Questionnaire Text

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Only for individuals 5 years of age and older
(See Question 5-6)

18. Have you obtained a title or certificate from an institution of regular schooling?

[] 1 Yes
____ Which?
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.23. Educational Characteristics (Q - 12 to 18).

To continue the interview, care must be taken as to the age of the person as observed in question 4. If the person is younger than 5 years (see question 4 to be sure) no more questions are asked. End the interview with this person. If the person is 5 years of age or older continue with [p. 83] the information on "Educational Characteristics (12 - 18).

7.30. Degree or certificate from a regular educational institution (Q - 18).

The person should be asked whether a "degree", or "certificate" was received upon completion of studies. In the affirmative case, clearly write the degree, certificate, or diploma received. Examples: High School Diploma (Bachiller), Primary [Elementary] school teacher, Professor of Secondary and "Normal" education;Graduate (Licenciado) in Economics, [p. 87] Philosophy, Journalism, History, Geography, Statistics, Actuarial Sciences, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, etc.; Doctor, Lawyer, Dentist; Pharmacist; Engineer (including the different branches); Architect, Second lieutenant and ensign or midshipman (Alférez de Navío); Agricultural Expert; Nurse; Librarian; Social Worker; sales technician (Técnico Mercantil); Chemical specialist; Petroleum specialist; Geology and Mines specialist; Electronics Technician; Electrician; Mechanic specialist; Statistician; Radiologist; Laboratory Technician; Radio Operator; Professor of Art, etc.

For those who have received more than one title [degree] or diploma in different specialties, indicate only the one that corresponds to the highest level of education, or the last completed if the same.

Titles, degrees, diplomas, or certifications given by educational institutions not officially recognized, such as for typing, short hand, chauffeuring, dressmaking, secretarial, and others that correspond to personal development or training but do not have equivalents in the educational system are not counted.