Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

64 Even though you did not work last week, do you have a job or business that you are going back to for sure?

[Question 64 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked less than one hour last week, as per questions 62 and 63.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to section F.5)

F.5 Search of a job for those unemployed

109. If answered 24 or more weeks, during all this time, did you take any concrete actions?

[Question 109 was asked of unemployed persons age 14 or older who had been looking for job for m24 or more weeks, as per questions 102, 104, and 108.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Job search of the unemployed

In this block of questions the interview continues with those people who are not working.

Unemployed: is any person who during the reference period considered (last week) is not working because of not having work, is actively looking for work, and is available to start working right now. By definition, those people who are not looking for work since they are waiting for the results of processes already started and those who begin working in the next 30 days are also unemployed.

[p. 55]

Inactive: is any person who, during the reference period considered, did not work and didn't carry out concrete steps or is not available to work right now.

109. (If looked for 24 or more weeks), during all this time did you take any concrete actions?

[p. 57]

Just as established in the previous question, we are interested in knowing if during the whole time the person took uninterrupted concrete actions in order to look for work.

It has been seen that in many cases certain people who even when having firm intentions of incorporating themselves into the job market, during periods (of study, or for other obligations or reasons) abandon the active search since they can"No"longer do it, but at the moment of responding to question 108 omit removing these times and don't indicate until that last moment that they reinitiated it. Thus, this question is added in order to classify the unemployed for continuous search time or not.

The same criteria of question 105 will be used in terms of the job search (concrete actions).

In synthesis this question will allow us to determine for long searches if the person did it with interruptions or not.