Questionnaire Text

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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

72. The establishment that you work for, is it part of the firm that hires you?

[Question 72 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked for a wage in the private sector, as per question 69.]

[] 1 Yes (go to question 74)
[] 2 No

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Characteristics of the main job

72. Is the establishment that you work for part of the firm that hires you?

This desires to identify the case in which the worker is contracted by a company but develops his tasks in another.

Returning to the example of question 68, in which the person is contracted by a cleaning company and does the cleaning in a high school, the response to the question is: "No". In this case, question 73 will be asked.