Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.4 Search of other jobs for those employed

95. Are you looking for another job to change your current job or complement it?

[Question 95 was asked of employed persons who were looking for another job, as per question 94.]

[] 1 Change
[] 2 Complement

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Job search of the employed

This block of questions has as its objective to know about the search of another job in addition to the current one in order to be able to determine situations of underemployment.

What is an underemployed? Any person who workers less than the normal work day (in our country it has been considered to be 40 hours), desires to work more hours, and is available to do so.

95. Is it to change your current job or complement it?

Seeking to change: when the person is looking for a job with the objective of abandoning his current job, while what deals with a search for complementing is when the person looks for a job that allows him to maintain his current job, adding an additional job.