Questionnaire Text

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_ _ Number of usual residents in this set of questionnaire
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

1. Household's usual residents: are those who usually reside in the household and by the time of the census they have lived in the household for 6 months or longer, and those who have just moved into the household to live permanently, irrespective of whether they have registered as usual residents or not.

The household usual residents include:
a. Persons who usually live in the household, and by the time of the census, they have lived for 6 months or longer, consisting of:
  • Persons who usually live in the household, and by the time of the census they have lived for 6 months or longer and they are still living there, irrespective of whether they have registered as usual residents or not. These do not include those who are working in the public security and army branches although they are usually living in their households (they will be enumerated by the Ministries of National Defense and Public Security according to their own plans), and foreigners who have not become

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  • Vietnamese citizens, overseas Vietnamese who return to Vietnam to visit family, or pupils who are temporarily residing in the household to go to schools
  • Persons, although they had departure permission, but who by the time of the census have not left the household to move to a new place (army service call, school enrollment call, recruitment decision, change of working place, etc.)
  • Persons who are working for the army according to labor contracts (short and long) and currently living in the household
  • Persons who are working for the public security branch according to short term contracts, temporary recruitment, seasonal contracts and currently living in the household.

b. Persons who have just moved in the household to live permanently, including children born before 1 April 2009; consisting of:
  • Children born before the census time point
  • Persons who had left the old living place to move to live permanently in the household and had out-migration permission, irrespective of how long ago they had moved to live in the household and have been living in the household
  • Persons who had left the old living place, although they did not have any official documents to show their departure, but the enumerator identifies clearly that they moved to live permanently in the household, such as: returning to husband's/wife's house after marriage, returning to live with adopted parents, retired government staff, workers, army, police who return home to live with their family permanently, etc.
  • Army, police deserters (there were notifications of the agencies they were working for or a trusted base) who are living in the household
  • Persons who are living temporarily in the household, but they do not have any other place of usual residence

c. For persons who have left the household to go for work in other places, it is agreed:
  • If all household members move: they are enumerated at the place they are residing
  • One or some of household members move:

  • If by the time of the census they had left their family (old living place) for 6 months or more, they are enumerated at the place they are residing
  • If by the time of the census they had left their family (old living place) for less than 6 months, they are enumerated at their old living place. Particularly, for persons who are going on fishing on the sea, going on ocean vessels, going on missions, going on trading from afar, etc., and


by the time of the census they had left their family for 6 months or more, they are also enumerated at their family (old living place).

d. The temporarily absent:
These include those who are usually living in their household, but by the time of the census they are temporarily absent from home, consisting of:
  • Persons who are going on summer holidays, festivals, short-term missions, tourists or in-country in under 1 year training courses
  • General education pupils who are living far from home for their school attendance; this excludes those who are residing in campuses of boarding general education schools, boarding vocational training and vocation schools, etc.
  • Persons who are going on overseas missions, training courses, disease cures, tourists, and by the time of the census they are still overseas within the permitted time duration (except those who are working for representative agencies of Vietnam abroad, cadres of the Military Attaché, Commercial Affairs, Labor Management Board and their accompaniers will be enumerated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • Persons who are in-patients in hospitals, sanatoriums (except those who are being treated in psychiatric hospitals, leprosy hospitals, drug rehabilitation clinics, etc., who will be enumerated by communes where such bases are located)
  • Persons who are temporarily arrested by the military/police

  • According to stipulations, temporarily arrested persons are those who are arrested and retained for 3 days by the military/police because of any reason, and their retention can be repeated not more than 2 times, with each retention 3 days long. According to the laws, the total number of temporarily arrested days of a temporary retention person cannot exceed 9 days. If it exceeds the above limit, it is called temporary detention (the Office of People's Control has placed the person under arrest).

The "temporary absent person" is the "temporary resident" in the area where he/she is present at the census date. All "temporary absent" and "temporary residents" must be enumerated at the area of which they are usual residents.

2. The following are not categorized as the household's usual residents:
  • Children who were born after the census time point
  • Persons who had died before the census time point
  • Persons who had left the household before the census time point
  • Persons who have just moved to live permanently in the household after the census time point


  • Persons who have left home for seeking work in other areas and by the census time point they had left their family for 6 months or more (excluding those who are going fishing on the sea, going on ocean vessels, going on missions, going to trade from afar, etc., and by the time of the census they had left their family for 6 months or more)
  • Persons who reside permanently overseas (whether they have overseas departure permission or not), including those whose stay exceeds the permitted time duration
  • Persons who left their family (old residing place) to reside temporarily in the household for less than 6 months by the census time (excluding those who do not have any place of residence)
  • Visitors, pupils staying in household for schooling, etc.
  • Foreigners who are by the census time staying in the household but are not becoming Vietnamese citizens (citizens of other countries)
  • Persons who are working for representative agencies of Vietnam abroad (including: diplomatic representative agencies, consular agencies, standing representative commissions of Vietnam in international organizations, cadres of the Military Attaché, Commercial Affairs, Labor Management Board) and their accompaniers. These are enumerated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Persons under the management of the Military branch, including:

  • Military men (officers, military professional officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers), and national defense staff, comprising: those who are usually living with their family, living in military camps or areas under the military control
  • Military men, national defense's staff who are studying in education and training bases within and outside the military management, who are going on overseas missions, training courses, etc. (except those who are working at the Vietnam's Military Attaché in overseas will be enumerated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  • Persons who are working for the Military branch according to labor contracts and are living in military camps or areas under the military management. With regard to persons who are working for the Military branch according to labor contracts (short-term, long-term) but are living in population areas of communes/wards/district towns (it means living outside the military camps or areas under the military management), they will be enumerated by Provincial Census Steering Committees
  • Offenders who are staying in prisons, reeducation camps, disciplinary training centers under the military management, including those who are arrested by the army for detention (the Office of Military Control approved the detention order).


  • Persons under the management of the Public Security branch, including:

  • Officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, workers, cadres belonging to staff of the Public Security branch, comprising: those who are usually living with their family, living in security camps or areas under the security management. In regard to persons who are working for the security branch according to short-term contracts, temporary recruitment, or seasonal labour, they will be enumerated by Provincial Census Steering Committees
  • Officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, workers, cadres belonging to staff of the Public Security branch who are studying in education and training bases within and outside the security management, who are going on overseas missions, training courses, etc.
  • Offenders who are staying in prisons, reeducation camps, disciplinary training centers under the security management
  • Convicts who are staying in detentions, reeducation camps, disciplinary training centers under the security management (the Office of People's Control approved the detention order)

  • Persons enumerated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a separate enumeration plan, including:

  • Cadres who are working at Vietnam's representative agencies overseas (consisting of diplomatic representative agencies, consular agencies, Vietnam's standing representative commissions at international organizations) and their accompaniers;
  • Cadres of the Military Attaché, Commercial Affairs, Labor Management Board and their accompaniers

3. Notes on identification of household's usual residents
a. For persons with two or more residential places: these persons are identified as usual residents at the place they spend the most time for eating and sleeping (main living place):
  • If all the household's residential places are within the boundary of an enumeration area: they will be enumerated at the main living place;
  • If all the household's residential places are in different enumeration areas in the same commune/ward or in different communes/wards: At the census time point, persons whose main living place belongs to some enumeration area, then the enumerator responsible for that enumeration area will enumerate them

b. For persons who eat in one place and sleep in the other place: these persons are identified as usual residents at the place they sleep.

(1) The lines "Number of usual residents in this questionnaire set", "Number of males", and "Number of females" must be filled right after the completion of the interview and questionnaire checking, but before giving the questionnaire to the respondent to sign. The enumerator must count the total number of persons recorded in each questionnaire set and fill it in the box corresponding to "Number of usual residents in this questionnaire set"; count the number of males (Question 3) of the questionnaire set and fill it in box corresponding to "Number of males"; do the same for females. The enumerator is not allowed to look at the serial number of the last person in the questionnaire set and use that figure to fill in the box corresponding to "Number of usual residents in this questionnaire set."

Note: For households having to use more than one questionnaire set, the identification lines of the second set, third set, etc., must be filled in as done for the first set; the lines "Number of usual residents in this questionnaire set", "Number of males", and "Number of females" will be recorded according to the number of usual residents, number of males and number of females of each of questionnaire sets and not according to those of the household.