Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

77. Is your job in this department?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

In which department? (specify) ________ _ _

[] 3 In other country

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Characteristics of the main job

77. Is this job in this department?

The objective that this question seeks is to study the special mobility of the population for labor reasons with the end of determining the existence or not of the departments that have additional labor force for the premise.

What is of interest is to know whether the person develops his labor activity in a department distinct from his habitual residency.

According to the response and if it corresponds, you will note the name of the department to which the interviewee transfers in order to perform his work. If the person interviewed is a bus chauffer of an international or interdepartmental route and the agency is found within the department where he resides, it will not be considered as a transfer.

A situation that can arise is the labor migration outside of Uruguay, in this case the option "In another country" will be signaled.