Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.6 Previous jobs for unemployed

113. With respect to your last job, how long since you cease working there? If it is less than a year, register the number of months.

[Question 113 was asked of unemployed persons who had worked before, as per question 111.]

_ _ Months
_ _ Years

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Previous jobs of the unemployed

This collection of questions tries to find out the most recent labor history of the unemployed or inactive people.

[p. 58]

It is important to clarify that if the interviewee responds affirmatively in question 110 the response of this block should refer to that temporary job.

113. With respect to your last job, how long ago did you cease working there?

If the person answers the number of years, they will be noted in the boxes above the "Years". If it is less than one year since he left this job, the number of months will be noted in the boxes above the "Months".

If the person answers the number of months and they are more than 12 (more than one year of time) an estimate will be made, in such a way that six months or more will become one year while 5 months or fewer will not be counted. For example: if the person says 15 months, "1 year" will be noted; if the person says 18 or 20 months, "2 years" will be noted.