6. Does this household have any of the following vehicles for personal use?
[] Bicycle
[] Motorcycle
[] Car
How many cars? _ _
[] None
2.3 Private use vehicles
This refers to the vehicles for private use possessed by the enumerated household. Vehicles not included are: official-use automobiles, motorcycles, or bicycles; taxis, "moto-taxis" [motorcycle taxis], "carros por puesto" [a type of paid transportation where each passenger pays for their seat in the car/van -- similar to a taxi but used more for transportation between cities]; delivery bicycles or motorcycles; cargo vehicles, and other vehicles for private work or for a company or exclusively recreational or sport vehicles.
-- Bicycle: Human powered vehicle ["vehículo a tracción de sangre"], with two wheels of equal size whose pedals transfer movement via two pinions and a chain.
[p. 35]
-- Motorcycle: Automotive vehicle with two or three wheels and one or two seats that uses gasoline as a fuel.
-- Car (automobile): Vehicle designed for the transportation of persons, with four wheels, that uses gasoline, diesel, or gas as a fuel.