Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

d. Date of birth
_ _ Month
1 _ _ _ Year

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

d) Date of birth
Interviewers fill out the month and year of birth of the dead person in this section.

1. Persons who passed away during the period of the Vietnamese new year (Tet) of 1988 and March 31, 1989 are not eligible for counting in the census (do not fill in questions 1 to 13 of the enumeration form for these persons); however, these persons are included in the sample survey and interviewers should fill out their information for question 15.

2. In case an infant was born during the period of the Vietnamese new year (Tet) of 1988 and March 31, 1989 and was the woman's youngest child (fill in question 14e) and died by the time of census in April 1, 1989 (fill in question 14g), this dead person should be reported in question 15.

3. If the entire household was dead, interviewers should indirectly ask key staffs in the commune, relatives, or get information from the household registration system for the deceases' information and fill in question 15 of the enumeration form. Each form records 4 dead persons.

4. If the household has more than 4 deaths, use 2 or 3 forms. In this case, interviewers leave questions 1 to 14 in blank. Interviewers fill in the top of the enumeration form (below first name and last name of head of household) "All household died".