Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.4 Search of other jobs for those employed

99. Why you do not work usually more hours per week?

[Question 99 was asked of employed persons who wanted to and were available to work more hours, as per questions 97 and 98.]

[] 1 Respondent is studying
[] 2 Health reasons
[] 3 Family or personal reasons
[] 4 Does not find more work

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Job search of the employed

This block of questions has as its objective to know about the search of another job in addition to the current one in order to be able to determine situations of underemployment.

What is an underemployed? Any person who workers less than the normal work day (in our country it has been considered to be 40 hours), desires to work more hours, and is available to do so.

99. Why don't you usually work more hours per week?

This question confirms or not the availability to work more hours, since by attending to the conditions required in order to be considered an underemployed person, it's necessary to be able to effectively work more. Even though many would like it, if they have family or personal reasons that impede them, they are not considered underemployed.

Therefore this question allows us to annotate the situations of underemployment, given that when the alternative are read in the order established, the interviewee will recognize, if it corresponds, the limitation for which he cannot work more hours.

In the cases in which the interviewee responds with more than one of the options that are presented in the questionnaire, he will be asked to indicate the main one, marking only one.