Questionnaire Text

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Questions 18-26 are only for people 12 years of age and older

18. In which of these situations do you currently find yourself?

[] Working -- Go on to question 20
[] Not working but employed -- Go on to question 20
[] Looking for work having worked before -- Go on to question 19
[] Looking for work for the first time -- Go on to question 26
[] Doing household duties without also working -- Go on to question 26
[] Studying without also working -- Go on to question 26
[] Living from pension or retirement without also working -- Go on to question 26
[] Permanently disabled for purposes of work -- Go on to question 26
[] Other situation -- Go on to question 26

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 18-26 are only for people 12 yrs of age and older

Question No.18

[Economic activity]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 18 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the corresponding cell.

-- If the answer is working or not working but employed, go to Question No.20.

-- If the answer is looking for work having been previously employed, go to Question No.19.

-- If the answer is other than working, not working but employed, or looking for work having been previously employed, go to Question No.26.

A person who is economically active and receives pay in money or in kind.

Example: A person who produces, sells, or performs a service, works on their own account, serves in the Armed Forces, works as a domestic employee, etc.

This includes people who help a family member in an economic activity without being compensated.

Looking for work having been previously employed:
An unemployed person who is actively looking for work who was previously employed.

Looking for work for the first time:
A person who is actively looking for work but has never been employed before.

Performing household duties and not working:
A person dedicated to the care of the household and does not engage in any productive activity.

Studying and not working:
A person dedicated to studying and does not engage in any productive activity.

Not working but employed:
An employed person (with a job or a business) who is not working at the time of the Census due to vacation, leave, sickness, strike, etc.

Pensioner or retired and not working:
A person whose income only comes from a pension or from a retirement account and does not engage in any productive activity.

Permanently disabled:
A person who, because of a permanent disability, because of sickness, accident, or old age, does not engage in any productive activity.

Other situation:
Any person who does not fit in any of the previous categories.

Example: A person who does not want to -- or is not interested in -- working, or a person who cannot work due to a temporary disability, etc.

Mark a person as "working" if they perform any productive activity even though they may claim to be "performing household duties", "studying", "pensioner", or "retired".