Questionnaire Text

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Labor Activity

For people 12 years or older:
[Questions 22-38 are asked of people aged 12 or older.]

28. Did [the respondent] do something outside the household, or helped in a business or collaborated in the care of animals, crops, or gardens that were not for self-consumption? (PerAL02)

[] 1 Yes (go to q. 32)
[] 2 No
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8.7 Labor Activity

This module is directed towards people 12 years of age or alder and has the objective of determining if, from point of view of the economic activity, the members of the household are employed, unemployed, or inactive.  Additionally, it seeks to obtain information about the characteristics of the occupations (tasks, activity sector, etc.).

Did he/she do something outside the household, or helped in a business or collaborated in the care of animals, crops, or gardens that were not for self-consumption?

This question intends on identifying work situations not perceived as such by the informant. This is a very important question in the case of rural areas, where oftentimes the people forget to consider family work carried out by the women and adolescents but not remunerated.

If the person carried out some task at home "for outside the household," you must mark the option "yes" even if no money was received for the said task.