Questionnaire Text

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Part 1. Information on household members

4. In what solar calendar month and year was [the respondent] born?

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _ (skip to Q6)

[] Not stated year 9998
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 4: [the respondent] was born in which month and year according to the solar calendar?
The month and year of birth are recorded according to the solar calendar and are the actual month and year of birth. DTV does not rely on any kind of document (ID card, household registration book, etc.) to record the month and year of birth unless DTDT confirms that the month and year of birth or that of members of the household is the same as that on the document provided by the household. DTV tries to obtain the month and year of birth to have sufficient information for other contents of the form, especially for children under 5 years old.

Some notes when identifying the month and year of birth according to the solar calendar:

- In case DTDT only remembers the year of birth according to the lunar calendar (such as the year of the Rat, the Ox, etc.), DTV must rely on the "Lunar calendar and solar calendar conversion table" in Appendix 4 to convert from the lunar calendar to the solar calendar.

When using the "Lunar calendar and solar calendar conversion table" to identify the year of birth according to the solar calendar, there can be a difference of up to 12 years (if DTDT only remembers the animal of the year), so DTV needs to ask "How old is [the respondent] this year?", combined with the observation of DTDT's appearance to be able to accurately identify the year of birth according to the solar calendar of DTDT.

- The solar month usually comes more than 1 month before the lunar month, so when converting the month of birth from the lunar calendar to the solar calendar, DTV needs to add 1 month to the month of birth according to the lunar calendar. Thus, the month of birth of people born from January to November of the lunar calendar will be from February to December of the same year. If born in December (December of the lunar calendar), it will be January of the following year.

- In case the respondent does not remember the month of birth, DTV should use probing questions: Born in what season of the year? Born before or after Tet holiday, mid-July, mid-August? Born before or after the Reunification Day (April 30), National Day (September 2), Uncle Ho's birthday (May 19)?, etc. for respondents to recall and remember their month of birth.

Since the time of the census is April 1, 2019, people born between January and March of the same year will have the same way of rounding their age; People born between April and December in the same year will have the same way of rounding their age. Therefore, in case DTDT still cannot remember their month of birth after the probing questions, DTV tries to find out whether DTDT was born in the first 3 months or the last 9 months of the solar year to randomly choose 1 month in the first 3 months or the last 9 months of the year to write in the corresponding box.

After more probing questions but DTDT still cannot remember their month of birth, DTV writes code "98" (for electronic form, select code "KXD"). Then proceed to ask DTDT the year of birth according to the solar calendar.


In case DTDT does not remember the year of birth, DTV writes code "9998" (for electronic form, select code "KXD" or enters code "9998").