Questionnaire Text

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1. Access to the dwelling
[] Paved street
[] Gravel or dirt street
[] Route or way
[] Public Stairs or walkways
[] Others

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Question No.1

[Access to dwelling]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section II, question 1 on the census form.]

Observe the type of access or the main way of getting to the dwelling and fill in the corresponding cell.

--In the case of an apartment in a building or an apartment within a house, fill in the cell that corresponds to the type of access to the building or principal dwelling.

Paved street/road:
Way paved with asphalt, cement, or other pavement (street, avenue, etc).

Graded dirt or gravel street/road:
Way laid-out with little or no maintenance or development.

Path or lane (Pica):
Dirt walkway made by the residents of the area.

Public communal stairway or alleyway (Vereda):
This refers to the stairs commonly found on hills and pedestrian alleyways or paths.

Any route that provides access to the dwelling other than those previously defined. (e.g. river, lake, beach, etc)