Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

64 Even though you did not work last week, do you have a job or business that you are going back to for sure?

[Question 64 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked less than one hour last week, as per questions 62 and 63.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to section F.5)

F.5 Search of a job for those unemployed

110. During this time, did you perform any temporary job?

[Question 110 was asked of unemployed persons age 14 or older who were looking for job in the last four weeks, as per questions 102 and 104.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Job search of the unemployed

In this block of questions the interview continues with those people who are not working.

Unemployed: is any person who during the reference period considered (last week) is not working because of not having work, is actively looking for work, and is available to start working right now. By definition, those people who are not looking for work since they are waiting for the results of processes already started and those who begin working in the next 30 days are also unemployed.

[p. 55]

Inactive: is any person who, during the reference period considered, did not work and didn't carry out concrete steps or is not available to work right now.

110. During this time, did you perform any temporary job?

The interest is to know if during the time that the interviewee indicated that he was looking for work, performed some temporary job, that's to say if he occupied himself in something passing in order to earn an income that allows him to cover his budget. Generally as these jobs are done in passing and don't fulfill the aspirations of the people, they are not considered as jobs for the interviewees (an example can be cited: substitute cargo worker, cleaner of some garden, painter of the wall of a house, etc.).

An affirmative response to this question, using the base of the aforementioned, will permit us to understand prolonged job search times on the part of the interviewee and improve the response.

If the interviewee indicates that he has performed some temporary job, you must consult:

The time in weeks that you indicated it is since this temporary job to today?

If the response is affirmative: you will continue with the interview.

If the response is negative: you must reform question 108 requesting that the job search time is since this temporary work ended until today.

The characteristics requested in questions 113 to 118 must refer to the last job performed by the interviewee, that's to say if he indicated doing some temporary job, you must have the surety that all the responses to these questions are referring to that one. In order to facilitate the task you must clarify before starting this series: "With respect to that temporary job that you indicated to me..."

As seen with this all the questions refer to the same thing, that's to say to the last job performed by the interviewee (independently of whether it was recognized or not by him, or similarly whether it was temporary or not).