Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

73. What does the firm that hires you do or produce?

[Question 73 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked for a wage in the private sector and is not a part of the firm that hired the person, as per questions 69 and 72.]

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Characteristics of the main job

73. What does the firm that hires you do or produce?

Like that indicated in question 68, it will be described with clear print and in a brief but precise form to achieve an adequate classification of the branch of the service, avoiding that in all the cases annotated like commercial, industrial, etc. and even more so the commercial name of the firm.

It's important to keep in mind that it is asked about the firm that contracts him. For example, a person who is contracted by a cleaning firm and does the cleaning in a high school, the response is: "Sale of cleaning services".