Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 1-7 were asked of all persons]

7. Does [the respondent] follow any faith/religion? If yes, what is [the respondent's] faith/religion?

[] 1 Yes

Name of religion ____

[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 1 to Question 7: Ask about all household's usual residents

Question 7: Does [the respondent] follow any faith/religion?
The determination of whether a person follows any faith/religion or not is totally based on the answer of the respondent. If yes, what is that faith/religion? We are not concerned whether that person is a believer of the faith/religion or not.

If the answer is "Yes", enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "1", and then asks and records the name of the faith or religion that the respondent has answered on the printed line. After that, he/she uses Appendix 11 the "List of religions in Vietnam" to select a code for that faith or religion and fill it in the 2 printed boxes.

[Graphic example omitted]

If the answer is "No" (or "Luong"), the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "2".