Questionnaire Text

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Only for individuals 15 years of age and older

27. For whom did [the respondent] principally work during the last week (or in the last job held)?

____ For the government (institution or department)
____ For a private company, family home, or a person
[] On your own

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8.26. For whom did [the respondent] work during the last week (or for whom did [the respondent] work in the previous job)? (Q - 27).

Proceed in the following manner:

a) Ask if the person worked for the government or for a private enterprise.

In this case, write down the complete name of the enterprise, company, private business, government agency, or other employer for whom the person worked in the last week or for their previous job. Write down the name of the company and not the immediate supervisor, foreman, proprietor, or boss for whom the person works or worked. Do not abbreviate the names of government agencies, companies, or enterprises. The activity of an employer who does not have a name, such as dental clinics, doctors or lawyers, small retail stores, or construction contractors should be described in the second line.

For employees of government agencies, write down the complete [name of] the specific organization in which the person worked in line 1. Be sure to specify if the organization is national, state, or municipal, etc. E.g. Municipal Council, State Government, M.O.P. [Ministry of Public Works], B.A.P..

For domestic employees in a private home, write "private home" and not the name of the employer.

[p. 110]

b) Ask the name of the government organization or of the establishment.

Clearly record the complete name of the government organization or of the commercial, industrial, or service establishment etc. for which the person works or last worked. Write down, for example, "Banco de Venezuela", Ministry of Health, "Banco Agrícola" [Agricultural Bank], State Government, "Grabados Nacionales" [company that sells engraving/printing equipment], etc.

c) Armed Forces.

For all current members of the armed forces, write down "F.A.N." [National Armed Forces] in the space provided for government employees.

[The category] Armed Forces only includes members of the Active Army and not civilians who work in any agency or dependent organization of the Ministry of Defense. Retired military personnel are not included because they can realize other, non-military, regular activities. The exception to this is for persons currently unemployed whose last occupation was in the active service of the Armed Forces: mark the first oval only when there is no current occupation.

d) Works on own account.

The third oval should be marked for those who work on their own-account, for example [p. 111] street peddlers, private [own] businesses (farms, warehouse, office), professional practice (medical doctors, lawyers, nurses), that is, those who work alone or in association with others without remunerated employees or an employer.

The economic activity of an own-account worker is defined as the class of establishment, economic industry or sector in which the person participates. If the person participates in more than one economic activity, ask which is more important, that is, the activity that brings in a higher income, or to which more time is dedicated.