Questionnaire Text

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MI2. Where did you go to live immediately after birth?
[] 1 In this locality or place
[] In another locality or place of this department:

Locality _____________ _ _ _

[] In another department

Department ___________ _ _
Locality _____________ _ _ _

[] In another country

Country ___________ _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
J. Migration

For everyone in the household

MI2. Where did you go to live immediately after birth?

This question seeks to obtain information about the locality or place that constituted the first habitual residency of the person interviewed. Generally this deals with the same locality where his mother was living at the moment of his birth. Consequently, you must not note here the locality where the hospital or sanatorium was located or where the mother was moved for the birth of the interviewed person. For example, many mother residents from Canelones went to hospitals in Montevideo to give birth, if the question was asked more simply, where was he born?, many people would respond "in Montevideo" and the response would be erroneous, according to the objectives planted at the beginning.

If the person constituted his first habitual residency in the same locality or place in which he is being interviewed, circle the corresponding code (1).

If the person was living in another locality or place when he was born, note the name if it is in the same department of the interview. If the person was living in another locality or place when he was born, but a different department than that of the interview, you must note the name. Below, record the name of the locality or place. If he was born in another country, register the name of the country of birth.