Questionnaire Text

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16. The bathroom is:
[Question 16 was asked of dwellings that had a bathroom, as per question 14.]

[] 1 For exclusive use of this household
[] 2 Shared with other household

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14. Does this dwelling have a bathroom?

This question and those that follow are also asked to determine the living conditions of the people as well as their level of sanitation. A dwelling is considered as having sanitary service when it has at least one space that has a bathroom, latrine, or toilet--with or without a cistern.

According to the response, the corresponding code will be marked. Whenever the item "No" is marked, the interview continues with question 18.

15. How many bathrooms does it have?

Indicate the quantity of bathrooms.

16. The bathroom is:

Indicate if the bathroom is of exclusive use of the household or shared with other households. Even though it is common that those dwellings inhabited by more than one household share sanitary service, it can also be that the dwelling has more than one bathroom and each household uses one exclusively.