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Data of Private Occupied Dwellings
(Only for the first household or single household)

7. What is the origin of the drinking and cooking water? (VivDV05)
(Read the question and select the appropriate option according to the response)

[] 1 OSE or general network
[] 2 Deep protected well
[] 3 Deep unprotected well
[] 4 Cistern
[] 5 Pipes
[] 6 Stream, river
[] 7 Other
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6.5 Data of Private Occupied Dwellings
(Only for the first household or single household)

  • If it deals with a private unoccupied household, this module doesn't apply and the system returns to the list of addresses.
  • If it deals with a collective occupied dwelling, the system displays below the questions regarding the people that habitually reside in the household.
  • If it deals with a private dwelling and it is detected that it is occupied, the system displays the questions that will be presented below.

What is the origin of the drinking and cooking water of the dwelling?

Investigate the origin of the water used for drinking and cooking. This is fundamental in evaluating the health conditions of the population.

If the water is granted by a neighbor, investigate the origin of that water. That is to say, if it comes from a general network, deep well, or other source.

If the water used for drinking and cooking comes from more than one source, investigate the principal source and record only this one.

  • OSE or general network: In general this refers to the water from OSE, but it can be the case that it comes from other distribution companies.
  • Deep protected well: Vertical perforation in the ground until a profundity sufficiently deep is achieved that reaches a reserve of subterranean water. The well is protected if its walls are covered with an impermeable material and has a cover or closure on top.
  • Deep unprotected well: This is just like the previous category but without the impermeable walls, with or without a closure on top.
  • Cistern: a deposit destined to save water coming from the rain collected from the roof of the dwelling. It can be totally or partially underground. It generally includes metal or fiber cement tanks where the rain water is collected for drinking or cooking.
[p. 74]
  • Pipes: Well of little profundity where the water accumulates.
  • Stream, river.
  • Other: This category consists of origins that cannot be classified by any of the previous categories. The majority of the cases that are presented are covered in the previous categories, so that this option will be used only in very exceptional cases.