Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.6 Previous jobs for unemployed

117. Why did you leave this job?

[Question 117 was asked of unemployed persons who had worked before, as per question 111.]

[] 1 Fired
[] 2 Establishment closed
[] 3 Contract ended
[] 4 Seasonal job [zafra] ended
[] 5 Inadequate wage/salary
[] 6 Study reasons
[] 7 Family reasons
[] 8 Retired
[] 9 Other reasons (resignation)

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Previous jobs of the unemployed

This collection of questions tries to find out the most recent labor history of the unemployed or inactive people.

[p. 58]

It is important to clarify that if the interviewee responds affirmatively in question 110 the response of this block should refer to that temporary job.

117. For which of the following reasons did you leave this job?

The objective is to know the main reason for which the interviewee left his last job, intending on one side to determine if the withdrawal was voluntary or not and one the other side to analyze the possible reintegration of the person in the job market.

The reasons connected to the business or firm are:

Layoff: he was a salaried worker and they let him go, being that the sanctioned him for a disciplinary reasons, that the firm was having problems and was not in need of so many workers, etc.

Establishment closed: this can deal with the closing of the work place of the salaried worker of the closing of the business of a self-employed worker or employer. For example in the case of a worker of domestic service that indicates that his employer passed away, this option will be marked.

Contract ended: the worker had been contracted to perform a job that ended, etc.

Seasonal job: This deals with the case of the seasonal worker.

Inadequate wage/salary: the salaried worker quit or the independent worker stopped working because it didn't help him to continue performing that activity since the remuneration was very low.

Study reasons: in that moment, he preferred to dedicate more time to studies and the work did not permit him to do so.

Family reasons: in that moment, some reason linked to family made him take the decision to stop working.

He or she retired.

Other reasons (resignation): this refers to any other reason for quitting. Reasons for quitting must always be chosen; the loss of job occasioned by motives of the company or firm must be classified in the first five options. A person could say: "I left because they were going to throw me out" or "I left before they could fire me". In spite of the person indicating a reason that signals that he firm was going to make the decision, we will put this in this option "Other reasons".

Just like in the previous cases, if the interviewee responds with more than one reason he will be invited to determine which one of them was the main one.