Questionnaire Text

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MI9. Where were you living five years ago (in 2001)?
[] 1 Wasn't born (go to F1)
[] 2 In this locality or place (go to F1)
[] In another locality or place of this department:

Locality _______ _ _ _

[] In another department

Department________ _ _
Locality_________ _ _ _

[] In another country

County________ _ _

(If resided abroad go to F1)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
J. Migration

For everyone in the household

MI9. Where were you living 5 years ago (in 2001)?

This question is asked of all the people of the household (of any age), so that if you are interviewing a person younger than 5, you must mark "Had not been born" and go to the module (F1).

If the person was living in the same locality or place in which he is being interviewed, circle the code "2" and go to the module (F1).

If the person was residing in another locality, record first of all the name of the department and then the name of the locality.

If the person was residing abroad, record the name of the country and go to the module (F1).