Questionnaire Text

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Part 3. Information on housing

53. Is the dwelling or flat of your household the apartment building, the single detached house?
How many separated bedrooms does this dwelling or flat have?

[] 1 Apartment building
[] 2 Single detached house

_ _ No of separate bedroom
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 3: Information about housing
The DTV collects information about the housing situation of the household. Do not collect housing information for specific demographics.

Question 53: Is the house/apartment that your household is living in a condominium or a discrete house? How many separate bedrooms does this house/apartment have?

- Condominium: A house with 2 floors or more, with many apartments, with common walkways and stairs, and a shared system of infrastructures; condominiums include condominiums built for residential purposes and condominiums built with mixed-use purposes (for residential and business purposes).

- Discrete house: A house built as a residence on a separate lot with its own walls and walkways. Multiple single-story houses having the same foundation and shared walls are also counted as discrete houses.