Questionnaire Text

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8. Check if the respondent was born before April, 2004 (5 years or older). [If yes, go to] Q9; otherwise, ask the next [person]
[Questions 9-16 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

13. What is the highest level of education/training [the respondent] is attending or has attained?

[Questions 13 was asked of persons age 5 or older who are attending or have ever attended schools, as per question 12]
[] 00 Pre-school (go to Q16)
[] 01 Primary
[] 02 Lower secondary education
[] 03 Short-term training
[] 04 Higher secondary education
[] 05 Trade vocational school
[] 06 Vocational school
[] 07 Trade college
[] 08 College
[] 09 University
[] 10 Master
[] 11 Doctorate

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Question 13: What is the highest level of education/training that [the respondent] is attending or has attained?
This is asked only of those who are attending or have ever attended schools (Question 12 is marked (x) in the small box next to code "1" or "2").

The current education levels in Vietnam include:
1. Pre-school: This includes persons who are on the census day attending pre-primary schools or have completed pre-primary education as the highest education level.
If the highest education level of the respondent that he/she is attending or has completed is the pre-primary schools, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "00", and then moves to Question 16, not to ask Questions 14 and 15.

2. Primary education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending primary schools or have attended primary schools as the highest education level, consisting of:
- Persons who have completed or ever attended primary schools but not completed it yet, and persons who were attending any grade of primary school when dropping out.
- Persons who are attending any grade of primary schools.

3. Lower secondary education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending lower secondary schools or have attended lower secondary schools as the highest education level, consisting of:
  • Persons who have completed or ever attended lower secondary schools but not completed it yet, and persons who were attending any grade of lower secondary school when dropping out.
  • Persons who are attending any grade of lower secondary schools.

4. Short-term vocational training: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have completed vocational training school or vocational training courses of less than 3 months as the highest education level.


Short-term vocational training includes those who are attending or have completed vocational training courses of 3 months to less than 12 months (1 year).

5. Higher secondary education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have attended higher secondary schools as the highest education level, consisting of:
  • Persons who have completed or ever attended higher secondary schools but not completed it yet, and persons who were attending any grade of higher secondary schools but dropped out.
  • Persons who are attending any grade of higher secondary schools.

6. Secondary vocational training: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) secondary vocational training schools.
Time duration of secondary vocational training: It is from 1 to 2 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed higher secondary education, and from 3 to 4 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed lower secondary education.

7. Secondary vocational education: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) secondary vocational education schools.
Time duration of secondary vocational education: It is from 1 to 2 school years for persons who had completed higher secondary education, and from 3 to 4 school years for persons who had completed lower secondary education.

8. High vocational training [Trade college]: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) high vocational training colleges.
Time duration of high vocational training: It is from 2 to 3 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed higher secondary education; from 1 to 2 school-years depending on the training field for persons who had completed secondary vocational training schools of the same training field.

9. High vocational education [College]: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had completed and those who had ever attended but dropped out) high vocational education colleges.
Time duration of high vocational education: It is from 2 to 3 school years depending on the training field for persons who had completed higher secondary education, and from 1 1/2 to 2 school-years depending on the training field for persons who had completed secondary vocational education of the same field.


10. University (Bachelor): This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had graduated and those who had attended but dropped out) university.
Time duration of university: It is from 4 to 6 school years depending on the field for persons who had completed higher secondary education or secondary vocational education; from 2 1/2 to 4 school years for persons who had completed secondary vocational education of the same training field; from 1 1/2 to 2 school years for persons who had completed high vocational education of the same training field.

11. Master: This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever attended (including those who had graduated and those who had attended but dropped out) master's degree education courses.
Time duration of master's education: It is from 1 to 2 school years for persons who had completed university education.

12. Ph.D. (Doctor): This includes persons who are on the census day attending or have ever-attended (including those who had graduated and those who had attended but dropped out) Ph.D. (doctoral) degree education courses.
Time duration of Ph.D. education: It is for 4 school years for persons who had graduated from university; from 2 to 3 school-years for persons who had obtained a master's degree. In special cases, the time duration of a Ph.D. education can be prolonged according to the stipulations of the Minister of Education and Training.

- For persons who were fostered with some vocational training after university or through post-university study, they are not classified as master/doctor levels. If necessary, the enumerator may request them to show their degree/diploma/certificate.
- For a person who had obtained degrees/diplomas/certificates of various education levels, the enumerator only marks (x) in the small box corresponding to the highest education level he had achieved. For example: If a man had both a bachelor's degree and a master's diploma, the enumerator only marks (x) in the small box next to code 10-Master.