Questionnaire Text
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6. Number of rooms
____ Total rooms
____ How many are used for sleeping?
Questionnaire instructions
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6.16. Number of rooms (Q-6).
The "total number of rooms" and the "number of sleeping rooms" is recorded using the following definitions: A room is understood to be each of the separate rooms or spaces used for shelter in the dwelling, including living rooms, dining rooms, entryway or foyer (recibos), studies and recreation rooms. Rooms should be separated by walls and have sufficient space for an adult bed. When a room is divided by folding screens, screens, or partitions, these subdivisions are not counted as rooms.
Patios, bathrooms, garages, sheds, uninhabitable basements, granaries, etc. are not considered to be rooms. The kitchen is considered to be a room only if it is used for cooking and not as a simple storage area for cooking supplies.
[p. 70]
Spaces dedicated to commercial or industrial purposes (store, workshop, office, etc.) are not counted as rooms, even if they form part of the dwelling.