Questionnaire Text

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3. The occupancy status of the dwelling is:
[] Permanent use
[] Occasional use (End the interview here)
[] Unoccupied (End the interview here)
[] Under construction (End the interview here)

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Question No.3

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section II, question 3 on the census form.]

-- If the occupants are present ask them if the dwelling is for permanent use or for occasional use:

If it is for permanent use fill in the appropriate cell and go to the next question.

-- If it is for occasional use, fill in the appropriate cell

Inform them that they will be enumerated later at their normal place of residence.

End the interview.

-- If there are no occupants, ask the neighbors about the occupancy of the dwelling
-- Fill in the appropriate cell.

If you are told that the dwelling is for permanent use, note this in the space for observations in the questionnaire "permanent use without occupants" and do not attach the sticker.

-- If the dwelling is under construction, fill in the appropriate cell and end the interview.

[p. 19]

Permanent use:
A dwelling where people usually live.

Occupants may or may not be present on the Census day.

Occasional use:
A dwelling that is used temporarily: for vacations, weekends, seasonal employment, etc.

The dwelling may or may not be occupied on the Census day. In the case that any person usually lives there, however, it should be considered as permanent use.

No person lives in the dwelling at the time of the Census.
It may be for rent or for sale, or the dwelling's situation may be unknown.

Under construction:
A dwelling under construction is one that is in the process of being built. It is almost completed at the time of the Census, it has doors and windows. No people live there. In the case that anybody usually lives there, however, it should be considered permanent use.