water coming from the well can be distributed in the house through a system of pipes or simply collected and transported in containers.

Mark box 3 when the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is neither obtained from a public aqueduct nor from a deep well with a pump. [p.28] Box 3 will be marked in the cases of uncovered springs (brocal) or when the water to drink is taken directly from a river, gulch, and natural pool, or when it is rain water.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_WATSUP — Source of drinking water
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Ask questions 3 through 14 only for those dwellings, with inhabitants present, that are classified in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of question number 1, Type of Dwelling.

8. Source of drinking water

Public or private aqueduct (piped system):

Connected inside the dwelling

[] 1 Public IDAAN aqueduct
[] 2 Public community aqueduct
[] 3 Private aqueduct

Connected outside the dwelling

[] 4 Public IDAAN aqueduct
[] 5 Public community aqueduct
[] 6 Private aqueduct

Sanitary well:

[] 7 Public
[] 8 Private

[] 9 Unprotected well edge
[] 10 Rainwater
[] 11 Surface (superficial) well
[] 12 River or stream

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Question 8 Source of drinking water

Mark only one box keeping in mind that:
a) For the dwellings that have water system pipes within the dwelling, begin with the following form:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 8 of the census form.]

[p. 62]

Mark box 1:
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink comes from a public water system of the IDAAN.

[To the right of the text is a picture of a water tower]

Mark box 2:
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink comes from a community public water system.

[To the right of the text is a picture of a water tower.]

Mark box 3:
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink come from a private water system.

[To the right of the text is a picture of a private water tower]

[p. 63]

b) For dwellings whose inhabitants get water from installations from water systems located outside of the dwelling, proceed as follows:
Mark box 4:
When the occupants of the dwelling are supplied drinking water from a pump or faucet installed outside the dwelling connected to a public water system of the IDAAN.
Mark box 5:
When the occupants of the dwelling are supplied drinking water from a pump or faucet installed outside the dwelling connected to the community public water system.
Mark box 6:
When the occupants of the dwelling are supplied drinking water from a pump or faucet installed outside the dwelling connected to a private water system.
c) For dwellings whose inhabitants get drinking water from a sanitary well that is public (box 7) or private (box 8) with a pump to extract water, the enumerator should keep in consideration the following:

1) The pump can be manual, motorized of from a windmill.
2) The pump can be public (for example an artesian well installed in the town square) or it can be private (installed in the patio of the house).

[Below the text is a picture of a public pump and a private pump.]


d) Mark the corresponding box when the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is not from a public water tower or a sanitary well, but rather from an unprotected uncovered spring (brocal) (box 9), from rainwater (box 10), from a surface well (box 11) or from a river or gully (box 12).

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_WATSRC — Water source and system (recoded)
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8. Where is drinking water obtained from?
Public IDAAN aqueduct

[] 01 Connected inside the dwelling
[] 04 Connected outside of the dwelling

Community public aqueduct

[] 02 Connected inside the dwelling
[] 05 Connected outside of the dwelling

Private aqueduct

[] 03 Connected inside the dwelling
[] 06 Connected outside the dwelling

[] 07 Sanitary (treated) well
[] 08 Uncovered Spring (brocal no protegido)
[] 09 Rainwater
[] 10 Surface (superficial) well
[] 11 River or stream
[] 12 Tank truck

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Questions 3 to 14 only are asked at dwellings with occupants present classified in one of the circles 01 to 05 of question Number 1 "Type of Dwelling".

Important observation about questions 8 and 9:
When asking these questions, keep in mind that they consist of one main question and 2 sub-questions, which should be asked in the manner that is explained in the instructions corresponding to each of these questions.

Question Number 8: Where is drinking water obtained from?
Read the question and then the options given as they appear in the questionnaire. Keep in mind that when the response is that water is taken from the Public Water System of the IDAAN, from the Community Public Water System or from a Private Water System it should also be asked if water is taken from installations "Within the Dwelling" or "Outside of the Dwelling". Mark a single circle according to the response of the person.
Keep in mind that this question refers to water for drinking and not for cleaning or for doing other necessities of the dwelling.

a. Public water system of the IDAAN (Circles 01 or 04):
A system through which the inhabitants are supplied drinking water by means of branch lines of pipes that can be installed within or outside of the dwelling, and that are administrated by the IDAAN.
b. Community public water system (Circles 02 or 05):
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is provided by a public water system administrated by the community of another entity. The installations can be within or outside of the dwelling.
c. Private water system (Circles 03 or 06):
When the occupants of the dwelling are supplied water provided from a private system for exclusive use of the dwelling. The installations can be within or outside of the dwelling.
d. Sanitary Well (Circle 07):
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is provided from a sanitary well that is public or private with a pump to extract water. The pump can be manual, motorized or by windmill. Include the protected or covered springs.
e. Mark the circle that corresponds, when the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is not obtained from a public water system. Nor private, nor sanitary well, but rather from an unprotected spring (Circle 8), from rain water (Circle 9), from a surface well (Circle 10), from a river or gully (Circle 11), or from a cistern truck (Circle 12).
When the dwelling has instillations for getting water from the IDAAN, but because of a shortage of members of the home they obtain water principally from a cistern truck, Circle 12 (cistern truck) should be marked.

[p. 43]

When enumerating the dwelling of Mr. Tomás González located in the Administrative Unit Tocumen, he says that they get their drinking water for a water system of the IDAAN, but because the water only comes two days a week, there is a cistern truck that distributes water every day in the morning. The response will be written down as:

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out question.]

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_WATSUP — Water supply
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9. Where is drinking water principally obtained from?
[] 01 Public IDAAN aqueduct
[] 02 Public Community aqueduct
[] 03 Private aqueduct
([For responses 01 - 03,] continue with question 10)

[] 04 Sanitary (treated) well
[] 05 Uncovered Spring
[] 06 Rainwater
[] 07 Surface (superficial) well
[] 08 River or stream
[] 09 Cistern truck
[] 10 Other
([For responses 04 - 10,] skip to question 12)

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Questions 3 to 15 are only asked at dwellings with occupants present (Circle 1).

Question No. 9: Where is drinking water principally obtained from?

This question refers to the form of being supplied drinking water in the dwelling.
Read the question and then the options given as they appear in the questionnaire. Mark a single circle according to the response of the person.

a. Public Water System of the IDAAN (Circle 01):
It is the system through which the inhabitants are supplied drinking water by means of a community system administrated by the IDAAN (National Institute of Water Systems and Sewers).

b. Public Community Water System (Circle 02):
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is provided by a public water system administrated by the community or another private entity.

c. Private Water System (Circles 03):
System of supplying private drinking water provided for exclusive use of the dwelling.

d. Sanitary Well (Circle 04):
When the water that the occupants of the dwelling drink is provided from a sanitary well that is public or private with a pump to extract water. The pump can be manual, motorized or by windmill. Include the protected or covered spring (brocales).

e. Uncovered Spring (Circle 05):
Deep open well from which water is obtained by means of bucket or vessels manipulated by pulleys or simply by ropes.

f. Rainwater (Circle 06):
Water that falls from clouds and is stored in vessels to be drank by the residents of the dwelling.

[p. 47]

g) Superficial well (Circle 07):
Also known as natural pool opened to an earth spring and almost always natural.

h) River or stream (Circle 08):
When the supply of drinking water is obtained directly from a river or gully.

i) Cistern Truck (Circle 09):
When the dwelling has installations for getting water from the IDAAN or from the community, but because of shortages the members of the home get drinking water principally from a cistern truck.

j) Other (Circle 10)
In the case that drinking water is obtained by any way different than those described above. Example: When the members of the dwelling consume bottled water.

If the person gives information of circles 01, 02, and 03 continue with question 10. On the other hand if any of the other circles are marked (04 to 10) go to question 12 of the questionnaire and a diagonal line will be drawn in questions 10 and 11.

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_WATSUP — Source of water supply
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9. What is primary source of drinking water?
[] 1 Public aqueduct of the IDAAN
[] 2 Public aqueduct of the community
[] 3 Private aqueduct
Answers 1-3, continue with question 10
[] 4 Covered spring well
[] 5 Uncovered spring well
[] 6 Rainwater
[] 7 Superficial well
[] 8 River, stream, or lake
[] 9 Cistern truck
[] 10 Bottled water
[] 11 Other (specify) ____
For answers 4-11, continue with question 13

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Question No. 9: Where is the drinking water mainly obtained from?
This question refers to how drinking water is supplied in the dwelling.
Read the question and then the options given as they appear in the questionnaire. Mark a single circle according to the response of the respondent.
a. Public aqueduct of the IDAAN (circle 01):
It is the system through which the inhabitants are supplied drinking water by means of a distribution network administrated by the IDAAN (National Institute of Water Systems and Sewers).

b. Public aqueduct of the community (circle 02):
[Consider this] when water that occupants of the dwelling drink is provided by a public water system that is administrated by the community or another private entity.
[There is a picture of three community water tanks.]
c. Private aqueduct (circle 03):
System of supplying private drinking water provided for exclusive use of the dwelling that has a storage and distribution system for the dwelling.
If you marked any of the circles 01, 02, or 03 (water system), go to question No. 10, Are there drinking water installations within the dwelling?
d. Covered spring well (circle 04):
[Consider this] when water that occupants of the dwelling drink is provided from a public or private sanitary well that has a pump to extract water. The pump can be manual, motorized or by windmill.
[There is a picture of a covered well.]
e. Uncovered spring well (circle 05):
[Consider this] when water that occupants of the dwelling drink comes directly from a deep open well from which the water is obtained by means of bucket or vessels manipulated by pulleys or simply ropes.
[There is a picture of an uncovered well.]
[p. 70]
f. Rainwater (circle 06):
This is water that comes directly from the rain and is collected and stored to be drink by the occupants of the dwelling.
g. Superficial well (circle 07):
Also known as a natural pool opened to an earth spring and almost always natural.
h. River, stream, or lake (circle 08):
[Consider this] when the supply of drinking water is obtained directly from a river, stream, or lake.
[There is a picture of a person getting water from a river, stream, or lake.]
i. Cistern truck (circle 09):
[Consider this] when the supply of drinking water is obtained by means of a cistern truck.
[There is a picture of a cistern truck.]
[p. 71]
j. Bottled water (circle 10):
It is water in a sealed bottle, packed and offered for sale for human consumption, shown as natural drinkable or treated drinkable water.
[There is a picture of a bottle of water.]
k. Other (circle11):
In the case that drinking water is obtained by other means different from those previously described, you will mark this option. For example, water in a solid state: ice block.
If you marked any of the circles 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, or 11, go to question 13 and draw a diagonal line in questions 10 to 12.
[There is a sample image of question 9 from the enumeration form.]

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_WATSRC — Water source
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Urban Census form

Household Facilities

25. Source of drinking water

Circle one code only

[] 1 Piped to household
[] 2 Piped to CU
[] 3 Piped to another CU
[] 4 Rainwater tank
[] 5 Stream/Creek
[] 6 Well
[] 7 Other, describe ____

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_WATSRC — Water source
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[Questions 3 to 10 were asked of private households]

4. Water supply

A. Source

[] 1 Well, cistern (aljibe) or spring
[] 2 River, stream
[] 3 Public system
[] 4 Other (specify) ____

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II. Information about the dwelling

4. Water Service:

a) Source: Mark the corresponding box, which is the source that provides water to the inhabitants of the dwelling.

* Public network: this is marked when the occupants of the dwelling get water from a public network, such as, for example, corposana.

When the source is not any of the three first indicated on the form, mark "other" and specify which it is. For example: water delivery truck.

4. Water service
A. Source

[] 1 Well, pipe or spring
[] 2 River, creek
[] 3 Public network
[] 4 Other (specify) ____

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_WATSUP — Water supply
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[Questions 3 to 10 were asked of private households]

4. Water supply

B. Location

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside of the dwelling but on the property
[] 3 Off of the property

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II. Information about the dwelling

4. Water Service:

b) Place of supply: mark the place where the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain water.

* Within the dwelling: mark when the well, spring, or the pipelines are situated in the interior of the dwelling, inside one of the rooms, in the kitchen, in the corridor, etc.
* Outside the dwelling, but inside the property: mark when the place of supply is in the patio or on the land that belongs to the dwelling.
* Outside the property: when the persons have to leave the limits of the property one which the dwelling is build to obtain water.

4. Water service
B. Place of supply
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but inside the property
[] 3 Outside the property

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_WATSRC — Water source
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a) What is the source of water for this dwelling?

[] 1 Well or spring
[] 2 Cistern (aljibe)
[] 3 River, stream
[] 4 Public system
Other (specify) ____
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Question 5. Water service.

Reach each of the following questions and the possible answers; make an X in the corresponding box. If it is a source of water which is not listed, annotate the name of the source on the line for "other."

Keep in mind the following definitions:

[A depiction of question 5a and b, to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

A. The source of water is:

Well or spring: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from under the ground.

Tank: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from rain water collected in the tank.

River or Stream: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from a river or stream.

Public Network: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from a system of pipes. For example: "Corposana," "Senasa."

Other: If the water supply is of a different form than the preceding examples. For example: water truck.

[A drawing of a stream, well, and faucet is omitted here.]

[P. 27]

b) The place of the water supply is:

Inside the dwelling: When the well, tank, or pipes are situated inside one of the rooms; in the kitchen or in the hallway of the dwelling.

Outside the dwelling but in the yard: when the place of water provision is in the yard of the dwelling.

Outside the yard: when the inhabitants of the dwelling have to leave the limits of the dwelling to obtain water. Water truck is also included in this category.

[A drawing of a sink, water truck, and yard pump, with persons using each, is omitted here.]

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_WATSUP — Water supply
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b) Where is the water source located?

[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but within the yard
[] 3 Off of the property
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Question 5. Water service.

Reach each of the following questions and the possible answers; make an X in the corresponding box. If it is a source of water which is not listed, annotate the name of the source on the line for "other."

Keep in mind the following definitions:

[A depiction of question 5a and b, to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

A. The source of water is:

Well or spring: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from under the ground.

Tank: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from rain water collected in the tank.

River or Stream: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from a river or stream.

Public Network: If the inhabitants of the dwelling obtain their water from a system of pipes. For example: "Corposana," "Senasa."

Other: If the water supply is of a different form than the preceding examples. For example: water truck.

[A drawing of a stream, well, and faucet is omitted here.]

[P. 27]

b) The place of the water supply is:

Inside the dwelling: When the well, tank, or pipes are situated inside one of the rooms; in the kitchen or in the hallway of the dwelling.

Outside the dwelling but in the yard: when the place of water provision is in the yard of the dwelling.

Outside the yard: when the inhabitants of the dwelling have to leave the limits of the dwelling to obtain water. Water truck is also included in this category.

[A drawing of a sink, water truck, and yard pump, with persons using each, is omitted here.]

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_WATSRC — Water source
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Section II. Dwelling information

For responses 2 through 6, end the interview here.
[Questions 3 to 13 are asked of occupied households with present members]

6. Where does the water used by the dwelling come from?

[] 1 Corposana or Senasa
[] 2 Private system
[] 3 Well with pump
[] 4 Well without pump
[] 5 Spring, river or stream
[] 6 Tank truck/vendor
[] Other ____

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[Question 6 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 6: What is the main water supply?

This refers to the source from which the water for the dwelling originates. Take into account that you should mark Corposana or Senasa when either of these institutions provides the water through a system of pipes.

Private network: When the providers of the water through a system of pipes are: any business or person and that Corposana and Senasa do not participate in it.

[Question 6 is asked of occupied households with present members]

6. From where do you get the water that is used in the dwelling?

[] 1 Corposana or Senasa
[] 2 Private network
[] 3 Well with a pump
[] 4 Well without a pump
[] 5 Spring, river or ditch
[x] 6 Water delivery truck
[] 7 Other

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Section II. Dwelling information

For responses 2 through 6, end the interview here.
[Questions 3 to 13 are asked of occupied households with present members]

6. Where does the water used by the dwelling come from?

[] 1 Corposana or Senasa
[] 2 Private system
[] 3 Well with pump
[] 4 Well without pump
[] 5 Spring, river or stream
[] 6 Tank truck/vendor
[] Other ____

7. Is there water?

[] 1 Inside the dwelling?
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but within the yard?
[] 3 Off the property?

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[Question 6 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 6: What is the main water supply?

This refers to the source from which the water for the dwelling originates. Take into account that you should mark Corposana or Senasa when either of these institutions provides the water through a system of pipes.

Private network: When the providers of the water through a system of pipes are: any business or person and that Corposana and Senasa do not participate in it.

[Question 6 is asked of occupied households with present members]

6. From where do you get the water that is used in the dwelling?

[] 1 Corposana or Senasa
[] 2 Private network
[] 3 Well with a pump
[] 4 Well without a pump
[] 5 Spring, river or ditch
[x] 6 Water delivery truck
[] 7 Other

[Question 7 is asked of occupied households with present members]

7. Do you have water?.

[] 1 Inside the dwelling?
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but inside the patio?
[] 3 Outside the patio?

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Chapter B. Dwelling information

9. Water arrives at the dwelling via...

[] 1 Piped outside the dwelling but within the lot?
[] 2 Piped inside the dwelling?
[] 3 Public tap?
[] 4 Neighbor?
[] 5 Vendor? [aguatero]
[] 6 Other means?
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Questions 7, 8, and 9: Basic services

The electric light, the origin and supply of water and the hygienic services demonstrate the living conditions of our country.

Question 9: The water gets to the dwelling through ... (delivery of water to the dwelling).

Piped water is understood when there is a faucet in the patio or inside the dwelling. Once the kitchen has a faucet, you should mark option 2.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_WATSRC — Water source
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Chapter B. Dwelling information

8. What is the principal source of the water used in the dwelling?

[] 1 Corposana/Senasa
[] 2 Unpumped well
[] 3 Pumped well
[] 4 Private system
[] 5 Dike [tajamar], spring, river, or stream
[] 6 Cistern
[] 7 Other source
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Questions 7, 8, and 9: Basic services

The electric light, the origin and supply of water and the hygienic services demonstrate the living conditions of our country.

Question 8: From where does the water used in the dwelling originate? (origin of the water).

If the dwelling has more than one source for the provision of water, you should mark the one that is the most used. If they use water from 2 sources in equal proportion, mark the one that is the better quality. For example, between Essap (Ex Corposana) and a well, you should mark Essap (Ex Corposana).

You should ask the questions by reading slowly through the point where the question mark closes the question. Then read each of the options. When you have an answer, mark the corresponding circle and move on the next question.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_WATSUP — Water supply
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5. The water supplied in the dwelling comes from:
Circle the appropriate number:

[] 1 Public network, inside the dwelling
[] 2 Public network, outside the dwelling but within the building
[] 3 Public tap
[] 4 Well
[] 5 Water tanker or similar
[] 6 River, irrigation ditch, spring or similar
[] 7 Other (specify) ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 5: The water supplied in the dwelling comes from:
Read the question and each of the alternatives. Wait for an answer. Circle the number that corresponds to the response.
[There is a picture of question 5 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Take into account the following definitions:
Public water system: Is a system of pipes located in the subsoil of a public thoroughfare, through which potable water is provided to dwellings.
This service (the faucet) can be located:

  • Inside the dwelling: When the water connection is inside the dwelling.
  • Outside the dwelling but inside the building: When the water connection is located on the patio, in the passageway, etc. of an alley, shantytown [corralones], etc.

Public use fountain: When the dwelling is supplied with water that comes from a faucet or fountain located in the street or another public place.
Well: When the dwelling is supplied with water from the subsoil, which comes from a well, that can be located inside or outside of the dwelling, regardless of how it is collected and distributed in the dwelling.
Water truck or similar: When the dwelling is supplied with water from a water truck, wagon, water carrier, etc., regardless of where the water comes from.
River, irrigation ditch, spring, or similar: When the dwelling is supplied with water that comes from a river, irrigation ditch, spring [manantial, puquio], lake, etc., regardless of how the water is collected and distributed in the dwelling.
[There are drawings that represent each of the options for water supply listed above.]
Other: When the water is supplied by a means other than those previously mentioned. Example: rainwater, melted snow, etc.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_WATSRC — Source of water in the dwelling
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4. How is the dwelling supplied with water? (Read each option and circle only one number)
[] 1 Public network within the dwelling (potable water)
[] 2 Public network outside the dwelling but within the building (potable water)
[] 3 Public tap (potable water)
[] 4 Water tanker or similar
[] 5 Well
[] 6 River, irrigation ditch, spring or similar
[] 7 Neighbor
[] 8 Other

If you circled any number between 4 and 8, go to question 6.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Fill out the second section, "Dwelling Characteristics and Services," for the main dwelling only.

Question 4: How is the dwelling supplied with water?
If you circle one of the options 4-8, go to question 6. Otherwise, go to question 5.
In option 8, "Other," take into account any type of supply not mentioned in the above options, such as rainwater, snow, etc.
[p. 30]

  • If the dwelling is supplied with water through various means, record the one that is used the most.
  • If the dwelling is supplied with water from underground which accumulates in a well, enters the dwelling through piping, and is treated two to four times per year, circle option 1: "Public network within the dwelling (drinking water)." However, if the water is not treated, circle option number 5, "Well."
  • Water which comes from a river or spring, is not treated in any way, and enters a dwelling through piping which the residents have installed themselves, is not potable. In this case, circle option number 6, "River, irrigation ditch, spring, or similar."

Water Supply: This refers to the origin of the water used in the dwelling, and the way it is supplied to the household.
[Each of the 8 categories below is accompanied by a drawing reproducing the written description.]
1. Public Network within the Dwelling (potable water). This is when the dwelling has its own connection to potable water within the dwelling.
2. Public Network outside the Dwelling but within the Building (potable water). This is when the connection to potable water is located in the courtyard, shared passageway or alley [pasadizo de los callejones], or lot around which shanties are situated [corralón],etc.
3. Public Tap (potable water). This is when the dwelling gets its drinking water from a tap or basin located in the street or other public place, regardless of how the water is stored and distributed inside the dwelling.
4. Water Tanker or Similar. This is when the dwelling gets its water from a tanker truck or water-seller's cart, etc. regardless of how the water is stored and distributed inside the dwelling.

[p. 31]
5. Well. This is when the dwelling is supplied with water from underground, originating from a well which may be located inside or outside of the dwelling, regardless of how the water is stored and distributed inside the dwelling.
6. River, irrigation ditch [acequia], spring or similar. This is when the dwelling is supplied with water originating from a river, irrigation ditch, spring, lake, etc., regardless of how it is stored and distributed within the dwelling.
7. Neighbor. This is when the dwelling is supplied with water from the neighbor's public network, well, etc. It may be given or sold.
8. Other. This is when the water is supplied in a way other than what is listed above. Examples are rain, melted snow, etc.

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_WATSRC — Water source in the dwelling
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Section II. Characteristics and services of the housing unit (continued)

6. Does the water used in the housing unit come mainly from:

(Read each alternative and fill in only one oval)

[] 1 Public network inside the unit?
[] 2 Public network outside the unit, but inside the building?
[] 3 Fountain or basin for public use?
[] 4 Cistern-truck or similar?
[] 5 Well (groundwater)?
[] 6 Spring or pond?
[] 7 River, irrigation canal, lake, lagoon?
[] 8 Other? (specify) ________

[If you fill in any number between 4 and 8, go to question 8]
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5. Chapter 5: Specific instructions to fill out Section II: Characteristics and services of the housing unit
If there is more than one household in the housing unit, please fill in Section II, "Characteristics and services of the housing unit" for the main household only.

Question 6: Does the water used in the housing unit come mainly from:

If you fill in the oval of one of the options from 4 to 8, proceed to question 8. Otherwise, proceed to question 7.

In option 8, "other?", enter any type of origin not stated in the previous options, such as rainwater, melted snow, neighbor's public network.


- If the housing unit is supplied by several water sources, please consider the most used one.

- If the housing unit is supplied with ground water, stored in a well by the community and then distributed through a network of pipes to reach the housing units of the populated area, then fill in the oval of option 1, "public network inside the unit?".

- If the housing unit has piped water service (through a private setup) and comes from the spring, fill in the oval of option 6, "spring or pond?", and proceed to question 8.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_WATER — Source of drinking water
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EM. Main Source of Drinking Water

What is this household's main source of drinking water?

___ Enter code

1 Own use, faucet, community water system
2 Shared, faucet, community water system
3 Own use, tubed / piped deep well (at least 100 feet or 30 meters deep)
4 Shared, tubed / piped deep well (at least 100 feet or 30 meters deep)
5 Tubed / piped shallow well
6 Dug well
7 Spring, lake, river, rain, etc.
8 Peddler

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H3 Main Source of Drinking Water

The information on main source of drinking water provides the number of households with ready access to a potable water supply, as well as the availability of piped water for each housing unit. The provision of a piped water installation for every housing unit should be one of the primary objectives of housing policy as well as of public health policy.

Enter in the box the appropriate code for the household's main source of drinking water. If there are two or more sources of water for drinking, report the source used most of the time during the past twelve months.

The different sources of drinking water and their codes are as follows:

1 Own use, faucet, community water system - The household gets its water supply from a faucet inside the house/yard directly connected to a water pipeline from the community water system such as the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) or the local water network system. The method on how they purify the water or the real source of water is irrelevant. Thus, for water systems which have deep well as their source of water, report under this category as long as they subscribe to community water system.

2 Shared, faucet, community water system - The household gets its water supply from the faucet of another household, establishment, or office, which is connected to the community water system.

3 Own use, tubed/piped deep well - Water is taken from a tubed/piped well which is at least 100 feet (5 pcs. of 2 0 ft. pipes) or 30 meters deep and for private use of the household or households in the same building or compound.

4 Shared, tubed/piped deep well - Water is taken from a deep well, which is at least 100 ft. or 30 meters deep of another household, establishment, or office or from a deep well which was constructed for public use.

5 Tubed/ piped shallow well - Water is taken from a tubed/piped well which is less than 100 feet deep.

6 Dug well - The household gets its water supply from a well which may be provided with a protective device against contamination or pollution. A shallow well (dug and with water depository) which is provided with a pump and cover and is free from seepage from the side, and an ordinary dug well ("balon") also belong to this type.

7 Spring, lake, river, rain, etc.- The household gets its water supply from natural bodies of water, or water is accumulated from rainfall.

8 Peddler - The household does not directly get its water supply from any of the sources mentioned above. Included in this item are bottled water like mineral water, water bought in drums, pails, etc. (peddler). These are the usual sources of water supply of households in low water pressure areas with no community water system.

Refer to Illustration 8.6 for the different sources of drinking water.

[Picture: Illustration 8.6, Sources of drinking water]

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_WATDRINK — Source of water supply for cooking/drinking
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H3. Source of water supply for drinking and/or cooking
What is this household's main source of water supply for drinking and/or cooking?
(Please cross out one of the selections below)

[] Own use. faucet, community water system
[] Shared, faucet, community water system
[] Own, use, tubed/piped deep well (at least 100 ft/30 m deep)
[] Shared, tubed/piped deep well
[] Tubed/piped shallow well
[] Dug well
[] Spring, lake, river, rain, etc.
[] Peddler
[] Bottled water
[] Others, specify ___

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H3, H4 Source of water supply for drinking and/or cooking, for laundry and/or bathing

The information on main source of drinking water provides the number of households with ready access to a potable water supply, as well as the availability of piped water for each housing unit. The provision of a piped water installation for every housing unit should be one of the primary objectives of housing policy as well as of public health policy.

Determine from the respondent the household's main source of water for drinking and/or cooking
(H3) and for laundry and/or bathing (H4). Enter the appropriate code in the box provided. If there are two or more sources of water for drinking, report the source used most of the time during the past twelve months.

The different sources of drinking water and their codes are as follows:

[] 01 Own use, faucet, community water system - The household gets its water supply from a faucet inside the house/yard directly connected to a water pipeline from the community water system such as the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) or the local water network system.

The method on how they purify the water or the real source of water is irrelevant. Thus, for water systems which have deep well as their source of water, report under this category as long as they subscribe to community water system.

[] 02 Shared, faucet, community water system - The household gets its water supply from the faucet of another household, establishment, or office, which is connected to the community water system.

[] 03 Own use, tubed/piped deep well - Water is taken from a tubed/piped well which is at least 100 feet (5 ximkm{(on(:8(neet pipes or 30 meters deep) and for private use of the household or households in the same building or compound.

[] 04 Shared, tubed/piped deep well - Water is taken from a deep well, which is at least 100 ft. or 30 meters deep of another household, establishment, or office or from a deep well which was constructed for public use.

[] 05 Tubed/piped shallow well - Water is taken from a tubed/piped well which is less than 100 feet deep.

[] 06 Dug Well - The household gets its water supply from a well, which may be provided with a protective device against contamination or pollution. A shallow well (dug and with water depository) which is provided with a pump and cover and is free from seepage from the side, and an ordinary dug well ("balon") also belong to this type.

[] 07 Spring, lake, river, rain, etc. - The household gets its water supply from natural bodies of water, or water is accumulated from rainfall.

[] 08 Peddler - Included in this item are water bought in tanks, drums, pails, etc. (peddler). These are the usual sources of water supply of households in low water pressure areas with no community water system.

[] 09 Bottled Water - Mineral/distilled water bought in bottles, or gallons are under this category.

[] 10 Others, Specify - Includes other sources not mentioned in categories 1 to 9 above.
Refer to Illustration 8.6 for the different sources of water supply.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_WATSRC1 — Source of drinking water
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H3. Source of water supply for drinking, cooking, and laundry/bathing - What does this household's main source of water supply for drinking, cooking, and laundry/bathing?

Write X in the box.
[] 01 Own use, faucet community water system
[] 02 Shared, faucet community water system
[] 03 Own use, tubed / piped deep well (at least 100 ft/30m deep)
[] 04 Shared, tubed / piped deep well
[] 05 Tubed / piped shallow well
[] 06 Dug well
[] 07 Protected spring
[] 08 Unprotected spring
[] 09 Lake, river, rain, and others
[] 10 Peddler
[] 11 Bottled water
[] 12 Other, specify ____
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8.6 Instructions On The Housing Census Questions
The housing portion consists of the following:

B1 to B5 -- Questions on building/house characteristics

[] D1 -- Floor area of the housing unit
[] H1 -- Fuel for lighting
[] H2 -- Fuel for cooking
[] H3 -- Source of water supply for drinking, cooking, laundry and/or bathing
[] H4 -- Tenure status of the housing unit
[] H5 -- Acquisition of the housing unit
[] H6 -- Source of financing of the housing unit
[] H7 -- Monthly rental of the housing unit
[] H8 -- Tenure status of the lot
[] H9 -- Usual manner of garbage disposal
[] H10 -- Kind of toilet facility
[] H11 -- Land ownership

Refer to the general instructions in Section 7.7 of Chapter 7 (page 131) for one housing unit with more than one household.
Specific Instructions on How to Fill Out Housing Census Questions
To ask the questions correctly, follow the instructions for each item of CPH Form 3. The rationale and/or importance of each item are explained.

H3-Source of Water Supply for Drinking, Cooking, Laundry, and/or Bathing
Information on the main source of drinking water provides the number of households with ready access to potable water supply, as well as the availability of piped water for each housing unit. The provision of a piped water installation for every housing unit is one of the primary objectives of a sound housing policy, as well as of a public health policy.
Ask the question,

"What is the household's main source of water supply for drinking, cooking, and laundry/bathing?

Write "X" in the corresponding box for the source of drinking water, as well as water for cooking, laundry and/or bathing. If there are two or more sources of water for drinking, cooking, laundry and/or bathing, report the source used most of the time during the past 12 months.
The different sources of water are as follows:

[]1. Own use faucet, community water system -- The household gets its water supply from a faucet inside the house/yard directly connected to a water pipeline from the community water system, such as the Maynilad, Manila Water Company, or other local water districts.
Note that a community water system using deep well as the source of water, should be reported under this category.
[] 2. Shared faucet, community water system -- The household gets its water supply from the faucet of another household, establishment, or office, which is connected to the community water system.
[] 3. Own use tubed/piped deep well -- Water is taken from a tubed/piped well, which is at least 100 feet or 30 meters deep, and for private use of the household/s in the same building or compound.
[] 4. Shared tubed/piped deep well -- Water supply is taken from a tubed/piped deep well, which is at least 100 feet or 30 meters deep, and shared with another household, establishment, or office, or from a deep well which was constructed for public use.
[] 5. Tubed/piped shallow well -- Water is taken from a tubed/piped well, which is less than 100 feet or 30 meters deep.
[] 6. Dug well -- The household gets its water supply from a well, which may be provided with a protective device against contamination or pollution. An ordinary dug well ("balon") belongs to this type. An improvised dug well (dug and with water depository) which is provided with a pump and cover also belongs to this type

[] 7. Protected spring -- A spring protected from contaminations by a "spring box" which is typically constructed of brick, masonry, or concrete and is built around the spring so that water flows directly out of the box through a pipe without being exposed to outside pollution.
[] 8. Unprotected spring -- A spring that is subject to runoff and/or bird droppings or animal/other external contaminations. Unprotected springs typically do not have a "spring box".
[] 9. Lake, river, rain, and others -- The household gets its water supply from natural bodies of water, or water is accumulated from rainfall.
10. Peddler -- The household gets its water from peddlers. These are the usual sources of water supply of households in low water pressure areas with no community water system.
11. Bottled water -- Mineral/distilled water bought in bottles or gallons are included in this category. Water refilling stations are also included in this category.
12. Others, Specify -- Includes other sources not mentioned in categories "01" to "11" above.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_WATSUP — Piped water supply
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4. Piped water

[] Inhabitants use piped water facilities
Within dwelling
Facilities linked:
[] 1 To the public water supply system
[] 2 To local system
Outside dwelling, but within the building
[] 3 As above in point 1
[] 4 As above in point 2
[] 0 There are not available such facilities in dwelling nor in building
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23. Piped water (Question IV) [p.38]
1. If, within the dwelling, there is a tap with running water installed then, basing on the hints and tips in points 3 and 4, the census enumerator shall specify whether such a facility is connected to the public water supply system or to the local system, and in accordance with the specified answer encircle symbol 1 or 2.
2. If there is no tap with running water inside the dwelling, but such a device is located inside the building (for example, in the hall) and is used as such by the inhabitants of the building, it must be also specified whether the device is connected to the public water supply system or to the local system, and in accordance with the specified answer encircle symbol 3 or 4.
3. Public water supply system shall be understood as a set of pipes transferring water from the source to the separate buildings and the overall length of such pipe-based connections is equal to or longer than 250 m.
Not only municipal water supply systems shall be taken into account but also those provincial and house estate ones, as they may be exploited, for example, in the area of a housing estate. What is more, the census enumerator shall also check for workplace water supply systems which may be used, for example, by mines, railway associations, agricultural farms, water associations, military units, etc. Length is the only decisive feature here.
4. Local water supply system shall be understood as a system supplying water to one or more buildings located in a close vicinity where the length of pipes does not exceed 250 m. Local systems are sometimes called individual systems or, in rural areas agricultural ones.
Local systems may be owned by one or more lodgers, as well as may be managed by organized agricultural units, production associations, factories, etc.
5. In some mountain areas, there are gravitational water supply systems. If such a system is taken advantage of in order to provide running water to at least 5 buildings and the overall length of the installation exceeds 250 m, such a system may be considered a proper water supply one. In all other cases, it shall be classified as a local system.
6. If there is no water supply system within the dwelling and the inhabitants do not use the system installed inside the house, then the 0 symbol shall be encircled.
In some cases, the inhabitants of a given building may have access to running water, but in order to do so, it is necessary to leave the building. In such an instance, the 0 shall be encircled as well.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_WATPBLD — Piped water in building
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Characteristics of households

Fill for the building in which at least one dwelling was enumerated. Answers for questions 1-10 write in only once -- in a first enumerated dwelling. In the forms filled for other dwellings this part should be crossed.

7. Pipe water:

[] 1Yes -- network
[] 2 Yes -- local system
[] 3 Not in a building but within a property
[] 0 Neither in a building nor within a property
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Characteristics of a building

58 Installations in the building (question 7-9) [p. 49]
While specifying answers for questions concerning installations, the enumerator should follow the same rules as while specifying technical appliances in a dwelling ( 16 point 1), that is:
- Working installations should be specified, as well as those, which are temporarily out of order and installations, which are installed, but haven't been connected to the network yet.
- Installation, which is out of order for longer than a year, shouldn't be registered:

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_WATPDW — Piped water in the dwelling
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Characteristics of the dwelling

6. Pipe water

[] 1 In dwelling
Not in dwelling:
[] 2 But the inhabitants can use pipe water in the building they live in
[] 0 The inhabitants can not use pipe water in the building they live in
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Characteristics of the Dwelling

16. Technical appliances in the dwelling (Questions 6-10) [p.19]
Both working and broken technical appliances should be indicated. What is more, all appliances, which are in possession of inhabitants, but haven't been plugged in yet, should also be indicated (for example in a newly constructed building). However, appliances which are broken for longer than a year shouldn't be registered at all. For informational purposes -- piped water and flush toilet should be taken into consideration as plugged in and local appliances.

Piped water
A dwelling equipped with a pipeline is defined as a dwelling having a tap with running water in possession.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_WATSUP — Piped water in the building
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4. Are there water-pipes in the building?
[] 1 Yes - network
[] 2 Yes - local system
[] 3 No
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General information [p. 57]

1. Information about the building should be determined only in case of buildings housing more than one dwelling. In case there are two or more enumerated dwellings in the building, indicate information about the building only in the first enumerated dwelling.

2. Information about the buildings housing the dwellings which are managed by legal persons and organizational units without legal personality will be given by the administrative authorities of these buildings.

This information will be given before the census on auxiliary forms, Characteristics of building or they will be directly given to the enumerators, which will contact the administrative authorities in the day of conducting the census.
The forms with Characteristics of Building, after they have been used, should be returned to the enumeration office with the whole set of enumeration materials.

3. Information about the individual buildings owned by private persons i.e. about single-family houses and the so-called small dwelling-houses should be determined by the enumerator during the census and be directly filled-in to the Questionnaire A.

Question 4 and 5. Is there water-pipe and sewage in this building? [p. 60]

1. Indicate systems currently working as well as the ones out of work and these which have actually been installed in the building, but the building has not yet been connected to the mains. Do not include installations out of order for longer than a year.

2. Water-pipe. A building equipped with a water-pipe is a building, where the water mains is delivered to all or some dwellings in the building, as well as where no dwelling has a tap with running water but there is a tap e.g. in the corridor.
The criterion of describing the water-pipe as a net work type or as a local system, is the length of distributing drains delivering the water from the source (of the water intake) to the buildings. A net work is a system of street drains at least 250 m long, not including the length of connections from the street drain to the buildings.
3. Sewage. A building equipped with sewage is building inside which -- in dwellings or corridor - there is a system to which the following appliances are connected: washbasin, toilet, sink, bathtub enabling draining the sewage/waste to the receiving water.
The criterion of qualifying the sewage as net work or as a local system (mostly cesspool) is the length of covered sewers -- underground (street sewers and collecting pipes) draining the sewage from the buildings to receiving water (sewage treatments plant, rivers, lakes and the sea). If the total of these channels (not including the length of additional sewers leading to the buildings) is at least 250 m long it is perceived as a net work. It can be an all navigable sewerage network draining industrial waste and rainwater or it can only be a network for industrial waste.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_WATRUNN — Running water in the dwelling
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6. a) Is there piped water in this dwelling?
[] 1 Yes, both hot and cold water
[] 2 Yes, only cold water
[] 3 No
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Questions 6-9. Heating and sanitation in the dwelling [p. 55-57]

Indicate both active and temporarily out of order devices in the census. Appliances already installed but not connected to the mains (e.g. in a newly erected building) should also be included.

Do not include appliances which have been out of order for more than a year due to considerable damage.

Question 6. Is there piped water in this dwelling? [p. 55-56]

Part 6b- fill in only in case when in part 6a the given answer is: 1. Yes, both hot and cold water:

Answer 1. Heating outside the dwelling- fill in, if hot water is provided by a heat and power plant, heat plant, a housing estate boiler house or a local boiling house situated in a multi-dwelling building.

Answer 2. Heating in dwelling or in one family building- fill in, when the water is heated in the dwelling by a heater, electrical hot spring, boiler installed particularly for that purpose, or is heated in a single-family building, regardless of the type of heater and its location: in a local boiler house, bathroom or kitchen, or by using solar panels.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_WATSUP — Water supply system
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[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type" -- that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]

3. Water (Water supply system)

[] Piped water available in the housing unit:

[] 1 From a public network
[] 2 From a private source

[] 3 Piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit
[] No piped water available inside the dwelling or the building, but the main source of water is:

[] 4 Public drinking fountain
[] 5 Private well or hole
[] 6 Public well with pump
[] 7 Public well without pump or surface water fountain

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[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type," that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]

Question 3 - Water

As for piped water from a public network, we understand the water that is supplied to the community in exchange for payment calculated according to the measured use device.

As for piped water from a private network, we understand the water that is propriety of private individuals and it is exempted from public authorities' ruling.

Important: When a dwelling has water in the yard, the kitchen, or the bathroom we must considered it as having water available within the housing unit.

However, if the dwelling has water in the yard but not in any of the rooms, we must consider it as having piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_WATSUP — Water supply system
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[Questions 7-18 were asked of private dwellings only]

[Questions 8-18 were asked of usual-residence dwellings only]

9. Water supply system:

Piped water available:

[] 2 Inside the dwelling, from a public network
[] 4 Inside the dwelling, from a private source
[] 6 Piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit

No piped water available but providing from:

[] 1 Public drinking fountain
[] 3 Private well or hole
[] 5 Public well with pump
[] 7 Public well without pump or surface water fountain
[] 9 Other way

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Question 9: Water supply system:

We intend to know what kind of system does the dwelling have for water supply.

The first distinction between forms of water supply is whether the dwelling has piped water supply or not.
a) If it has piped water available in the housing unit it can be:

1. From a public network
2. From a private source

Note: When a dwelling has piped water in the yard, the kitchen or the bathroom, we must consider it as having piped water available within the housing unit.
b) However, if the dwelling has water in the yard but not in any of the rooms we must consider it as having Piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit.

If it does not have piped water available in the interior of the dwelling or the building, the residents must be supplied water from one of the following methods:
a) Public drinking fountain
b) Private well or hole
c) Private well with pump
d) Public well without pump or surface water fountain
e) Other

Note: If it has various sources of water supply you must consider the one that is used the most for cooking and for hygiene purposes.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_WATER — Water
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[Questions 4-18 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question 3]

6. Water supply system:

Piped water available in the housing unit:

[] 1 From a community scheme
[] 2 From a private source

[] 3 Piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit
No piped water available but providing from:

[] 4 Public drinking fountain
[] 5 Well, private hole
[] 6 Other

Question 6 - Water supply system:

When the kitchen and/or bathroom are located in a building separate from the dwelling (in the yard, etc.), which has piped water, the dwelling is considered as having inside water.

When the dwelling has piped running water outside (yard, etc.) but not in any of the rooms comprising it (kitchen, water closet or bathroom), it will be considered as having running water in the building, but outside the dwelling.
When there is no piped water in the dwelling or in the building and the household resorts to other supply sources, various alternative sources may be used. In this case, the source which is most frequently used to obtain water for cooking and hygiene should be considered.

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Question 6 - Water supply system:

We intend to know if the dwelling has a water supply system, and if yes we must know what kind of system.
The possible modalities for this question are:

Piped water available in the housing unit

From a community scheme
From a private source

Piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit

No piped water available but providing from:
Public drinking fountain
Well, private hole

Special cases of observation

When a dwelling has an annex with piped water we must consider as having this situation as having piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit.
When a dwelling has piped water in the yard but not in room of the house we must considered it as having piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit.
When a dwelling does not have any kind of piped water in its interior, or even inside the building, and for that reason it is used another source of water supply, and it is possible to have various sources of water supply. In those cases you must consider the one that is used the most for cooking and for hygiene purposes.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_WATSUP — Water supply system
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Dwelling questionnaire

[Questions 1 through 17 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question II]

2. Does the dwelling have running water?

When the dwelling has running water in the kitchen or bathroom outside, in the yard for example, you should indicate Yes.

[] 1 Yes, connected to the public water supply system
[] 2 Yes, connected to a private water supply system
[] 3 No, but there is running water in the building
[] 4 No running water is available
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Filling out the Single Dwelling questionnaire

Question 2 - Does the dwelling have running water?
[There is an image of box for question 2]
The difference between the public and private water supply systems is based on the ownership of the system. A public water supply system normally requires a payment based on water use as read by a meter.
Public water supply - when water is supplied in exchange for payment based on the consumption indicated on the meter.
Private water supply - when the water is property of a particular person(s);
When the dwelling has water piped in to only an outside installation, for example, a kitchen or bathhouse located in the patio you must record in one of the "yes" options depending upon it being public or private.
No, but there is running water in the building - when the dwelling does not have running water within it, but it does exist within the building. This could include situations in which the dwelling has running water in the patio, but not within any of the rooms (kitchen, bathroom, ?);
No running water is available - when there is no running water in the dwelling or the building.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_HOTWATER — Hot and cold piped water
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H5. Is there hot and cold piped water in this structure?
[] Yes, hot and cold piped water in this structure
[] No, only cold piped water in this structure
[] No piped water in this structure

[For a vacant unit, also fill D, E, A, H2 to H7, and H9 to H11]

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_HOTWATER — Hot and cold piped water
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H5a. Is there hot and cold piped water in this building?
[] Yes, hot and cold piped water in this building
[] No, only cold piped water in this building
[] No piped water in this building

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_HOTWATER — Hot and cold piped water
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H4a . Is there hot and cold piped water in this (house/apartment)?
[ ] 1 Yes, hot and cold piped water
[ ] 2 No, only cold piped water
[ ] 3 No piped water -- Skip to H4d

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_RWATPR — Running water
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8. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have...

a. Running water?
[] Yes
[] No
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Answer questions 1 through 21 for the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

8a. Mark "yes" to "running water" if running water is accessible inside the housing unit through pipes.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_RWATPR — Running water
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Please answer the following questions about the house, apartment, or mobile home at the address on the mailing label.

7. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have:

a. Running water?
[] Yes
[] No
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Housing questions 4-17

H7.a. Mark "yes" to "hot and cold running water" even if the unit has hot water only part of the time.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_WATSUPB — Water supply installation from the public network, building

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_WATERB — Water supply system, building
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Chap. II Data on housing unit
To be completed by the first household in the dwelling only

5 Water supply installation

Has water supply installation in dwelling from:
[] 1 public network
[] 2 private supply system

Does not have water installation in dwelling; water supply source is located:
[] 3 outside the dwelling but in the building
[] 4 outside the building

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Q.5 Water supply installation

29. Mark an x in the box which corresponds to the stated situation: code 1 if the existing water supply in the housing unit is connected to a public network of a community-wide system, or code 2 if the system is privately supplied.

For dwellings that do not have a water supply within the dwelling, specify its location: inside the building (code 3) or outside the building (code 4).

A housing unit is considered as having its water supply from a public network, whether it has piped water installation from a local community-wide system or from an enterprise or institution, etc. Also, a water supply is considered part of a public network whether the water is supplied to the housing unit from the street drinking fountain or through a piped system.

A dwelling is is considered as having its own private supply system if the housing unit receives water through a piped system from a natural source: a pit, fountain, spring etc.

When a dwelling is located in an individual building having only one housing unit with a water supply inside the building, an x will be marked in the box for code 1 or code 2 because the building is identical to the dwelling;

When a housing unit uses two sources for its water supply, indicated only the water supply offering the higher comfort to the dwelling.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_WATER — Water supply system
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11. Water supply system
[] 1 Water supply installation inside the housing unit: from a public network
[] 2 Water supply installation inside the housing unit: from own system
[] 3 Water supply installation outside the dwelling- inside the building: from a public network
[] 4 Water supply installation outside the dwelling- inside the building: from own system
[] 5 Water supply installation outside the dwelling- outside the building: from a public network
[] 6 Water supply installation outside the dwelling- outside the building: from a public network or from own system (pit, well fountain)
[] 7 No water supply installation

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Water supply system (item 11)

32. The housing unit is considered as having water supply from the public network, if it has piped water installation from a local community-wide system (of an enterprise or institution, etc.). Also, it is considered as having water supply from the public network, if the water is supplied to the housing unit from the street drinking fountain throughout a piped system.

If the housing unit is receiving water, throughout a piped system from a natural source: pit, fountain, spring, etc., it is considered as having its own supply system.

The way of recording:

-- the mark x will be recorded on the box for code 1 or code 2, if the existing water supply in the housing unit is connected to a public network of community-wide system, respectively to an own system;
When the dwellings are located in the individual building, having only one housing unit, with water supply inside the building-- the mark x will be written on the box for code 1, or code 2, because the building is identical with the dwelling;
-- the mark x will entry on the box for the code 3 or 4 -- when the housing units' water supply installation is outdoor the dwelling, but indoor the building connected to the public network (code 3) or from the own system (code 4);
-- the mark x will be recorded to the box code 5 or 6-- when the dwellings have water supply installations outdoor the building, from the public network,(code 5) or from the own supply, receiving throughout a piped system, the water from a natural source (for example pit, fountain, spring, etc.) -- (code 6);
-- will be written the mark x in the box of the code 7 to the housing units without any water supply installation, either inside of house or outdoor. (Will be not considered as having water supply installation the dwellings, where the water is obtained from a fountain using a bucket, etc.)

Particular situation -- when there are housing units using two ways for water supply -- it will be indicated only the water supply offering the higher comfort to the dwelling.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_WATSUP — Water supply
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14 Water supply system

There is piped water
In the dwelling
[] 1 From the public network
[] 2 From its own system
Outside the dwelling
[] 3 Within the building from the public network
[] 4 Within the building from its own system
[] 5 Outside the building from the public network
[] 6 Outside the building from its own system
[] 7 No piped water

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_WATSRC — Source of water
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For private households
[Questions H1 - H11]

H7. Source of water

Where does the water used by the household come from?

[] 1 Tap inside house
[] 2 Brought from outside tap
[] 3 Street tap
[] 4 Spring / well, built
[] 5 Spring / well, natural
[] 6 River / lake
[] 7 Others

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_WATSRC — Source of water
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H07. What is the main source of water for this household?
[] 1. Tap inside house
[] 2. Tap inside compound
[] 3. Street tap/tap outside compound
[] 4. Spring/well, built
[] 5. Spring/well, natural (not built)
[] 6. Rain water
[] 7. River
[] 8. Lake/waterhole/pond/surface water
[] 9. Others

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Question H07: Source of water

Several categories are open to choice. In case of competing categories, the census enumerator will write the category the most often used.
Kano (public tap) where the water is channeled in pipes and runs always through a tap (faucet).
Iriba (public well) where the water is drawn by a manual pump.
Isoko (natural spring) where water springs up directly from the earth.
Amazi y'imvura (rain water) where water is collected/channeled from the roof.
Ikinamba (water hole) where water lies in a marsh.
Amazi aretse (a water tank) filled by the rain.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_WATSRC — Main source of water
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Section H: Housing Units Characteristics

10. What is the main source of water supply for members of the household?

[] 1 Internal pipe-born water
[] 2 Pipe-born water in the compound
[] 3 Public tap out of the compound
[] 4 Protected spring/well
[] 5 Unprotected spring/ well
[] 6 Rain water
[] 7 River
[] 8 Lake/stream/pond/surface water
[] 9 Other
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Section H: Housing units characteristics
5.3.5. How to complete Section H: Habitat [H01 to H35]
Questions on habitat are also asked to the household head or his representative.

H10: Main source of water
What is the main source of water supply for members of the household?

Encircle the correct code accordingly response given:

1 - Internal pipe borne water: tap inside the house
2 - Pipe borne water in the compound: tap inside the compound
3 - Public tap out of the compound
4 - Protected spring/well: water collected from protected spring
5 - Unprotected spring/well: water collected from unprotected spring
6 - Rain water: rain water collected from roof
7 - River: water collected from river
8 - Lake/stream/pond/surface water: water collected from lake/stream/pong/water body
9 - Other

Note: In the case where the household use more than one source, the enumerator must encircle of the code corresponding to the main source of water most commonly used by the household.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_WATSUP — Water supply
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38. Water supply
[] Public piped into dwelling
[] Public piped into yard
[] Private piped into dwelling
[] Private catchment
[] Public stand pipe
[] Public tank
[] Other
[] Not stated

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_WATSUP — Water supply
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1.8 What is the main source of your water supply?
[] Private, piped into dwelling
[] Private catchment, not piped
[] Public, piped into dwelling
[] Public, piped into yard
[] Public standpipe
[] Public well or tank
[] Other

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_WATSRC — Source of water
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H3. Source of water
[] 1 Well inside house
[] 2 Well outside house
[] 3 Tap, inside house
[] 4 Tap, outside house
[] 5 Deep well, pump
[] 6 Spring, river
[] 7 Other case

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H3) Source of water
Circle the item corresponding to the most frequent source of water for the household. If the household uses several sources of water, just keep the most frequent type.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_WATSRC — Source of water
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E05. Source of water
[] 1 Well inside house
[] 2 Well outside house
[] 3 Tap, inside house
[] 4 Tap, outside house
[] 5 Deep well, pump
[] 6 Water truck / water dealer
[] 7 Spring, river
[] 8 Other case

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E05. Source of water

You have to circle the item corresponding to the source of water the most often used. If the household has several sources [the French text says also one source] of water, keep that which is used most often. If the source varies according to season, select the source that was used at the time of your visit.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_WATSUP — Main mode of water supply
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E- Characteristics of the home environment

E09. Main mode of water supply

[] 1 Interior faucet
[] 2 Exterior faucet
[] 3 Public fountain
[] 4 Drilling
[] 5 Protected well
[] 6 Unprotected wells
[] 7 Water vendors
[] 8 Water truck
[] 9 Rain water
[] 10 Source / stream of water
[] 98 Other
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4.5 Part E: characteristics of the dwelling

E09: main method of water supply
Because water is one of the basic human needs, it is the subject of many investment programs (among other programs, we can cite the PEPAM) from the government and the community. The purpose of this question is to assess the main mode of water supply used by the household. Further (in question E10), we will deal mainly with water used for drinking only.
[p. 61]
We distinguish safe water sources, including water vendors, tanker services, taps (indoor, neighboring, public) and other protected sources (protected wells, boreholes) on the one hand and, on the other hand, unsafe water sources which are unprotected sources (unprotected wells) and open-air water points (source/waterways).

01. Faucet in housing
02. Faucet in the yard/plot
03. Public faucet/Public fountain
04. Borehole or pump wells
05. Protected wells
06. Unprotected wells
07. Water sellers
08. Tanker truck
09. Rainwater
10. Source, waterway
98. Other

Just circle the code of the option corresponding to the most used mode declared by the household. If the household has a mode or several modes of water supply, go with hold the most used type. If the source varies depending on the season, go with the source at the time of your visit.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_WATSRC — Source of water supply for drinking
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H11. What is your principal source of water supply for drinking?
[] 1 Piped indoors
[] 2 Piped in compound
[] 3 Public tap
[] 4 Protected ordinary well
[] 5 Unprotected ordinary well
[] 6 Mechanical well
[] 7 River/riverbed/stream
[] 8 Neighbor's tap
[] 9 Water vendor/bowser
[] 0 Other (specify) ____

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Section 2 - Housing facilities

H11 -- Principal source of water supply for drinking
174. Some households rely on more than one source of water supply for drinking. In a case like this, find out which of the sources they get their supply from most of the time. It is that source which is the principal source that should be recorded. For example, if a household has piped water in the house or compound and also has a well ordinary or mechanical) find out from which of the two sources they get most of their drinking supply from. Record the appropriate code from the list.

Section 2: Housing facilities

H11 What is your principal source of water supply for drinking?

[] 01 Piped indoors
[] 02 Piped in compound
[] 03 Public tap
[] 04 Protected ordinary well
[] 05 Unprotected ordinary well
[] 06 Mechanical well
[] 07 River / riverbed / stream
[] 08 Neighbour's tap
[] 09 Water vendor / bowser
[] 10 Other (specify)

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_WATSRC — Source of water supply for household use
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[Questions H01, H06, and H07 were asked of all people. The rest of the questions in section III were recorded only for respondent's whose indicated type of residence was occupied housing units in question I15]

What is your principal source of water supply for [Questions H12-H13]

H13. Household use

[] 01. Piped indoors
[] 02. Piped in compound
[] 03. Public Tap
[] 04. Protected ordinary well
[] 05. Unprotected ordinary well
[] 06. Mechanical well
[] 07. River / riverbed / stream
[] 08. Neighbor's tap
[] 09. Sacket / bottled water
[] 10. Water vendor / bowser
[] 11. Other ____
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Section 3: Housing facilities

186. Columns H01 to H19 relate to specific questions concerning the household. They are questions that relate to the household as a whole and not to individual members.

H13 - Source of water supply for household use
199. Ask for the source of water supply for household use. This includes all household use of water excluding drinking such as laundry, bathing, cooking etc. If there is more than one source, record the most used water source.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_WATER — Piped water supply
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19. Piped water supply:
[] From the water supply network
[] From individual rainwater tank
[] From individual water accumulation facility
[] No piped water supply

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19 Piped water supply:
From the water supply network is marked by the enumerator if water supply in the dwelling is connected to the public water supply network. A public water supply network is a network with associated facilities that supplies drinking water to at least five households or 20 people and is managed by a public service provider or a manager that is not a public service provider.

From individual rainwater tank is marked by the enumerator if piped water supply in the dwelling is connected to rainwater. A rainwater tank is a water supply facility that has at least a collection surface from which water is collected, a filter for water treatment and a collector.

From individual water accumulation facility is marked by the enumerator if water supply in the dwelling is connected to own water reservoir. Own water accumulation facility is a water source for less than 5 households or 20 people.

No piped water supply is marked by the enumerator if the dwelling does not have a piped water installation (is without running drinking water) or running drinking water is outside the dwelling in the building or in the yard.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_WATER — Main water supply
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Services used by this household

2.2. What is this household's main water supply? (Circle only one code)

[] 1 = Piped (tap) water, in dwelling
[] 2 = Piped (tap) water, on site or in yard
[] 3 = Public tap
[] 4 = Water-carrier/tanker
[] 5 = Borehole/rain-water tank/well
[] 6 = Dam/river/stream/spring
[] 7 = Other (e.g. from shops, hospitals, schools. etc.)

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_WATACC — Acess to water
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H-26a. Source of water
_ What is this household's main source of water for domestic use? Write only one code in the box.
1 = Regional/local water scheme (operated by a Water Service Authority or Provider)
2 = Borehole
3 = Spring
4 = Rain-water tank
5 = Dam / pool / stagnant water
6 = River/stream
7 = Water vendor
8 = Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Question H-26-- Piped water

"In which way does this household obtain PIPED WATER for domestic use?"

Please write only one answer.

First ask whether the household has piped water or not. If not, write 1. If they have access to piped water, read out the other categories for the respondent to choose from. Notice that this question includes water piped locally e.g. from a nearby stream or a private borehole. In other words, it focuses on convenience.

The question is asking about water used for household needs, not water used for gardens or cattle.

Question H-26a -- Source of water

"What is this household's MAIN source of WATER for domestic use?"

Please indicate only one alternative.

Households who have piped water do not necessarily know where the water comes from. In most cases piped water comes from regional or local water schemes (1), boreholes (2) or springs (3). If the piped water is from a regional or local scheme, this takes precedence, and the respondent should not answer e.g. dam even if the scheme uses a dam. The reason is that this question is interested in the quality of people's water (rather than convenience), and it is assumed that water from a scheme is of good quality. People who do not have access to water from a scheme should indicate one of the other sources -- this assumes they carry water or have local pipework only.

If the respondent is not sure about the source of piped water, ask if they pay the municipality or service provider for water; if "Yes" mark 1. Note however that some people do receive a certain amount of water free from the municipality, so this is not a foolproof way of knowing.

If the answer is alternative 8 ("Other"), specify beneath the box.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_WATSRC — Access to water
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H-03 Access to water
In which way does this household obtain water for domestic use?
[] 1 Piped water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped water inside the yard
[] 3 Piped water from access point outside the yard
[] 4 Borehole
[] 5 Spring
[] 6 Dam/pool
[] 7 River/stream
[] 8 Water vendor
[] 9 Rain water tank
[] 0 Other
Write only one code in the box.

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(H-03) Access to water: In which way does this household obtain WATER for domestic use?
Read out the different options to the respondent and write the applicable code in the box.
Mark the main source only. If people get water from two sources they should specify the source they use for drinking and food preparation.

If the response is '1-Piped water inside the dwelling' or '2-Piped water inside yard'.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_WATSUP — Water supply
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H-07 Access to piped water
In which way does this household mainly get piped water for household use?
Write the appropriate codes in the boxes _

1. Piped (tap) water inside the dwelling
2. Piped (tap) water inside the yard
3. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance less than 200m from dwelling
4. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance between 200m and 500m from dwelling
5. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance between 500m and 1000m (1 km) from dwelling
6. Piped (tap) water on community stand: distance greater than 1000m (1 km) from dwelling
7. No access to piped water
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10. Section H: Housing (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information collected here is important to all users such as Eskom, Telkom, etc. as it can be used to monitor progress regarding service delivery issues (or lack thereof).

This section must be completed for every household.
H-02: Other dwelling refers to another structure that the household occupies other than the main house/dwelling.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_WATSRC — Main source of water for drinking
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4 Housing, household goods, services and crime and agricultural activities

Now, I am going to ask you some questions related to housing, household goods and services, crime and agricultural activities for this particular household.


[4.32] What is the household's main source of water for drinking?

[] 1 Piped [tap] water inside the dwelling/house
[] 2 Piped [tap] water inside yard
[] 3 Piped water on community stand
[] 4 Borehole in the yard
[] 5 Rain-water tank in yard
[] 6 Neighbor's tap
[] 7 Public/communal tap
[] 8 Water-carrier/tanker
[] 9 Borehole outside the yard
[] 10 Flowing water/stream/river
[] 11 Well
[] 12 Spring
[] 13 Other

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_WATSRC — Source of drinking water
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36. What is the main source of drinking water for this household?
[] 1 Water filtering stations with common network/stand pipe (koshk)
[] 2 Mechanical boreholes with common network stand pipe (koshk)
[] 3 Deep boreholes (donkey) with network
[] 4 Deep boreholes (donkey) without network
[] 5 Hand pumps
[] 6 Sand filters with common network stand pipe (koshk)
[] 7 Shallow wells (dug wells)
[] 8 Hafeer / dam without filter (still open water)
[] 9 Hafeer /dam with filter (still open water)
[] 10 Turda / fula / river (still open water)
[] 11 Running open water source (river, pond, tura'a)
[] 12 Water vendor (tanker-cart-bearer) from deep boreholes
[] 13 Water vendor - from shallow wells pond/river/spring

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Q36 "What is the main source of drinking water for this household?"
  • A household may obtain water from numerous sources. You must ask them which source they get most of their water.
  • If the respondent is uncertain, read the categories aloud.
  • Shade the number corresponding to the answer provided by the respondent.
  • Remember that only one of the sources listed should be shaded.

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_RUNWAT — Running water
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6. Services and amenities in the housing unit:
(For each of the services or amenities listed, mark the appropriate option with an X.)
1. Running water
[] 1 With running water inside the housing unit
[] 2 Without running water inside the housing unit, but with running water in the building
[] 3 Without running water inside the housing unit, and without running water in the building

2. Hot water
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has hot water
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have hot water

3. Air conditioning
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has air conditioning
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have air conditioning

4. Kitchen
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has a kitchen
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have a kitchen

5. Electricity
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has electricity
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have electricity

6. Gas distributed through pipes (city gas, natural gas, propane)
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has piped gas
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have piped gas

7. Telephone
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has a telephone
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have a telephone

8. Heat
[] 1 The building has central heating
[] 2 The housing unit has a separate heating system
[] 3 The housing unit does not have a heating system, but the residents own a mobile or non-mobile appliance that allows them to raise the temperature in one or all of the rooms (include portable electric radiators)
[] 6 The housing unit does not have heat

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_RUNWAT — Running water

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_WATSUP — Water supply
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5. What is the water supply system?
[] Running water from a public source
[] Running water from a private source or private to the building
[] Does not have running water
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3.11 Water supply system

The water supply system refers to the infrastructure that provides the water supply to the dwelling, or in the case of those dwellings that do not have running water available.

[p. 62]

Categories of this variable:

Via public supply
Via own supply (water pump...)
Does not have running water
A public supply system is that which is subject to an inspection and control by public authorities.

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_WATSRC — Source of drinking water
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36. What is the main source of drinking water for this household?
[] 1 Water filtering stations with common network/stand pipe (koshk)
[] 2 Mechanical boreholes with common network stand pipe (koshk)
[] 3 Deep boreholes (donkey) with network
[] 4 Deep boreholes (donkey) without network
[] 5 Hand pumps
[] 6 Sand filters with common network stand pipe (koshk)
[] 7 Shallow wells (dug wells)
[] 8 Hafeer / dam without filter (still open water)
[] 9 Hafeer /dam with filter (still open water)
[] 10 Turda / fula / river (still open water)
[] 11 Running open water source (river, pond, tura'a)
[] 12 Water vendor (tanker-cart-bearer) from deep boreholes
[] 13 Water vendor - from shallow wells pond/river/spring

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Q36 "What is the main source of drinking water for this household?"
  • A household may obtain water from numerous sources. You must ask them which source they get most of their water.
  • If the respondent is uncertain, read the categories aloud.
  • Shade the number corresponding to the answer provided by the respondent.
  • Remember that only one of the sources listed should be shaded.

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Household module

Part 3: Facilities available to the household
[Applies to questions 10 - 18]

14. What is the main type of water supply for this household?

N.B.: Please provide only one answer.

[] 1 Tap water, indoor
Supplied by:
[] 1 SWM (Surinaamsche Waterleiding Maatschappij)
[] 2 Natural resources
[] 3 other
[] 2 Tap water, outdoor 200m and under
Supplied by:
[] 1 SWM (Surinaamsche Waterleiding Maatschappij)
[] 2 Natural resources
[] 3 other
[] 3 Tap water, outdoor over 200m
Supplied by:
[] 1 SWM (Surinaamsche Waterleiding Maatschappij)
[] 2 Natural resources
[] 3 other
[] 4 Rain water in barrel / basin or tank
Is it protected?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 5 Well
Is it protected?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 6 Creek or river
[] 7 Supply by water tank / water truck
[] 8 Other, namely
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_WATSRC — Water source
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30. What type of water is available in this house?
[] 1 Piped water in the house or village
[] 2 Piped water outside the village
[] 3 Well water in plot or village
[] 4 Well water outside village
[] 5 Other inside plot or village
[] 6 Other outside plot or village

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_WATSRC — Source of drinking water
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38. What is the main source of drinking water for household?
[] 01 Piped water
[] 02 Protected well
[] 03 Unprotected well
[] 04 Protected spring
[] 05 Unprotected spring
[] 06 River/stream
[] 07 Pond
[] 08 Lake
[] 09 Rain water
[] 10 Water vendors
[] 98 Others

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G. Housing conditions and ownership of properties
These questions are about tools used in house construction, services available in this household (such as water, toilets, electricity), the total number of bedrooms used by the household, and ownership of properties. The head of household is asked these questions. If the head of household is absent, try to get another member of the household to answer these questions on behalf of the head of household.
Usually, if a household is using more than one house, all questions about the material used to construct the house and the electricity used in the house are to be asked for the main house where most household members live.
For Census purposes, a house is a building used by people for living. Workshops or store, places where people do not live, are not involved.
Note: Questions about house are to be asked to private households only. For collective households such as schools, hostels, camps, hospitals, etc. these questions should not be asked because they are not relevant.

Question 35: What is the main source of your drinking water?
The aim of the question is to know the main source of water used for drinking in the household. There are many sources of drinking water (such as tap water, water from wells, rain water, water from rivers, pools, lakes, etc.) Shade the code according to the answers provided by the respondent.
If there is a dry tap in the household and a well nearby where the household members get their drinking water, this household will be included among those who get drinking water from the wells and not the tap. Try to get the correct information and shade in the respective codes.
The following codes are to be used for this question:
Source of water

[] 1 Tap water
[] 2 Covered well
[] 3 Uncovered well
[] 4 Preserved spring
[] 5 Unpreserved spring
[] 6 River / stream
[] 7 Dams / pools
[] 8 Lake
[] 9 Rain water
[] 10 Water dealers
[] 11 Other source

[Illustration for question 35, 36, and 37 is omitted]

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_WATSUP — Sources of drinking water
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G. Housing conditions and ownership of assets

47. What is the main source of drinking water for this household?

[] 1 Piped water into dwelling
[] 2 Piped water in the yard / plot
[] 3 Public tap / standpipe
[] 4 Tubewell / borehole
[] 5 Protected dug well
[] 6 Unprotected dug well
[] 7 Protected spring
[] 8 Unprotected spring
[] 9 Rainwater collection
[] 10 Bottled water
[] 11 Cart with small tank/drum
[] 12 Tanker truck
[] 13 Surface water [river, dam, lake, pond, stream, charco, canal, irrigation channels]
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Questions 41 to 52 ask about the house characteristics and ownership of assets/properties and they are answered by the head of the household.

These questions ask about types of home ownership and materials used for construction of the house household members live in. Also, these questions aim to understand services available in the house, for example, water, toilets, energy source for cooking and lighting the house.
Explanation/clarification of the question: Answers to these questions will enable the nation understand the level of poverty in the households.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Part 4 Housing questions

Do not ask the collective household.

For Municipal Areas, ask housing questions in all households.

For Non-Municipal Areas, ask housing questions only in households with the letter "B".
(The letter of the 9th column in the "Sor Por Kor 1" form is:
[] A
[] B
[] C
[] D.
If the letter "B" is checked, ask the housing questions. If not, terminate the interview.)

[Approximately 1 in 3 households from Non-Municipal Areas were asked the household questions.]

25. Type of structure:

[] 1 Detached house
[] 2 Row house
[] 3 Apartment
[] 4 Room
[] 5 Mobile (boat, raft, or car)
[] Others, specify ____

If marked "5" or "Others," terminate the interview.

37. Water supply system:

[] 1 Piped water, inside
[] 2 Piped water, outside
[] 3 Public well
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Rain water
[] 6 River, canal, etc.
[] Other, specify ____
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Number 37: Water supply
Ask "Where is the main source of water supply?" Select one of the following sources:
Piped water within the house
Piped water outside the house
Public well
Private well
River, canal, waterfall
If the water comes from other sources, specify the source.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_WATSUP — Type of water supply
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Part 3. Housing Questions (For Private Household)

[Questions H1-H18 were asked of private households.]

H12. Water supply system

[] 1 Piped water, inside
[] 2 Piped water, outside
[] 3 Public well
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Rain water
[] 6 River, canal, stream, waterfall
[] 7 Other (specify) ____

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Section 3 Questions on Housing
(Ask only private household)

Questions on housing are concerned with living places of every private household in municipal area. For those outside municipal area and Bangkok, ask only the sample households.

Guideline for questioning and recording

1. Ask conditions of living place by household not by person.
2. If a household living in many houses in the same area, consider the house where head of the household lives.
3. If several households living in the same house, consider conditions of the living place of the main household, other households or conditions of living are regarded as rooms in the house.
4. In recording answer, circle one code number only. If answer is "others," specify and record the answer clearly.
5. The question that has no answer code, record statement or number in the blank on the dot line.
H 12. Water supply

Ask "Where does the main source of using water come from?"

Record the same way as in (H 11).

In case that there are more than one main sources of using water, answer only one source that the household mostly use. For example, rain water is used, but when it is finished, water from a stream is used. In one year round, record the source which is mostly used.
Circle 5 if rain water is mostly used.
Circle 6 if water from a stream is mostly used, etc.

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_WATSUP — Type of water supply (major use)
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Part III Housing questions (for private household)

H11. What kind of water is used in this household? If use only one source, recode 'code' in the first and '0' in the second)

Major use

[] 1 Piped water, inside
[] 2 Piped water, outside
[] 3 Public well
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Rain water
[] 6 River, canal, stream, waterfall
[] 7 Others

Minor use

[] 1 Piped water, inside
[] 2 Piped water, outside
[] 3 Public well
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Rain water
[] 6 River, canal, stream, waterfall
[] 7 Others

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H11. Water for use
Ask: "Where is the water for use mostly from?"
If the water for use is from one source, record the code of the water source in the first space and "0" in the second space.

If the water for use is from many sources, record the code of the major source in the first space, and the code of the minor source in the second space.

If the major water source is others, record "7" in the first space and "0" in the second space.
Major use - Minor use
Piped water inside the house - 1-1
Piped water outside the house - 2-2
Public well - 3-3
Private well - 4-4
Rain water - 5-5
River, canal, stream, waterfall - 6-6
Others - 7-7

Example: If the household uses the water mostly from the piped water inside the house and uses rain water as the second most, then record "15".

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_WATSUP — Water supply
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For sample private households only
[Questions H1-9 were asked of sample private households only]

H8. The major water supply to the household

[] 1 Piped water, inside
[] 2 Piped water, outside
[] 3 Public well
[] 4 Private well
[] 5 Rain water
[] 6 River, canal, stream, waterfall
[] 7 Bottled drinking
[] 8 Others

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5.5.3 Part 3 Questions on housing
[Ask only for the sample private household]

H8: What is the main water supply for this household?

1. Tap water inside the house
2. Tap water outside the house
3. Tap water well or public well
4. Deep water well or non- public well
5. Rain water
6. River, canal, stream, waterfall
7. Drinking water in a bottle
8. Others

Procedure for recording the form
Question asked [of respondent]: "What is the main water supply for this household?"


Record the code corresponding to the given answer for drinking water and water used for utilities in the check boxes provided.

Tap water inside the house means there is a pipeline linking the house with a tap water supply.

Tap water outside the house means that a person in the household has to bring in the tap water from another house or from the public water supply outside the house. Alternatively, [the person] connects the water from the source outside the house to the house using a hose.

Drinking bottled water means drinking water that has passed [through] the purification process, either by disinfection or other method of water purification.

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_WATSRC — Water supply
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2. Supply of the dwelling:

Water supply

[] 1 By piping, in dwelling
[] 2 By piping, in compound
[] 3 By piping, outside compound
[] 4 By well, in compound
[] 5 By well, outside compound

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_WATDRNK — Source of drinking water
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Dwelling unit

(H09) Principal source of drinking water

Circle the appropriate code and record it in the box

[] 0 Mineral water (bottle or sachet)
[] 1 Tap water in the compound
[] 2 Tap water from outside
[] 3 Well equipped with pump
[] 4 Well
[] 5 Rainwater
[] 6 River / marigot / source
[] 7 Water reservoir, dam
[] 8 Other (specify) ____
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[p. 49]

F- Characteristics of the habitat

Question H09: Main source of drinking water

This concerns knowing the main source of the supply of drinking water for the members of the household. Pose the following question: "What is the main source of the water drunk by the members of your household?" Circle and record in the box the code corresponding to the main sources of drinking water for the members of the household.

[p. 53]

The modalities of possible response are:

0. Mineral water (bottle or sachet)
1. Tap water in the compound
2. Tap water outside
3. Drilling/Well equipped with pump
4. Well
5. Rainwater
6. River/backwater/source
7. Water retainer/dam
8. Other (to be specified)

For any other source of water not indicated above, circle and record code 8 in the box, and then record the respondent's declaration on the dotted lines.

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Section VIII. Housing

[Questions 36-43 asked of the head of the household only.]

38. Water supply

[] Public piped into dwelling
[] Public piped into yard
[] Private piped into dwelling
[] Private catchment not piped
[] Public stand pipe
[] Public tank
[] Other
[] Not stated
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H. Section VIII - Housing

This section, comprising eight questions - numbered 36 to 43 inclusive - must be marked on the questionnaire for the head of the household only.

71. Question 38 - Water supply

The information marked here should indicate how the household gets its water supply, whether it is piped water within the dwelling unit, piped water outside the dwelling unit or any other specified source.

(a) Public piped into dwelling - Mark this when running water from a public source is piped into the dwelling unit.

(b) Public piped into yard - Mark this when running water is available in the yard.

(c) Private piped into dwelling - Mark this where the water is from a private source and piped into the dwelling.

(d) Private catchment not piped - Mark this where the water is from a private source and not piped into the dwelling.

(e) Public stand pipe - Mark this when water is available to the dwelling unit from a stand pipe in the street.

(f) Public tank - This applies when the supply from a dam, tank, reservoir, etc. established and maintained by government is not piped into the dwelling.

(g) Other - Mark here all other sources, e.g. well, river, stream, pond, etc.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Characteristics of Dwelling Unit

44. Water supply
What is your water supply?

[] 1 Public piped into dwelling
[] 2 Public piped into yard
[] 3 Private piped into dwelling
[] 4 Private catchment not piped
[] 5 Public standpipe
[] 6 Truck borne (and not piped into dwelling)
[] 7 Spring/River
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 44 - Water supply

The information recorded here should indicate how the household obtains its water supply, whether it is piped water within the dwelling unit, piped water outside the dwelling unit or any other specified source. You should note that the primary source of supply is not being sought in this question.

[1] Public piped into dwelling - Describes a condition where running water from a public source is piped directly into the dwelling unit. It is to be noted that in cases where both truck-borne supplies and intermittent supplies from a public reservoir are used, public piped takes precedence over "truck-borne".

[2] Public piped into yard - Applies in situations where the household receives running water from a public source through a pipe in the yard or compound on which the dwelling stands.

[3] Private piped into dwelling - Refers to the water supply received by a household from a private source and piped into the dwelling. Such situations will occur, for example, where the household pumps water from a river or pond through pipes directly to the dwelling.

[4] Private catchment not piped - Obtains where the water supply to the household is from a private source and not piped into the dwelling.

[5] Public stand pipe - Obtains when water is available to the household from a stand pipe in the street or elsewhere.

[6] Truck-borne [and not piped into dwelling] - This applies in a limited sense to a truck-borne water supply where the sole source of water to the household is truck borne. The water supply by truck must be from a public source. For example, the household stores its water in drums or barrels which are filled by a truck borne supply.

It is to be noted, again, that in cases of intermittent supplies from a public source, public piped takes precedence over truck-borne, especially where pipes are already laid from the mains to the house.

[7] Spring / River - This applies when the main water supply available to the dwelling is from a spring or river.

[8] Other - Obtains when the dwelling receives its water supply from a source not specified e.g. well, pond, etc. and there is no pipe borne supply.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

40. What is your water supply?

[] 1 Public piped into dwelling
[] 2 Public piped into yard
[] 3 Private piped into dwelling
[] 4 Private catchment not piped
[] 5 Public standpipe
[] 6 Truck borne (and not piped into dwelling)
[] 7 Spring/river
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit

Question 40 - Water supply

The information recorded here should indicate how the household obtains its water supply, whether it is piped water within the dwelling unit, piped water outside the dwelling unit or any other specific source. You should note that the primary source of supply is not being sought in this question.
[1] Public piped into dwelling
Describes a condition where running water from a public source is piped directly into the dwelling unit. It is to be noted that in cases where both truck-borne supplies and intermittent supplies from a public reservoir are used, public piped takes precedence over truck -borne.
[2] Public piped into yard
Applies in situations where the household receives running water from a public source through a pipe in the yard or compound on which the dwelling stands.
[3] Private piped into dwelling
Refers to the water supply received by a household from a private source and piped into the dwelling. Such situations will occur, for example, where the household pumps water from a river or pond through pipes directly to the dwelling.
[4] Private catchment not piped
Obtains where the water supply to the household is from a private source and not piped into the dwelling.
[5] Public stand pipe
Obtains when water is available to the household from a stand pipe in the street or elsewhere.
[6] Truck-borne [and not piped into dwelling]
This applies in a limited sense to a truck-borne water supply where the sole source of water to the household is truck borne. The water supply by truck must be from a public source. For example, the household stores its water in drums or barrels which are filled by a truck borne supply.
It is to be noted, again, that in cases of intermittent supplies from a public source, public piped takes precedence over truck-borne, especially where pipes are already laid from the mains to the house.
[7] Spring/river
This applies when the main water supply available to the dwelling is from a spring or river.
[8] Other
Obtains when the dwelling receives its water supply from a source not specified e.g. well, pond, etc. and there is no pipe borne supply.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Characteristics of the dwelling unit occupied by household

Interviewer: A dwelling unit must have a separate entrance and not be accessed or entered through someone else's living arrangements.

56. Water supply

What type of water supply do you have?

[] 1. Public piped into dwelling
[] 2. Public piped into yard
[] 3. Public standpipe
[] 4. Private piped into dwelling
[] 5. Private catchment not piped
[] 6. Truck borne (and not piped into dwelling)
[] 7. Spring/river
[] 8. Other
[] 9. Not stated
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Characteristics of dwelling unit occupied by household

Question 56 - Water supply

The concept of water supply describes the water supply system to the dwelling unit, whether piped into dwelling, public, tank etc. Therefore, the primary source is not required. For example, the primary source may be a well but the water is received by the dwelling unit through pipes leading to the unit. In this example, the supply is recorded as piped into dwelling unit.

1. Public piped into dwelling: Describes a condition where running water from a public source is piped directly into the dwelling unit. It is to be noted that in cases where both truck-borne supplies and intermittent supplies from a public reservoir are used, public piped takes precedence over truck-borne.


2. Public piped into yard: Applies in situations where the household receives running water from a public source through a pipe in the yard or compound on which the dwelling stands.

3. Public standpipe: Obtains when water is available to the household from a stand pipe in the street or elsewhere.

4. Private piped into dwelling: Refers to the water supply received by a household from a private source and piped into the dwelling. Such situations will occur for example, where the household pumps water from a river or pond through pipes directly to the dwelling.

5. Private catchment not piped: Obtains where the water supply to the household is from a private source and not piped into the dwelling.

6. Truck-borne (and not piped into dwelling): This applies in a limited sense to a truck-borne water supply where the sole source of water to the household is truck borne. The water supply by truck must be from a public source. For example, the household stores its water in drums or barrels that are filled by a truck borne supply.

It is to be noted, again, that in cases of intermittent supplies from a public source, public piped takes precedence over truck-borne, especially where pipes are already laid from the mains to the house.

7. Spring / river: This applies when the main water supply available to the dwelling is from a spring or river.

8. Other: Obtains when the dwelling receives its water supply from a source not specified e.g. well, pond, etc. and there is no pipe borne supply.

Skip instructions: If response 4 to 9 is given skip to question 58.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_WATSUP — Source of water supply
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Section 11: Housing - Head of household

B. Characteristics of Occupied Dwelling Unit and Land Tenancy

47. Water supply

What is this household's main source of water supply?

[] 01 Public piped into dwelling
[] 02 Public piped into yard
[] 03 Public standpipe
[] 04 Private piped into dwelling
[] 05 Private catchment not piped
[] 06 Truck borne (and not piped into dwelling)
[] 07 Spring/River/Well/Pond
[] 77 Other (specify)
[] 99 Not stated
Interviewer: If shaded 04 to 99, skip to Q.49
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Section 11 - Housing

11.9. Water supply

(i) Public piped into dwelling - Describes a condition where running water from a public source is piped into the dwelling unit. It is to be noted that in cases where both truck-borne supplies and intermittent supplies from a public reservoir are used, public piped takes precedence over truck-borne.


(ii) Public piped into yard - Applies in a situation where the household receives running water from a public source through a pipe in the yard or compound on which the dwelling stands.

(iii) Public stand pipe - Obtains when water is available to the household, occupying a dwelling unit, from a stand pipe in the street or elsewhere.

(iv) Private piped into dwelling - Refers to water supply obtained from a private source and piped into the dwelling. Such a situation will occur, for example, where the household pumps water from a river or pond through pipes directly to the dwelling.

(v) Private catchment not piped - Obtains where the water is from a private source and not piped into the dwelling.

(vi) Truck-borne (and not piped into dwelling) - This applies when a truck-borne water supply is the sole source of water to the household. To satisfy the condition of truck-borne, the water supplied by trucks must be from a public source and the water so received is stored in drums or barrels from which the household draws its supply.

(vii) Spring / river / well / pond - This applies when the main water supply available to the dwelling is from a spring, river, well or pond.

(viii) Other - Obtains when the dwelling receives its water supply from a source not specified above.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_PIPEWTR — Piped water
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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
(For the places constituting a household, ask the questions between 1-12 in this section to the household head or to anyone who can answer instead.)
[Questions 1-12 were asked of housing units, per Section II.]

8. Which of the following are in your household?

Piped water

[] 1 Inside
[] 2 Outside
[] 3 Doesn't exist

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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
Attention! Section III is to be filled out for places where a household [housing unit] is constituted.

Questions 1 to 12 in this section are to be asked of the household head or someone able to answer in his/her place.

Question 8. Which of the following are to be found in your dwelling?

An "X" to be entered into the boxes corresponding to each one of the amenities (toilet, bath, kitchen and piped in water) that exist in the dwelling that the household is living in, doing so according to whether these amenities are located inside or outside the dwelling. For dwellings occupied by a household lacking a toilet, bath, kitchen or piped water either inside or outside the dwelling, an "X" is to be entered for the "None" option for each one of these non-existent amenities.

In filling out this question, the following definitions should be kept in mind:

Toilet (inside the dwelling): That area situated inside the dwelling, enclosed on four sides, with a separate door, from which human feces and dirty water are conveyed via pipe, tile/clay pipe, etc., to a main canal, a septic tank or to the sewer lines.

Toilet (outside the dwelling): A place enclosed on four sides, located outside the dwelling being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land), built with the purpose of permitting people to meet their toilet needs.

Bathroom (inside the dwelling): A place inside the dwelling being lived in, enclosed on four sides, with a separate door, that has been set aside for washing.

Bathroom (outside the dwelling): A place outside the dwelling that is being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land), enclosed on four sides with a separate door, that has been set aside for washing.

Kitchen (inside the dwelling): A place inside the dwelling being lived in, enclosed on four sides, closed off on top, with a separate door in which food may be cooked, dishes washed, and where essential kitchen utensils may be placed.

Kitchen (outside the dwelling): A place outside the dwelling being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land) enclosed on four sides, closed off on top, with a separate door, within which food may be cooked, dishes washed, and where essential kitchen utensils may be placed.

Piped water (inside the dwelling): Running water brought all the way into the dwelling by means of a pipe connection to the city water network or to a private system such as a water tank pump.

Piped water (outside the dwelling): Running water located outside the dwelling delivered by means of a pipe connection to the city water network or to a private system such as a water tank pump.

If a toilet or piped water exists both inside and outside the dwelling that the household lives in, the toilet or piped water shall be designated as being "Inside the dwelling". If a section of the toilet inside the dwelling the household lives in is used as a bathroom, then both the toilet and bathroom will be deemed to be "Inside the dwelling".

For situations not covered by those defined above, the "None" option is to be marked.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_WATER — Water
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What is the main source of the household's water-

[] 1 Piped water inside
[] 2 Piped water outside
[] 3 Borehole
[] 4 Protected well/spring
[] 5 Open well/spring
[] 6 Stream river
[] 7 Lake/pond dam
[] 8 Other (specify)

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184. Tick the main source - the one on which the household mainly relies.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_WATSRC — Source of drinking water
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H14 What is the household's MAIN source of water for drinking?
[] 1 Tap/piped water
[] 2 Borehole
[] 3 Protected water
[] 4 Rain water
[] 5 Gravity flow scheme
[] 6 Open water sources
[] 7 Water truck/water vendor
[] 8 Other (specify)

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Question H14: Water
Ask, "What is the Household's main source of water for drinking?"
234. Circle the code Household's main source of drinking water; the one on which the Household mainly relies. You should note that (for purposes of the census), tap water applies to water administered by the National Water and Sewerage Corporation as well as that managed by urban councils.
235. For the purposes of this census, any water that is not got from the above source though could be piped through a tap (such as Gravity Flow Scheme water) is NOT regarded as tap water and hence the interviewer will need to probe and find out the real main source of this water.
236. Gravity Flow Scheme water is where spring water at the top of a hill is piped and supplied to homes in the valley.
237. The Open water sources include wells, rivers, lakes, etc.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_WATSRC — Main source of drinking water
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Section 4: Household characteristics

H16 What is the household's main source of water for drinking?

[] 10 Piped water into dwelling
[] 11 Piped water to the yard
[] 12 Public taps
[] 13 Borehole in yard/plot
[] 14 Public borehole
[] 15 Protected well/spring
[] 16 Unprotected well/spring
[] 17 River/stream/lake
[] 18 Vendor
[] 19 Tanker truck
[] 20 Gravity flow scheme
[] 21 Rain water
[] 22 Bottled water
[] 96 Other

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_WATSRC — Water source
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7. Water service

[] 1 Running piped water (O.S.E. [public water company])
[] 2 Pump well
[] 3 Tank [aljibe]
[] 4 Catch pipes [cachimba]
[] 5 Stream, river, spring
Other (specify) ____

[] 1 Within the dwelling [go to Q.8]
[] 2 Outside the dwelling, but on the property
[] 3 Outside the property

Distance of carrying [water to dwelling]:
[] 1 Fewer than 100 meters
[] 2 Between 100 to 300 meters
[] 3 More than 300 meters

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139. Write down with a sign ("X") the corresponding box within one or the other of the following headlines:

a) Running water - Running water is understood to be a supply of drinkable water through pipes provided by a public system. Furthermore, the corresponding box in the headline will be marked for all dwellings that are supplied water by the O.S.E. (that is, the "Administration of sanitary works of the state").

b) Pump well - It is an excavation made from a cap of water from where it is provided.

c) Tank - It is a deposit in which rain water is stored.

d) Cachimba - It is understood to be all water coming to the surface of the ground.

e) Stream, river - They are self-explanatory.

[p. 25]

140. The different sources of water supply for a dwelling can be located:

a) Inside a dwelling itself.
b) Outside of a dwelling but within the property of the dwelling.
c) Completely off the property belonging to a dwelling.

141. It should be kept in mind that the supply of running water through pipes of the O.S.E. can go not only inside the aforementioned dwelling itself, but also outside them through water pipes for public or common use.

142. When the supply of running water from the O.S.E. comes through common or public pipes, they are found either outside a dwelling but on the property of the dwelling (tenancy), or completely away from said property (public plazas).

143. The last response may be the case, and will be many times, when the source of the supply is a well, tank, or cachimba. And many times when it is a stream or river.

Distance of carrying
144. Write down in the respective box the distance that an informant declares.

145. This notation should always be made when a water supply is not inside the proper dwelling itself, for example: kitchen, bathrooms, etc. If a supply is found on a patio inside a dwelling, away from rooms, the distance of carrying should also be recorded.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_WATLOC — Location of water service
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7. Water service

[] 1 Running piped water (O.S.E. [public water company])
[] 2 Pump well
[] 3 Tank [aljibe]
[] 4 Catch pipes [cachimba]
[] 5 Stream, river, spring
Other (specify) ____

[] 1 Within the dwelling [go to Q.8]
[] 2 Outside the dwelling, but on the property
[] 3 Outside the property

Distance of carrying [water to dwelling]:
[] 1 Fewer than 100 meters
[] 2 Between 100 to 300 meters
[] 3 More than 300 meters

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139. Write down with a sign ("X") the corresponding box within one or the other of the following headlines:

a) Running water - Running water is understood to be a supply of drinkable water through pipes provided by a public system. Furthermore, the corresponding box in the headline will be marked for all dwellings that are supplied water by the O.S.E. (that is, the "Administration of sanitary works of the state").

b) Pump well - It is an excavation made from a cap of water from where it is provided.

c) Tank - It is a deposit in which rain water is stored.

d) Cachimba - It is understood to be all water coming to the surface of the ground.

e) Stream, river - They are self-explanatory.

[p. 25]

140. The different sources of water supply for a dwelling can be located:

a) Inside a dwelling itself.
b) Outside of a dwelling but within the property of the dwelling.
c) Completely off the property belonging to a dwelling.

141. It should be kept in mind that the supply of running water through pipes of the O.S.E. can go not only inside the aforementioned dwelling itself, but also outside them through water pipes for public or common use.

142. When the supply of running water from the O.S.E. comes through common or public pipes, they are found either outside a dwelling but on the property of the dwelling (tenancy), or completely away from said property (public plazas).

143. The last response may be the case, and will be many times, when the source of the supply is a well, tank, or cachimba. And many times when it is a stream or river.

Distance of carrying
144. Write down in the respective box the distance that an informant declares.

145. This notation should always be made when a water supply is not inside the proper dwelling itself, for example: kitchen, bathrooms, etc. If a supply is found on a patio inside a dwelling, away from rooms, the distance of carrying should also be recorded.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_WATSUP — Water supply
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3. System of supply of water to the house
[] 1 By pipes within the dwelling
By pipes outside of the dwelling:

[] 2 Fewer than 100 meters on the property
[] 3 Fewer than 100 meters off the property
[] 4 More than 100 meters

[] 5 Without supply by pipes

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E. Private dwelling information

3. System of supply of water of the dwelling

[] By pipes within the dwelling

124. Look at the figure [below the text is a picture of a sink]: It illustrates the minimum that can exist to consider that there is water within the dwelling: at least a faucet in it. The installation for water should be working, it should flow water into the dwelling.

126. A dwelling can have water inside it, without the origin being from the public system. The water can come from an underground well or from a tank to a tank and from there, through pipes, arrive at a faucet inside the dwelling.

[] By pipes outside the dwelling

In boxes 2, 3 and 4 the cases in which there is no water within the dwelling are registered [below the text is a picture of a house and an outside well]. The water can come from pipes from land, as the figure illustrates.

128. In other cases, the faucet where the water is from is supplied to the occupants of the dwelling is not in their land: neighbor's house, public faucet, etc. If this faucet is within 100 meters, you will mark box 3. If it is 100 meters away or more, you will mark box 4.

[p. 40]

[] Without supply by pipes

129. In this box 5 the cases in which the water used in the dwelling is not obtained by pipes are registered.

130. If in the dwelling they inform you that they only have a faucet in the garden, you will register this situation as:
[Below the text are two charts, one of them with the box "Fewer than 100 meters in the garden" marked.]

131. If they inform you that they must bring the water from a public faucet, on foot from an O.S.E. tank from the place, you should ask at what distance is this faucet.

132. In some zones, water is provided by a water carrier. Register the system of supply of water.

[Below the text are two charts, one with the box "Without water by pipes" marked]

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_WATSUP — Water supply
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E. Information about the occupied private dwelling
[Only for the first home or single home]

5. How does this water arrive at the dwelling?

[] 1 By pipes within the dwelling

By pipes outside of the dwelling:

[] 2 Up to 100 meters away, on the property
[] 3 Up to 100 meters away, off the property
[] 4 More than 100 meters

[] 0 Without water supply by pipes

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_WATSUP — Water connection
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C. Information about the occupied private dwelling with inhabitants present (only for the 1st home and single home)

[Questions 8-15.]

12. What is the source of water in the dwelling?

[] 1 Piped within the dwelling
[] 2 Pipes from outside the dwelling
[] 3 Other means

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Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_WATACCES — Water obtained from
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13. How does the dwelling occupied by this household receive water?
[] 1 Public network, inside the dwelling
[] 2 Public network, outside the dwelling
[] 3 Other means

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13. How does the dwelling of this household receive water?

This intends to find out the way water is supplied to the dwelling, important for a correct study on health. The various categories lead to different degrees of pollution due to differing exposure to environmental contaminants.

[p. 31]

To consider that there is water inside the dwelling, there should exist at least one working faucet inside the dwelling. Water arrives by other means when it does not come via tubing.

According to the situation that is presented the corresponding code will be circled.

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_WATSUP — Water supply
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Data of Private Occupied Dwellings
(Only for the first household or single household)

8. How does the water arrive at the dwelling? (VivDV06)

[] 1 Via piping within the dwelling

Via piping outside the dwelling:
[] 2 Less than 100 m away
[] 3 More than 100 m away
[] 4 By other means
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6.5 Data of Private Occupied Dwellings
(Only for the first household or single household)

  • If it deals with a private unoccupied household, this module doesn't apply and the system returns to the list of addresses.
  • If it deals with a collective occupied dwelling, the system displays below the questions regarding the people that habitually reside in the household.
  • If it deals with a private dwelling and it is detected that it is occupied, the system displays the questions that will be presented below.
8. How does the water arrive at the dwelling?

The objective of this question is to verify that there exists piping that carries the water within the dwelling and in addition, there is at least one faucet within the dwelling that works, independent of whether or not that piping in the dwelling is fastened to the walls.

The options of the response are:

  • Via piping within the dwelling
  • Via piping outside the dwelling
  • Less than 100 m away
  • More than 100 m away
  • By other means: this includes water delivery, water trucks, etc.

For example, a public OSE faucet is recorded as "via piping outside the dwelling" and depending on the distance, "less than 100 m away" or "more than 100 m away" is recorded.

Which is the main means of electrical lighting of this dwelling?

The intent of this question is to find out the means of electrical lighting that the dwellings have. Mark the principal means used. In the case that there exists more than one, record the one that is used the majority of the time.

  • UTE or general network: This generally refers to the UTE but it can be the case that the electrical energy that is used by the dwelling is generated and distributed by a private company, for example the dwellings that are found in rural zones and located close to production establishments.
[p. 75]
  • Battery powered wind charger: The batteries that are used, at least, for the lighting of the dwelling, are charged by an electric generator moved by a wind-driven turbine.
  • Battery powered solar charger: The batteries that are used, at least, for the lighting of the dwelling, are charged by a solar panel that converts the solar energy to electric energy.
  • Personal power generator: This is a internal combustion motor that moves an electric generator.
  • Other electric source: Select this option in the case that the dwelling has a means of electrical lighting not included in the previous options.
  • Does not have: Select this option if the dwelling does not have electrical lighting.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_PIPEWAT — Water, piped service
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11. Is there a bath with piped running water (by aqueduct)?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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7.7. Bathroom service (Q-11).

Bathroom service is understood to mean a space within the inhabited building, equipped with a shower and running water piped from the aqueduct and meant for personal hygiene. Record whether the dwelling has bathroom service or not.
The existence of this service implicates the existence of water pipe service in question 5.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_PLUMBING — Dwelling has running water via plumbing
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8. Where is the piped running water supply?
[] Inside the dwelling
[] Outside the dwelling
[] Doesn't have

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Installations and equipment

Question 8

-- Where is the piped water system located?

This question refers to whether the dwelling has indoor or outdoor plumbing, or if it does not have running water.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_WATERSRC — Water source
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10. Water arrives at this dwelling via:
[] Aqueduct (piped)
[] Public cistern (pila)
[] Tanker truck
[] Other means

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Question No.10

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section II, question 10 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and possible answers and fill in the cell that corresponds to the way in which water is normally supplied to the occupants of the dwelling.

Water arrives at the dwelling directly from plumbing connected directly to the public water system.

Public fountain:
Water is obtained at a public fountain or cistern that is connected to the public water system.

The water supply is provided via a tanker truck.

The water supply is provided through a means different than mentioned above: wells, aljibes (cistern tank for storing rain-water), ponds (jagueyes, jagüeyes), rivers, streams, etc.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_WATSUP — Water supply
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9. Water is delivered to this dwelling by:
[] Aqueduct or pipeline
[] Tank truck
[] Public faucet or tank
[] Well with pipes or pump
[] Protected well or spring
[] Other means (creeks or streams, rivers, ditches, rainwater)

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Water supply

The principal means by which the inhabitants of the dwelling are normally provided with water from the outside. The following options are presented:
-- Aqueduct or plumbing: Water arrives to the dwelling through pipes directly connected to the public water system.

-- Water truck: Truck equipped with a tank that provides water to the persons in the dwellings.

-- Public fountain or pond: Reservoir of water drawn from the public system, mechanically from a well or from a water truck from which the persons are supplied with water.

-- Well with plumbing or pump: Hole made in the earth drilled until a vein of water is found. This water is pumped mechanically for its use in the dwelling.

-- Protected well or spring: Hole made in the earth drilled until a vein of water is found, which is then protected by a ring constructed of cement or brick. This water is pumped mechanically for its use in the dwelling.

-- Other sources: The dwelling does not have any of the above water supply systems and the water used in the dwelling is obtained from cisterns or "jagüeyes" [dry steams filled with rain water], rivers, streams, rain water, etc.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_WATERSRC — Water supply
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a. Water supply:

[] 1 Piped inside of house
[] 2 Piped outside of house
[] 3 Well
[] 4 Other

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_WATER — Main water source
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8. What (main) drinking water source is your household using?

A hygienic well should ensure: no color, no smell, no taste and far away from pollution source at least 7 meters.
[] 1 Running water
[] 2 Raining water
[] 3 Other source having filter system or hygienic well
[] 4 Other water source

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Question 8: What is the main source of water for your household?
The main source of water is the principle water source the household uses the most during the year for eating and drinking. It does not take in account where that source came from, nor whether it belongs to the household or to someone else. Based on the answer, the investigator will circle one of "1", "2", "3" or "4".

Note: For water sources with "filtering system or wells that guarantee hygiene" ("3"), only count the sources that meet the following requirements:
Water is colorless, odorless, and has no strange taste
The water source must be at least seven meters from contaminated areas (cattle barns, toilets, cemeteries, etc.)

If the household uses many different water sources, then verify that the main water source has the highest volume of usage.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_WATSRC — Main source of cooking/drinking water
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[Questions 53-57 were asked of all households]

55. What is the main source of cooking/drinking water for your household?

[] 1 Indoors tap water
[] 2 Public tap water
[] 3 Drilled well
[] 4 Protected dig well
[] 5 Unprotected dig well
[] 6 Protected slot water
[] 7 Unprotected slot water
[] 8 Rain water
[] 9 Other (specify) ____

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Question 55: What is the main source of cooking/drinking water of your household?
The main source of cooking/drinking water is the one that household used most for cooking and drinking, regardless of where it came from. Based on the answer of the respondent, the enumerator marks (x) in the appropriate small box.

The main source of cooking/drinking water have the following choices:
Indoor tap water: is tap water which is produced according to industrial technology and is linked with a system of taps installed inside or outside the house but within its premise.

Public tap water: is tap water which is produced according to industrial technology and is linked with a system of taps installed in public places for common use.

Drilled well: water is taken from deeply-drilled wells to take ground water through a small hole with a protected tube; water is often taken up through a system of pumps. "Tower water" is also counted as drilled well water. Tower water also looks, if we view it from the outside, like tap water, and is also taken from drilled wells and brought up to a tall tower. Then there is a system of tubes to lead it to each household for use. However, before being consumed, it is not processed according to an industrial process (raining sieves, filter system, pasteurization, filtration pools).

Protected dig well: water from a dig well-constructed with bricks (or other protected materials) to block unclean water from soaking into the well, and on the ground there is a wall to prevent things from falling down into the well.

Unprotected dig well: water from a dig well without brick construction and walls to block unclean water from soaking into the well, or to prevent things from falling in.

Protected slot water: slot water comes from the upper reaches of rivers and streams, and is poured from artesian water (slots) of mountains (land- or rock-mountains). Protected slot water is the water taken from slots, which are protected to block unclean things to fall into the slots.

Unprotected slot water: slot water that is not protected and cannot prevent unclean thins from falling into the slots. They are often slots without pools.

Rain water: rain water which is collected and kept in storage (water tanks, pools, etc.) to use.

Other: is the water not listed above, such as: pool water, lakes, canals, rivers, stream water, etc.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_WATSRC — Source of water for cooking and drinking
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Part 3. Information on housing

63. What is the main source of cooking or drinking water for your household?

[] 1 Tap water
[] 2 Purchased water (xitec, vase)
[] 3 Drilled well
[] 4 Protected dig well
[] 5 Unprotected dig well
[] 6 Protected slot water
[] 7 Unprotected slot water
[] 8 Rainwater
[] 9 Other
Specify ____
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 63: What is the main source of drinking water in your household?
The main source of drinking water is the water source that in the past year (12 months prior to the time of the survey) the household has used the most for drinking, regardless of where that water source comes from. Sources of drinking water include the following types:

- Tap water: Tap water is produced by industrial methods connected to the system of faucets located inside or outside the house.
- Buying water (tanks, jugs): Water that has been treated, purified at facilities licensed by state agencies, and sold to users in the form of stainless steel tanks or in plastic jugs.

- Drilled well water: Water is withdrawn from a deep drilled well to get groundwater through a small hole with a protective pipe, the water is usually withdrawn through a pumping system.

"Water tree" also counts as drilled well water. While "Water tree" doesn't seem to be different from tap water, as it is also withdrawn from a drilled well into a high tower, then using a pipeline system for consumption at each household. However, it is not treated using an industrial process (bakki showers, filtration system, disinfecting, sediment tank) before being distributed to the place of consumption.

- Protected dug well water: Water taken from a dug well built with bricks or other protective material to prevent wastewater from seeping through, with a wall on top to prevent dirt or animals from falling in.

- Unprotected dug well water: Water taken from a dug well that does not have a protective wall to prevent wastewater from seeping in and to prevent dirty objects from falling into the well.

- Protected water gap: Water in the headwaters of rivers and streams, flowing out of underground veins (gap) of mountains (made of dirt or rock) and is protected to prevent waste or pollutants from entering. Protected water gap is usually a water gap with a man-made reservoir wall, from which water is led through a closed pipe system to the place of consumption.

- Unprotected water gap: Water taken from a water gap which cannot prevent waste or pollutants from falling in. An unprotected water gap is usually a water gap without a reservoir wall.

- Rain water.

For example: A household uses tap water for cooking, drilled well water for bathing, and other daily activities. In this case, DTV identifies the main source of drinking water of the household as "Tap water".

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_WATSUP — Main source of water supply
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H-8 What is the main source of water supply for this house

[] 1-Piped water inside housing unit
[] 2-Piped water outside housing unit and within a distance of 100 meters
[] 3-Piped water outside the housing unit and beyond 100 meters
[] 4-Well or borehole
[] 5-River / streams
[] 6-Other
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H - 8: What is the main source of water supply for this housing unit?

18. Find out the main source of water for drinking and cooking for the household and enter the appropriate code in the box provided.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_WATSRC — Main source of water
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9. What is the main source of water supply for this house?
[] Piped water inside the housing unit
[] Piped water outside the housing unit within stand/plot
[] Communal tap
[] Protected well
[] Protected borehole
[] Unprotected well
[] Unprotected borehole
[] River/dam/Stream
[] Rainwater Tank
[] Other
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2.8 Water Sources
a. Protected Well: The wall of this well is usually lined with a brick wall or concrete block wall up to the ground level. The finish on top is of a reinforced concrete slab with an opening large enough to let a bucket go through. The opening is always covered.


b. Unprotected Well: The well is not lined with a brick wall or concrete wall. The top has no concrete slab though it has a sizeable opening to let a bucket go through. The opening is usually uncovered.

c. Protected Boreholes: These are boreholes drilled to a depth not less than 30 meters. The sides are cased by iron casing pipes while the last bottom pipe is perforated. The top is concreted together with the suction pipe.

d. Unprotected Boreholes: They are similar in design to protected boreholes except that the top as well as the suction pipe are left uncovered and large enough to let a jar or small bucket go through.

e. Rain Water Tank: Usually used by individual tenants, to collect rain water from the roofs. These vary in sizes as there is no standard size. It is always advisable to have it covered after the collection.

f. Piped Water: Is usually supplied to households through pipes. The pipes are connected from the source to the individual's housing unit or a public place for a group of people.
H9: What is the main source of water supply for this housing unit?
Find out the main source of water for drinking and cooking for the household and shade the appropriate code.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_WATSUP — Source of water for household use
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H7. What is the main source of water supply for?
Household use
[] 1 Piped water inside the housing unit
[] 2 Piped water outside housing unit within stand / plot
[] 3 Communal tap
[] 4 Protected well
[] 5 Protected borehole
[] 6 Unprotected well
[] 7 Unprotected borehole
[] 8 River / Dam / Street
[] 9 Rain water tank
[] 10 Other tap
[] 11 Water kiosk
[] 12 Water vendor
[] 13 Mineral / bottled water
[] 96 Other
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H - 7: What is the main source of water supply for household use and drinking?

Find out the main source of water supply for household use and main source of water for drinking and shade the appropriate code.

  • Piped water inside the housing unit: Is usually supplied to households through pipes. The pipes are connected from the source to the individual's housing unit.
  • Piped water outside the housing unit within stand/plot: Is usually supplied to households through pipes. The pipes are connected from the source to the individual's stand or plot.
  • Communal Tap: Is usually supplied through pipes. The pipes are connected from the source to a public place for a group of people.
  • Protected Well: The wall of this well is usually lined with a brick wall or concrete block wall up to the ground level. The finish on top is of a reinforced concrete slab with an opening large enough to let a bucket go through. The opening is always covered.
  • Protected Boreholes: These are boreholes drilled to a depth not less than 30 meters. The sides are cased by iron casing pipes while the last bottom pipe is perforated. The top is concreted together with the suction pipe.
  • Unprotected Well: The well is not lined with a brick wall or concrete wall. The top has no concrete slab though it has a sizeable opening to let a bucket go through. The opening is usually uncovered.
  • Unprotected Boreholes: They are similar in design to protected boreholes except that the top as well as the suction pipe are left uncovered and large enough to let a jar or small bucket go through.
  • River/dam/stream: This is where a household draws water directly from a a river/dam/stream for home use.
  • Rain Water Tank: Usually used by individual tenants, to collect rain water from the roofs. These vary in sizes as there is no standard size. It is always advisable to have it covered after the collection.
  • Other Tap: Any other tap not mentioned above.
  • Water Kiosk: This is a public water tap run by a water utility company. The public can go to this tap in order to buy water.
  • Water Vendor: This includes water that is bought from individuals or companies and sold to households who do not have water. In some cases wheelbarrows and or tankers are used as the mode of transport to sell to households.
  • Mineral/bottled water
  • Other

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_WATSRC — Source of water
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F - Living conditions

Water for drinking and cooking

31a. Main water source

[] 1 Piped water inside house
[] 2 Piped water outside house
[] 3 Communal tap
[] 4 Well/ Borehole Protected
[] 5 Well- Unprotected
[] 6 River/ Stream/ Dam
[] 7 Other (specify below ____)
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Section F: Living Conditions
This section seeks information on the living environment and touches on such aspects as access to electricity and toilets, sources of drinking water etc.

Responses to Questions 28 to 33 are pre-coded and you have to shade the correct response.

Q31 Water for drinking and cooking
The question asks for information on the:

a) Main water source; and
b) The distance to that water source, measured from the kitchen.

The option 7 'Other' under question 31 includes: water tank and bowser.

If the main source of water varies during the year, record the source most usually used and if the main source is "Piped water inside house", then the distance is not necessary, and is automatically coded as "1" on the questionnaire. Probe to make sure that you obtain the correct source of water for drinking and cooking.