Questionnaire Text

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Only for individuals 5 years of age and older
(See Question 5-6)

15. If the person is between 7 and 14 years old, what is the reason for not attending school? -- Answer this question if response to 12 is "no" --

[] 1 Finished 6th grade
[] 2 There are no higher grades
[] 3 There is no school
[] 4 The school is very far away
[] 5 There are no places open
[] 6 Without economic resources
[] 7 Working
[] 8 Chronic illness or disability

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7.23. Educational Characteristics (Q - 12 to 18).

To continue the interview, care must be taken as to the age of the person as observed in question 4. If the person is younger than 5 years (see question 4 to be sure) no more questions are asked. End the interview with this person. If the person is 5 years of age or older continue with [p. 83] the information on "Educational Characteristics (12 - 18).

7.27. Reason for not attending (Q - 15).

The reason for not attending primaria [elementary] school is to asked of those between the ages of 7 and 14 (see question 4) who claimed, in question 12, to not be attending school or to have abandoned or interrupted their studies.

[p. 86]

Eight possible answers are provided, of which only one is to be marked. The probable answers are very clear and therefore do not need additional explanation.