[Questions 34- 41 were asked of persons age 14 or older]
(If the person is younger than 14, go to section E.2).
37. What is your marital status?
[Question 37 was asked of persons age 14 or older who were not in a civil marriage union, as per questions 34 and 36.]
[] 1 Divorced
[] 2 Married (includes persons who are not yet divorced, even if they are not living together)
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Single
37. What is your marital status?
This question is asked
- Of the people who declare not having a spouse in the household in question 34
- Of the people who declare being in a "Consensual union" in question 36
Ask the question and read all the codes that appear in the list.
While in the previous questions (34 and 36) the conjugal situation of the people (living or not with a partner) is investigated, this question seeks to capture marital status.
For example
- A person who is in a consensual union can have any of the following marital statuses:
a) Divorced
b) Married (separated from a previous partner with whom he was married and still hasn't divorced)
c) Widow
d) Single
- A person who does not have a spouse currently in the household can be in any of the categories making up this question.
In contrast to the couples who declared having been in a civil matrimony, the members of a relationship who are in a "Consensual union" can each have a different marital status. One member of the couple can declare [to be] "Divorced" while the other can be "Married (separated and still not divorced)".