Questionnaire Text

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MV7. How did you obtain this dwelling?
[Question MV7 was asked of households who owned or were paying to own the dwelling, as per question 7.]

(Mark the main alternative)

[] 1 Own resources (go to question MV10)
[] 2 Private bank loan (go to question MV10)
[] 3 Cooperative funds (go to question MV10)
[] 4 Other private loans (go to question MV10)
[] 5 Inheritance (go to question MV10)
[] 6 It was a gift (go to question MV10)
[] 7 Public loan or program

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MV7. How did you obtain this dwelling? (mark the principal option)

This seeks to know the principal way the dwelling was acquired. If the respondent names more than one option, ask that he identify the main one. In case he indicates that he obtained it through a credit or public program, move to the following question.