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Fertility and Mortality

For women 12 years or older:
[Questions 39-42 are asked of women aged 12 and older.]

41. What is the birth date of her last son or daughter?
Year (PerFM04_1) _ _ _ _
Month (PerFM04_2) _ _
Day (PerFM04_3) _ _

Unknown: Denote 9999 for year, 99 for month, 99 for day

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8.8 Fertility and Mortality

The objective of this module is to provide a general description of the fertility of the women that life in Uruguay without considering their marital status. 

The questions are directed towards woman twelve years of age or older.

Keep in mind that it is very important to identify the situations of adolescence fertility and that the information attained in the census is a significant source for sexual and reproductive health policies.

What is the date of birth of her last son or daughter?

Note the day, month, and year in which the last of the children was born.  Remember that you must register the last live birth child, whether or not he or she is alive at the moment of the census.

Record all digits of the date to ensure that no digit was omitted.  For example, if the date of the last birth is August 3rd, note 03 for the day, and 08 for the month.

Note the year with four digits.  For example, note 1993, and not 93; 2004 and not 4.

In exceptional cases, if the person does not remember and does not know the date of birth, record 9999 for the year and 99 for the month and day.