Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

83. In the last three years, how many times did you change your main occupation?

_ Indicate the number if it is fewer than five times
[] 6 More than five

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Characteristics of the main job

83. In the last three years, how many times did you change your main occupation?

This question desires to know the rotation of the people between jobs and indicate how many workers (and their characteristics) suffer from employment instability. There is a distinction between those who changed up to five times, and [those who changed] more than five times. In the first case, you must specify the quantity of times (between 0 and 5). If they didn't change jobs, indicate "0".

Keep in mind that in the case of dependent workers, the different number of employers (bosses) is considered. In the case of self-employed workers, the different number of occupations or trades is considered. For example: if he has been gardener, carpenter, and barber indicate "3". If he only has worked as gardener but in different houses, it corresponds to indicate "1", as well as if he has only been brick-layer even though he has constructed or repaired various houses.