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[Questions 53-57 were asked of all households]

56. What kind of toilet facility is your household using most?

[] 1 Indoor flush/semi-flush toilet
[] 2 Outdoor flush/semi-flush toilet
[] 3 Other
[] 4 No toilet

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Question 56. What kind of toilet facility is your household using most?
This question is to collect information on what kind of toilet facility was used by the household the most in the past year (12 months prior to the census day), regardless of the ownership of the toilet facility. If the household has used several kinds of toilet facilities in the past year, only one box will be marked according to the kind of toilet facility used most by the household.


Toilet facilities include:
Indoor flush/semi flush toilet: this is the facility located inside the house which uses water to remove feces to a tank (also named a septic tank which comprises between one to three sections; one section contains feces and one or two segments filter feces before draining it to the sewer) regardless of where the water comes from that is used to flush.

Outdoor flush/semi toilet: this is the facility located outside of the house (separated area)

Others: facilities which are not characterized by the two mentioned above. They include: filtered toilet, one-compartment toilet, two-compartment toilet, and the simplest form of toilet such as a hole in the ground. These kinds of toilet facilities also include where water is used to drain feces, but do not include septic tanks, simple tanks, ponds, etc.

No toilet: Household does not use any of the above mentioned toilets and always defecates on the ground, in a field, bush, etc.