Questionnaire Text

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2. Indicate if the dwelling is: (VivVO03)
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[] 1 Occupied with residents present
[] 2 Occupied with residents absent
[] 3 Of temporary use
[] 4 For rent or sale
[] 5 Under construction or repair
[] 6 Ruined, destroyed, or uninhabitable
[] 7 Vacant
[] 8 Unknown
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6.4.1 Dwelling Occupation Conditions
  • Occupied with residents present: dwelling in which one or more households live/s habitually and at the moment of the survey by the census-taker one or more of the inhabitants is/are present.
  • Occupied with residents absent: dwelling in which one or more households live/s habitually and that, in the moment of the survey by the census-taker, none of the habitants or anyone else that is present can provide information.

In these cases investigate with the neighbors as to what time the residents of the dwelling can be found, leave a warning note and record the number in your DEP. If, after returning to the dwelling you do not find a resident you should leave a second warning note. If, after completing the third visit you still fail to contact one of the residents you should leave the last warning notice. If, after 72 hours you were not contacted by any of the residents in the dwelling, mark "occupied with residents absent" and report this situation to your boss.

The questions of the census must be answered by qualified informants. If the dwelling is occupied only by people that for some reason (age, health, etc.) cannot respond to the questions of the census, try to contact some person that can provide the information sought.

[p. 68]

Unoccupied: dwelling where no family resides habitually. Investigate and record which of the following situations applies:

  • Of temporary use: This is the case of the dwellings that don't have people residing temporarily or they only stay for a part of the time. A typical example is the dwellings in the resorts.
  • For sale or rent: Dwelling that, through exterior signs or information provided by neighbors is found in this situation.
  • Under construction or repair: Dwelling that has a finished roof and vertical enclosures including doors and windows. If it deals with a building of various units that is found in this stage of completion, complete a dwelling survey for each unit. If the dwelling is found in an inferior level of construction, do not record it with the dwelling survey.
  • In ruins, destroyed, or uninhabitable: dwelling in such conditions that do not permit occupation without significant repairs made. The shacks, that is to say those constructions with clay walls or waste materials that is generally found in rural areas, uninhabited and in ruins, should not be considered a dwelling, and because of such, should not be interviewed.
  • Vacant: Dwelling that, for legal reasons or upon the owner's wish, is found without habitual residents at the moment of the survey and is not classified under the previous situations.
  • Unknown: this consists of the dwellings that cannot be classified in one of the previous categories and of which you cannot obtain information.