14. If studying at the superior level, have you obtained any higher education degree or title?
-- If the person studied at the superior level, was a degree obtained?
It should be indicated if the person graduated from the Superior level of education and received a corresponding degree. In the affirmative case, write down the degree obtained.
When the person answers in the negative, fill in the corresponding oval and proceed to the next question.
Some of the degrees (títulos) given by Superior Education are:
Pedagogical university institutes: Title/degree of Chemistry professor, Physical Education professor, professor of Languages, etc.
Polytechnic university institutes: Title/degree of Chemical Engineer, Electric Engineer, Electronic Engineer, etc.
Technical university institutes: Title/degree of specialist (Técnico Superior) in Information Technology, [business] administration, Livestock Technology, Agricultural Technology, etc.
Colleges: Title/degree of specialist (Técnico Superior) in [business] administration.
Military Institutes: Title of Naval, National Guard (Fuerzas Armadas de Cooperación), Air Force, and Army Officer.
Important: For those who have received more than one "Superior" degree in different areas, the degree the person considers to be most important for their professional life should be written down. There is only space to record one degree.
[Page 73 contains a cartoon-style graphic providing an example of the above information]