1. For this household, the dwelling is:
[] Owned and paid for completely
[] Owned and mortgaged: monthly payment _. _ _ _. _ _ _. 00
[] Rented: monthly payment _. _ _ _. _ _ _. 00
[] Loaned
[] Other condition
2.1 Tenure
This variable refers to the type of arrangement the household has in occupying the dwelling.
The contemplated categories are the following:
-- Owned, completely paid: When the dwelling has been acquired by the Head of Household or another member of the household and has been completely paid for by the time of enumeration.
-- Owned, still in payment: When the dwelling has been acquired by the Head of Household or another member of the household and is in the process of being paid for by the time of enumeration. This is, there is a written or verbal agreement to make payments for the acquisition of the dwelling (e.g. a mortgage or loan of any other kind linked to the acquisition of the dwelling). The amount paid monthly to cancel this debt is also investigated.
-- Rented: When the household inhabiting the dwelling pays a monthly rent in order to live in all or part of it. Included here are rent contracts, comodato [a type of contract that allows the use of something and requires the return of the object], or monthly payments for the occupation of the dwelling, even when there is no explicit contract. The amount of the monthly payment the household needs to cancel is also investigated.
-- Loaned: When the household inhabiting the dwelling does not pay rent because the dwelling is provided as part of a salary or by social services because of a natural disaster, or because it is the property of a family member or friend of the household.
-- Other: Any other form of occupation of the dwelling that is not ownership, loan, or rent. Included in this category are "invaded" dwellings.