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Labor Activity

For people 12 years or older:
[Questions 22-38 are asked of people aged 12 or older.]

30. During the last four weeks, was [the respondent] looking for work or trying to establish a business? (PerAL04)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to q. 37)
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8.7 Labor Activity

This module is directed towards people 12 years of age or alder and has the objective of determining if, from point of view of the economic activity, the members of the household are employed, unemployed, or inactive.  Additionally, it seeks to obtain information about the characteristics of the occupations (tasks, activity sector, etc.).

During the last four weeks, was he/she looking for work or trying to establish a business?

A person is looking for work when he/she carries out some concrete effort to incorporate himself/herself to the job market during a specific period (in this case, the four weeks prior to the moment of the census), trying to secure employment or establish a business or profession.

Mark the option "yes" if the person has tried to obtain employment or establish himself/herself with a business or profession through distinct processes by different means during the reference period.