Questionnaire Text

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2. Condition of occupancy
[] Occupied with the inhabitants present
[] Occupied with the inhabitants absent
[] Unoccupied (end of the interview)
[] Under construction (end of the interview)

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1.2 Occupancy:

Occupancy is the functional relationship of habitability that is established in the family dwelling. The following categories are considered:


--With present occupants: When the persons who reside in the dwelling are present at the time of enumeration.

-- With absent occupants: When there are indications that persons reside in the dwelling but no one is present at the time of enumeration.

Such indications can be: The existence of curtains in the windows, interior lights turned on, furniture in internal areas, clothes hanging in the patio, the presence of domestic animals, etc.


When no one in the dwelling responds and it is verified through the neighbors that no one lives there.

-- Under construction: When the dwelling is in the process of being built, and is almost finished, meaning that there are at least doors and windows at the time of enumeration.